Saturday, January 19, 2019


Hope everyone is having a good weekend. It is Saturday evening and our big snow/ice event has begun.
 OK, that is not a very impressive photo is it? But you can see there's a few flakes coming down and we have a dusting.

By the time I get up in the morning there is suppose to be a lot more. They say it is going to really get going sometimes between 10PM and the wee hours of the morning. The cupboards and refrigerator are full,  the woodstove is already on to get rid of the chill in the house and I'm in my comfy pjs which I plan on being the outfit for the weekend. (Well maybe not this pair for the whole rest of the weekend. Smile.)
I started a new  journal so I can play with some vintage style pages. Here's the first version of the cover. 
 I decided I wanted to try something new so I used my finger to rub a bit of liquid glue onto spots and then added some gold leaf. Instead of really loading on the glue I kept glueing in little spots so that I would get bits of gold. I wanted it to look like it had been well loved for many years.
But of course once you add something shiny you get those photo reflections like at the top of the page.  The bottom of the page shows you much more clearly what it looks like. The top looks a little blobby.

And in the time it took me to write this post, I noticed the snow had gotten heavier. (Most of the snow you see is out by the garden is the old crusty stuff we have had on the ground for awhile now.)

Enjoy the end of your weekend.


  1. I love your vintage journal cover-I look forward to seeing more
    our weather report showed the east coast is suppose to get hit hard-stay warm and safe-

  2. Love the new journal you have started. It sure looks cold there, brrrrr! Enjoy your PJ weekend, have fun and stay warm. Hugs, Valerie

  3. Of course I LOVE this cover, - no surprised!! Those swirls look super, ate they moulds? I always use a glue stick when I want to add gold flecks, it works great!

    That is some snow coming down, stay safe and warm!

  4. Eek! I hope you keep warm in your PJs Erika, and the snow doesn't stay too long!
    I love the bling on your vintage page!
    Happy Sunday,
    Alison xox

  5. We have snow on the way too. In fact some of it is already here. Better get out the shovel!

  6. Looks like you are in for a bit of it, although it doesn't sound QUITE as bad as they predicted yesterday. Stay warm and cozy, I'm FREEZING at 51F and I even have my little heater next to me, too,

    You are starting out with a gorgeous cover for your vintage journal. I love it. Gold is hard to photograph, but that gold leaf looks fabulous.

    GO CHIEFS! (Like I told CJ, I can't help it)

  7. I'll remember this technique -it turned out so well- thx for a new idea :)

    We got a bit of snow, too. If we looked hard in the right direction we could actually see flakes falling ;) and it stuck in a couple of places in a layer that must've been all of two flakes think lol This morning there's still a bit left at the edge of the garage roof.

    Enjoy your warm house and your pjs and your lovely snow view :)

  8. It sounds like you are well prepared and organised for the snow. I hope it isn't too heavy overnight for you. Stay safe and warm.
    Your vintage style page looks beautiful, its going to be a lovely journal.
    Yvonne xx

  9. Lovely cover. I don't think the storm was as bad as the weather dudes were saying or maybe hoping for. I'm not complaining. We still have electricity.

  10. Great journal you started, Erika.
    Beautiful photos with snow!!!!!!!! Kisses!!!!!!!!!!

  11. All I can say is, the overtime started with the luck of a coin toss in the beginning, but was won by the Pats when they made all those big plays at the end. Congrats.

  12. I love this vintage cover - it looks amazing!
    I so hope you didn't get too much of this white stuff again!
    But we have winter - and we are used to it during winters aren't we?!
    Hope you have a good start on Tuedays and driving will be o.k.!

    Hugs, Susi

  13. wow, i love your page,love the gold and the stripes around the page,your china tag is so sweet.
    they are so much snow by you,here is snow too.
    have a great day,dear erika.

    hugs jenny

  14. Very nice piece, Erika. Love the color palette and the vintage additions are really nice.

  15. Ooh, those photos make me shiver.
    Love your Vintage piece. This is one of my favourite topics and this certainly fits the bill. Love the addition of the gold you have used - just the right amount. The backing paper which looks crumpled is gorgeous, I love paper which imitates creasing and I love creasing the paper and rubbing with ink too. Ooh, given me an idea for something i would like to do. Thanks for the inspiration and thanks for sharing such a lovely page/cover.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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