Monday, January 14, 2019

T Stands for Lots of Birthdays

Hello T Gang ladies and any other visitors. It is Tuesday again (and already). Time for T.
Stop by  Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog and join as we share our drink related photos.

Last weekend seemed to be a birthday celebration weekend for me. No, it was not my birthday.

On Friday after work we had a little get together for one of my colleagues who turned 50 at New Years. Our  group hadn't gotten together outside of work for quite some time, so it was fun to have a chance to chat and socialize. 
In this restaurant where we met was a specialty tequila bar. And you might know I like a good margarita. So even though they were twice as costly as most Mexican places charge, I ordered one. So did 3 of my other co-workers. And oh my goodness, it was horrible! The worse margarita I have ever had. My co-workers had the same thoughts too.  I certainly won't order one if I ever go back there, but I don't think I will be rushing back.

And then on Saturday we had my Mother-in-law's 85th birthday. She isn't doing all that well, so my sister-in-law (with whom my MIL lives with now) had the whole immediate family over for lunch.
I was most surprised when my sister-in-law asked if I would make the birthday cake. Her husband is a professional pastry chef, and I just assumed he would make the cake. But he didn't have time, so she asked me. 
I felt a little bit like I had to make it special.
And it came out really good too. It was devil's food filled with a white chocolate espresso ganache and with a vanilla buttercream. (No calories in this cake either-ha-ha!)
I got the 2 thumbs up from the pastry chef.
And it was a good time to take some family photos too. You can see my husband and I were getting ready for Sunday's football game as we were wearing out team shirts. (And you can tell it was a really cold day with my big sweater under my football shirt.)
And then there was a photo of the granddaughters (except one who was away at college) and their beaus.
And of course since it is T Day  I need to show you my drink. Back when I went to Vermont in early December I had tried a drink called a holiday daiquiri. Well my brother-in-law the pastry chef managed to replicate the drink and so I had one.

Way better than margarita!

Wishing you all a happy T day!
And thanks for visiting.


  1. I would have been really disappointed over the margaritas-my favorite drink-and I probably would have sent it back if it was that bad.
    the cake you made looks awesome-I am not good at baking cakes-yours looks so pretty and delicious.
    Your last drink looks delicious too
    Happy T hugs Kathy

  2. LOVE me a good margarita too, sorry this one was so horrible...yuck!
    Now that holiday daiquiri really caught my eye....sounds delicious!
    Well, that was a birthday cake! So many layers.... Well done!
    Thank for sharing and dropping by my blog
    Happy T-day

  3. Glad you had some festive times with friends and family, even if the drinks weren't good! The cake you made looks wonderful, as do all of your baked goods, yummy. All the best for your MiL, great that the whole family was able to come together. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  4. I'm not into margaritas, so I wouldn't know a bad one from a good one. I think I would have complained, though. I have been known to do that on occasion. Too bad it was for a birthday party, too.

    Speaking of birthday parties, it sounds like your mother had a super one. She looks so happy surrounded by all the children and grand children. And that cake is TO DIE FOR!!!

    I like the looks of the holiday daiquiri. Maybe it's because of the star anise. Thanks for sharing the birthday "girl" and her cake, as well as photos of everyone, too. thank, too for sharing the lousy margarita (which wasn't even in a margarita glass) and your daiquiri with us for T this Tuesday.

  5. cheers! oh pleazzze hand me over a piece of that calorie free devil´s food cake... i don´t make such elaborate cakes, never ever, but it looks like worth every sin!!
    nice to see all the smiling faces! happy t-day ♥

  6. It looks like you have been having a wonderful time with your friends and family, discounting the margarita 😉. The cake that you made looks amazing and so yummy! Glad you had a fun time, it must have been lovely celebration with all the family! Wishing you a Happy T Day! J 😊 x

  7. Not so much into margaritas but I would have said something considering the price. Lovely family celebration and photos. Your cake looks so decadent and delicious! Holiday drink sounds interesting. Hope you don't get hit with too much snow this coming weekend. Happy T day!

  8. I don't care for margaritas though I had a frozen strawberry margarita once that that was very good. Your cake looks awesome! OMG I want a piece of that cake! Nice family pics. Your Pats jerseys made me smile. The star anise looks so pretty as a garnish in that cocktail. Happy T Day she said trying not to think about the weather forecast for the weekend

  9. ALMOST nothing better than a good margarita -- but I think you might have found it! Looks like loads of fun!

  10. What a shame about the margaritas, Erika. It's pretty hard to mess up a margarita. That's a beautiful cake you made for your m-i-l. I bet she was pleased. It sounds yummy too. I enjoyed your photos.

    Yay! Your team won!!

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  11. What a shame about your margarita :( I think we need your holiday daiquiri recipe ;)

    I'd have been quite intimidated to make a cake that would be eaten by a chef. It looks gorgeous! Congrats! Happy T Tuesday :)

  12. Its not good when a drink doesn't meet expectations, But it sounds like you didn't let it upset your outing with your colleagues.
    The cake you made for your MIL's birthday looks delicious and your family photos show that you were all happy to be celebrating together.
    Happy T day wishes Erika.
    Yvonne xx

  13. It's great you had such a good time socializing with your co-workers. Even though the margharita was not up to scratch. I wouldn't know. I don't think I've ever had a margharita (knowingly).
    A family gettogether always calls for some photos. Especially if there is an elderly person like your mother. These photos are great.
    But oh my! that cake! I am salivating (it is midnight and I have had my supper) That cake must be so scrumptious! No need for a professional pastry chef.I would love a piece. (Sod the calories!)
    Happy T-Day,

  14. Best margarita I ever had was at The Blue Coyote Grill in Palm Springs, CA. Sonny Bono was mayor back then. I wonder if the place still exists?

  15. I really hate it when you order your favorite drink and they totally screw it up!! That cake looks fantastic and it was so great of you to take all of the calories out ;)
    Thanks for stopping by my blog for a visit and I will do my best to direct the snow away from both of us!!!!
    Happy T Day!!

  16. I too love a Margarita. Was introduced to them by my friend in America. We couldn't get the ingredients to make them way back then over here in the UK so she searched and searched and found some sachets that made them with the addition of Tequila. You know I still have some, she bought me that many.
    So sorry yours turned out disappointing.
    Oh Erika you have reminded me of our many trips to El Presidente. Sadly my friend passed last May so that chapter of my life has ended, I do miss her, she was the best. Loved her so much.
    Anyway, glad you had a good old family get together - you certainly look happy on the photos - all of you. What a lovely occasion to celebrate.
    Hugs Neet xx

  17. Looks like it was a wonderful time with your family and the cakeyou made looks out of this world! I would love to try a slice! For me no margarita or daiquiri at the moment. I have the sniffles and drink a lot of tea now!
    All is well here except of my cold...
    hope it is all well at your end of the world too my friend!
    Hugs, Susi

  18. Great set of photos and the no calorie cake you made looks delicious! ;-)

  19. What a special time for your mother in law with the family. And that cake both sounds and looks scrumptious! Great T day post!

  20. Thanks for sharing the birthday celebration, Erika, and it was lovely to see all the family members as well. I would have opted for the daquiri over a Margarita too.

  21. I am making it around late this week so a Happy Belated Tea Day, Erika. Your cake looks and sounds delicious. Having a pastry chef in the family sounds like something I would love and my waist line would hate. Haha. I have a weakness for pastries and sweets. Looks like a lovely birthday celebration with your MIL.
    Happy Weekend,

  22. Sorry that your evening didn't turn out so good! The Birthday party looks great though and the cake you made looks spectacular!! Belated happy T day! Chrisx


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