Sunday, January 13, 2019

Circles and Lines

Hi everyone. Hope you are having (or had) a nice weekend. Here in New Hampshire we've had a bit of cold  weather but lots of sunshine. I have eaten too many pieces of birthday cake . Saturday my mother-in-law turned 85 and there was a family party for her. It's also been an American football game watching weekend as  it is playoff time (as Elizabeth mentioned yesterday) and so the hubby and I have been watching a few of the games.

But I do have this modern page for Alison's Geometric Shapes challenge over at Art Journal Journey.  
This page began when I added the left over edges of a round sticker and I stuck that down onto a sheet of paper that I had cleaned a dirty paintbrush on. You can see the large round circle towards the top center of the page where I put that sticker "trash". 
Then I painted the page with some light green Martha Stewart paint. To make the circles, I took a piece of pipe insulation foam (the pipe would slide inside of this) and painted the round end which I used  as a stamp. Then I added a bunch of paper tape to make "lines". Finally I grabbed a few bits off my work table and added them to finish off the page.
I am also going to join up to Dianella Rogell's Think Monday challenge which is tape this week. This year she is opening up her challenges to more than ATCs.
That's all for me today.  Thanks for visiting. 


  1. Lovely page Erika, you always have such good ideas. Glad you had a fun weekend, that birthday cake must have been good!I had a rest day here. Hugs, Valerie

  2. ohh dont we just love circles and geometric shapes..
    great modern page you did..
    and yes i used ALOT of embroidery yarn, iam lucky to have much of it. ;O))

  3. Sounds like you have had a busy weekend Erika, a Birthday celebration and watching a favourite sport on TV sounds good to me.
    I love your journal page and the design. It was a great circle stamp idea as well.
    Yvonne xx

  4. Fun page. Makes me think of the football coach's play map with the x and o. What a great present you got for your birthday. Tom and Rob were so thoughtful

  5. I have to say...I am so thankful my hubby doesn’t like sports unless the Montreal Canadiens are in the playoffs. Happy belated birthday to your mom! I’m still finishing up stuff from Christmas and then I plan to be strict. I like your page especially with the green

  6. You took a very cool stamp for the! Super!
    That's such a great page for Art Journal Journey and Danilea will be happy to see you at TMTA!
    I love those colours together .. this green blue against the red always is a fantastic combination and the depth here amazes me!
    85 is a wonderful age! I hope she feels well again!
    Have a great start into the new week and thank you for supporting AJJ again! You are simply the best!
    Bug hugs, Susi

  7. Some very clever ideas on your page today Erika, love how you created those circles.
    Enjoy the sunshine while it lasts and have a good week ahead!

  8. I love the energy of the tape strips criss-crossing the page, and the foam-stamped circles echo the teapot circle in the centre so nicely. Enjoy your sunshine (and the cake and the football!).
    Alison x

  9. I love the abstract path you took to deploy the tapes. Thanks for sharing your art at TMTA & more.

  10. This is a really great journal page......I do love me some circles!
    Thanks for the kind words you left on my blog.

  11. So many challenges! It is interesting to see all the ideas and how people interpret them :) Happy Birthday to your mother-in-law!

  12. I love the idea of stretching yourself with challenges and yet I just can't get into it myself! At least I get to see yours!

    Sounds like a wonderful weekend. All that makes life so good!

  13. A brilliant page for my theme at AJJ Erika!
    Hope you have a good week.
    Alison xxx

  14. You make it sound so easy, Erika. You just grab some junk that's laying around and make a very cool page like this!

    It's nice to see you at AJJ. Hugs, Eileen

  15. I may be in the minority of folks who would have liked a bit of snow to go along with the cold weather. But I do not have to drive to work so can understand others not feeling the same. My husband watched football over the weekend too and I did anything else!

  16. I'm not sure how I missed this fun post, Erika. I really LOVE the abstract nature of this journal page. It is wonderful. I have extra pipe insulation foam, but hadn't considered using it for this challenge. Now I just have to find where I put it (grin). SO glad you shared this with us at Art Journal Journey.


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