Friday, January 4, 2019

The Weekend Has Arrived

Hi everyone. This week was chopped up with New Years falling on Tuesday, and it did fly right by. I am glad for the weekend though as I've had a touch of  a virus the last couple of days and I've been feeling just plain wiped out and a bit achy. Nothing major to keep me home or in bed, but hopefully I'll be able to shake it this weekend.
So I want to share this tag for Tag Tuesday and their first for 2019 challenge: New Beginnings. I went a little abstract with the design and made the tag to fit around the quote. 
And we've had some gorgeous colored skies these last few days. The photos don't really do the sky justice. But I'll share them anyhow.

These were taken Wednesday morning on my way to work before the clouds rolled in (and the snow arrived that evening).
We had a pale watercolor sky after the snow cleared out the next afternoon.
And then this morning  there was a little splash of color to start off a gorgeous winter day.

You can see we have a bit of snow, which is pretty and not so much to be too much. But underneath it there a layer of ice.
You can tell by the driveway.
But tomorrow should be another warm day with some rain, so maybe all the snow will go away.
Have a great start to your weekend!


  1. Lovely tag and a great quote. I like how you made hinges for the door. The sky photos are gorgeous. So hard to capture what the real light looks like. Icky weather sounds like a perfect weekend to stay inside. Feel better.

  2. Your tag is gorgeous, and I love the beautiful quote, thanks so much for joining us at Tag Tuesday again! Always great to see you there! The sky photos are wonderful, as you might now, the sky is always my great fascination. It's dull and grey here. Hope you soon feel better, look after yourself, and be careful outside, snow over ice is dangerous. Hugs, Valerie

  3. I love your never ending doorway Erika, how lovely life would be if we had a doorway of opportunity just like this. Very clever idea makes for a great tag.
    I hope that virus will soon be shaken off for good, glad to hear it did not stop you from getting on with it all.
    Happy New Year & all the best for 2019 Hugs Tracey x

  4. I love your tag Erika, great quote too!
    Wonderful skies, we had a beautiful sunset here yesterday.
    Hope you're feeling better and have a good weekend,
    Alison xox

  5. A lovely tag with great words!! The skies look amazing!!
    Hope the weekend will bring you full recovery! I am guessing school starts again on Monday?

  6. The skies are gorgeous. As for snow, we had a few centimetres two days ago, but yesterday it went up to 5 degrees with bright sunshine, so it all melted. This is a strange winter!

  7. I love the look of sunset/sunrise through the bare branches of a woods. The starkness of it all -- yet the warmth of that pink. Beautiful, Erika.

  8. Wow Erika. The photos of the sky are FABULOUS. Oh I love when the sky gets this red colour. Hugs, my friend.

  9. A beautiful tag Erika and the quote is super.
    Your photos of the skies looking so pink and clear are beautiful, although I imagine it must have been very cold.
    I hope you are feeling a bit better today..
    Yvonne xx

  10. Hi I love your tag, and enjoyed your photos-very pretty
    Hope you feel better soon-hugs

  11. Fabulous tag! Wow, what a spectacular winter wonderland sunrise! The colours are so amazing, it looks like it is on fire 😉. I hope you had a wonderful week and wishing you a Happy Sunday! J 😊 x

  12. Oh hope you are feeling better meanwhile! Take good care of you! I love this tag and I love the photos!


    Big hugs, Susi

  13. I'm sorry you've been ill and hope you've gotten the rest you needed to recover.

    Those pinks in your sky are magical, aren't they! We're having highs in the lower 60s again lol, so if we don't like the weather here at least we know we won't have long to wait before it changes.

  14. Wow, Erika - there's nothing more uplifting than a lovely rose hued sky, painting everything in 'rose colours'. I can just imagine the light and how it bathed everything in promise!

    Great tag and a fab quote.

    Cath x

  15. A super the sentiment.
    Loving the photos on your blog too...
    Thank you for joining us at Tag Tuesday x

  16. Thanks for using that great quote from Emily Dickinson... your tag is great. Love your photos too.


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