Monday, January 28, 2019

T Stands for a Relaxing Sunday

Hi everyone. T Day has rolled around again and so it is time to share our drink related photos over at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog.  It's always fun to see what everyone has been up to!
This past weekend my daughter came home. We were very busy all day Saturday, and it was nice to relax at home on Sunday with a fun project.
I had recently bought a puzzle. I thought it would be a fun thing to have one going during these cold winter months.

 My husband made me this fantastic puzzle board out of plywood and some trim wood many years ago. I haven't done a puzzle for awhile so I dug it out of storage and wiped the dust off.
My daughter and I spent A cloudy Sunday afternoon having intense puzzle building time together.

Puzzle concentration requires a bit of sugar so when my husband took off to go to the grocery store we requested he bring us home a bag of peanut M and M's.   And a little caffeine doesn't hurt either. 

 We got a lot done on the puzzle but finally we hit the animal noses. All these black pieces look so similar.
It was fascinating to see how our puzzle making styles differed. I like to put a pile of pieces that I believe go  together first and then do all the connecting. My daughter likes to work piece by piece. I guess we make a good puzzle team because I would dig out the pieces and then she would assemble them.
Of course this is as far as we got and now she is back at her apartment on the other side of the state. Guess I can use my own style to finish it.
Hope everyone has a great T day.


  1. LOVE jigsaw puzzles!! I even have a jigsaw puzzle app on my phone! The puzzle you chose made me giggle......I love it!
    And you got the right M&Ms, and the right size bag too!
    Hope you show the puzzle when you have it all finished, those animals are so darn cute!
    Happy T-day

  2. oh what fun- I would love to join you Erika (peanut M&Ms-yum!)! I tend to work on puzzles much like you do. We're supposed to be getting another shot of frigid air- and snow tomorrow-hope you don't get it too. Happy T day!

  3. I enjoy puzzles but rarely do them. My neighbor often has one set up in the winter. I sometimes wander over there for a little puzzle time. :)
    Happy T day!

  4. I love puzzles and this is a fun way to spend time with your daughter. I am someone who must do all the edges first and then I work in areas that look “easy”. Glad you had fun.

  5. Hi This brought back very old memories for me. when I was a kid growing up we almost always had a big puzzle going-all of good family time. and your M&M's are just perfect for this too-
    Happy T hugs Kathy

  6. Wow, what a fantastic puzzle! Love all those sweet doggy faces! The puzzle board is a great idea, too, and coke always helps! And M&Ms, yummy! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  7. oh, that reminds me we also had such a puzzle board made by my FIL and it was very useful when the kids were little and we did not have time to finish a puzzle in one session. i pushed the board under the sofa to rest until we had time to work on.
    happy t-day, dear erika ♥

  8. Gosh your puzzle looks fabulous and fun. The faces of the animals are a joy to see. I think you will be spending many happy hours getting the puzzle into shape. I look forward to you sharing a photo of it when its completed.
    Happy T day wishes Erika.
    Yvonne xx

  9. A great puzzle to fill the dark nights and your husband made you a terrific board. We have a fold away one but I usually buy 1000 puzzles and they do fit on the board but not all the pieces do while we are trying to make the picture. They tend to be all over the place so we get exercise as well looking in the different places.

    Have a really Happy T Day

    Love Chrissie xx

  10. Not surer where my comment went so here I am doing another one.

    Love the puzzle and the beautiful board that your husband made. We bought a fold-up board and it does hold the 1000 piece puzzle but there isn't room for to spread out all of the pieces.

    Have a really Happy T Day

    Love Chrissie xx

  11. You got quite far with this puzzle! I am more like your daughter -piece by Even a puzzle board - SUPER! I used to do this with my lovely grandma 35 years ago, as I lived with her at that time - but she always put so much together while I was working or at school - it always made me grumpy -- and often in the end one or two parts were missed.
    Happy T-Day - and I am looking forward to see this amazing puzzle finished!

    Big hugs, Susi

  12. Fun looking puzzle for you and your daughter to work on together during her visit. And I like the idea of having M&Ms while working on it. Stay warm and dry for the latest round of snow and arctic air to come through the Northeast. Ugh. Happy T-Day!

  13. Yes, I'd love to join you. I would even be tempted to have some M&Ms (but they are not good if you are trying to lose weight.)
    I love doing puzzles and I always have one on the go. Yours looks fun with all those animals. My system is more by colours. Or other recognisable parts. I make a little heap of those. Towards the end I work by shape of the pieces. Good puzzles have many different shapes and towards the end where there is that one little piece missing somewhere, I'll look at the shape and take it off that particular pile. When a puzzle is very detailed I like to work piece by piece as I can usually figure out where, more or less, it goes. The one I am doing now is that detailed. That makes it a lot easier.
    Your daughter will be annoyed when she comes next time to find you have progressed significantly, or God forbid, you have finished it! Or perhaps she is not like that.
    Happy T-Day,

  14. You did well -- that doesn't look to be an easy one. I'm a divide-the-pieces-into-colors-or-areas kind of person.I think it's good when your puzzle partner has a different style -- as long as they don't mess up yours!

  15. I haven't done a puzzle in a long time.Mostly because there really isn't a place to keep the puzzle set up. Cool board that your hubby made for you. I start a puzzle by putting all the straight edges together and then I think my style is more like your daughter's. The puzzle picture made me smile and you picked a most excellent snack. Happy puzzling and happy T Day

  16. What a funny puzzle, Erika. I would smile all the while putting it together. Such goofy faces. How nice you had a visit with your daughter. You are so close even thought she's grown and moved away. Lucky you.

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  17. It's been years since I worked a puzzle. Having a board to work it on would make all the difference. I see y'all like M&Ms the same way we do -the bigger the bag, the better :) Happy T Tuesday!

  18. That’s a great puzzle board, Erika, and I wondered how large a puzzle it could accomodate. I have helped work on a few puzzles in the local library. We naver had them in my home when I was growing up. It’s nice that you and daughter shared a fun afternoon and M&Ms are also good for energy. My husband will attest to this fact!

  19. Sounds like a wonderful weekend and the fun image on your puzzle made me smile 😉. When we visit family over Christmas they always have a jigsaw on the go, which I enjoy doing with them although I'm pretty quick at completing them so I'm not sure whether they like me helping or not 😉. Yours looks a bit tricky though - enjoy! Wishing you a very Happy T Day! J 😊 x

  20. I have now learnt that one cannot do comments on an ipad, so I apologise for all those occasions that I appear not to have commented (I always do, eventually) and from now on I will use my desk top computer even if it means being a day late as we are always away on Tuesdays.

  21. Your puzzle is looking good! Hubby loves puzzles and we have done several together. I don't have the patience for puzzles but I am sure m & m's make it all better. Sounds like the perfect way to bond with your daughter.
    Happy Tea Day,

  22. What a lovely Winter time project. My daughter and I love to work jigsaws, but she is many states away now. I tried it with my husband, but he quickly gets bored. I got rid of all our jigsaws when we moved and downsized last year. We had some good ones that we worked year after year when grandkids were small. A giant muppet puzzle with ET, One with Christmas baubles, that had 8 special large Christmas shaped pieces that went into it.

    Nice T Day post! Have a great week!

  23. I love puzzles, Erika, but I have never tried to make a big one. I think I am not patient enough. My sister loves making big puzzles. I am sure that when you finish it, it will be great. And I love the base that your husband made. It seems very convenient to keep there all the puzzles together. Kisses, my friend.

  24. I do love jigsaw puzzles and have just got back into starting one at our caravan - looking forward to going back and finishing it! This does look quite difficult - I use your method too! Happy T day! Chrisx

  25. Just catching up Erika, that jigsaw puzzle looks hard! Seeing this brought back many happy memories of when my DD was at home, we always did puzzles together, unfortunately, the puzzles all went with her when she moved out, maybe I should borrow some. Hope it doesn't take too long to finish.
    Avril xx

  26. Thank you for joining T yesterday. I'm so pleased you showed up, even though I was unavailable. Please check my Wednesday post I still haven't written to see where I have been. Thanks, too, for your visits and kind comments while I was away. I'll be back soon to visit and see what I have missed. For now, just be aware, I am so grateful for your visit and continued support of T Tuesday, dear Erika.


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