Sunday, January 27, 2019


Another Sunday night here in New Hampshire. This weekend was busy with my daughter home, and Saturday we took a trip down to visit my Mom which is a little over 2 hours in each direction. It was a good visit and we ran some errands on the way home which all worked out even though when we got home we realized our basement deep freezer had stopped working. Ugh! A few things that were still frozen  we packed into cooler bags and put outside in the cold, but most of the rest of the contents were thawed and other than what we kept to eat the next couple of days, had to be thrown out.  It's couldn't have been off too many days because I had just put a couple of things into it last weekend and it was working then.
So even though I had no art time this weekend, I have been on a creative roll, and one of the projects I am working on is finishing up my Japan travel journal from last spring. This year's school trip is going to be a huge group with over 20 kids compared to the 8 that went with us last year. I wish I could go again but I also understand why they want to open it up to other staff members.
 I made a paper collage on the cover as you can see. I am not sure if it is finished yet or not, but it looks a little unfinished yet to me. I guess it depends if I get inspired to do anything else.
Here's a few other pages I recently made and also a few older pages that I don't think I showed you. 

 Don't you love my inky fingers in this photo?

 This next page may or may not be done. I found these fussy cut elements in a magazine I brought home and I really think they are super graphics. I don't know what they say, but hopefully nothing horrible.
Time is flying with January ending this week, and that's the current challenge at Try It On Tuesday You still have lots of time to participate so think about joining us.
Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend and has a great start to the new week.


  1. Oh that sucks about your freezer. It’s a shame you couldn’t cook it all mom did that when her freezer went kerplunk. I love the Asian theme with the famous tidal wave. All the pages are so great and loving your fingers as they remind me of my own fingers

  2. Sorry about your freezer. Love the pages you have shown today, you have a very memorable journal. Hope you enjoyed the time with your daughter and your Mom. Hugs, Valerie

  3. Ouch, that freezer story sounds bad, how horrible... Hope not too much went to waste....

    Sounds as if the rest of the weekend was fun and wonderful further pages in your Japan journal! It must be huge by now with so many amazing memories!!

  4. Wow! So you went to Japan and what a lovely lot of Japanese papers? I'd be feeling faint at using them all at once and covering up bits of them - they're just TOO precious to use.

    Hope you sort out the freezer situation - it's upsetting when food is wasted in that way but hopefully you'll have a feast of whatever needs to be used up quickly!

    Have a great week.

    Cath x

  5. Sorry to hear about your freezer! Nasty! We had this a few years ago but were happy to recognize in an early stage of not freezing and could bring the most things to our neighbour who had enough space in his second freezer for us till we got a new one. Your Japan pages are simply amazing! I love that you even have your name written... wonderful journal dear Erika!
    Sounds you had a nice time at your Mom and with your lovely daughter anyway!
    Family is a gift we have to treasure!
    Have a great new week -
    we got after a some friendlier days with melting snow 15 cm new wet snow this night ---- Winter has a firm hand on ous this year.

    Big hugs, Susi

  6. Wow. You have been on a creative roll and your pages are wonderful 😁. It really was a trip of a lifetime and you have captured such happy memories on your pages too. Glad you had a lovely weekend with your daughter and wishing you a happy new week! J 😊 x

  7. Between wet basements and the freezer going on the fritz, we'll both be glad when January is over. Much nicer to relive memories of a fabulous trip. My favorite page is the food page with the adorable Totoros and kitties. All the food is just too cute to eat. Stay warm

  8. Your travel journal is gorgeous! I love oriental themes. (I apologize if that word is offensive to anyone: I grew up using that word, and it only has positive connotations to me. Using Asian instead seems to be too broad of a term to me.) I can't decide what I like best, because I really like those postage stamps, but everything looks great. I've never been to Japan, but I like their artwork. On a side note about calendars: I realized my monthly calendars begin the week on Sunday, but within my weekly planner, the individual weeks begin on Monday. So I think that could be part of where my Sunday/Monday confusion came in. But since my Book of Days images are going into the weekly sections of my journal, and those begin on Monday, I've changed my personal challenge to begin on Mondays, instead of Sundays. (My Super Bowl Sunday theme ended up in the wrong place, because it's in the week that begins Feb 4, but going forward, all of my new themes that I think of will land in the correct week that starts on Mondays from now on.) I enjoy visiting your blog and seeing what artwork you've created. I'm sorry to hear about your freezer. Those things always happen at the worst times: when we don't know it until we discover it a few days too late. Ugh.

  9. So glad you had good family time but there is nothing like a rude awakening when you return home, is there?

    Well, as we're getting snowed in today, I will find my warmth in your beautiful art focusing on Japan. It reminds me of a lovely spot and I know your memories are all the more powerful.

  10. What a wonderful way to remember a wonderful trip! I understand why you'd love to go back. There are so many things I'd want to see and do if I ever went, and one trip wouldn't be enough time. It was a "trip of a lifetime" indeed :)

  11. Lovely to see more of your travel pages Erika! They are very striking.
    Bad news about your freezer!
    Hope you have a good week.
    Alison xxx

  12. Great pages, Erika. Sorry about your freezer. I bought mine last year, as the previous one was destroyed. Kisses, my friend.

  13. So sorry to read about your freezer. I was worried my frozen food was spoiled when my electricity was off so long recently. Thankfully, all was still in good shape.

    Your Japan travel journal is turning into a super fantastic journal for the books. I am SO impressed with all the images you saved and was able to use. I am in awe.

    Too bad you won't be going back, but at least you didn't have as many children to be responsible
    for as the current group will have. There's always a bright side, isn't there?


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