Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Vintage Again Today

Hi everyone. Today is my mid-semester workday at school so I have no kids in class. I have a load of things to do to switch over to new classes which start up tomorrow so it will be a busy day. But wow, that means it is second half of the school year!
And today our temperatures will be almost 40 degrees (Fahrenheit) warmer than they were Monday so that is a very good thing. We should be up near freezing (32 degree F or 0 degree C). It' still chilly this morning but at least it's not windy and brutally cold.
So I guess this Wednesday is starting off pretty good.
Last weekend I had lots of art time as it was too cold to leave the house. My work table is in the coldest room in the house (we don't heat the upstairs) and I had to run my electric heater to work, but even so, I still managed to make a few things and start a few more things.  One journal I was working on quite a bit was my newest vintage journal.  Here's a page.
I love this vintage horse and dog piece, and that TH gentleman looks like he belong with the horse.  The lace printed paper looks good with the overall brown color of the page. I added some silver tape (which I rubbed some brown ink on to make it look a little older) as well as some embellishments. A few of these were gifted to me by Astrid. They work really well on this page so thanks! I turned the top round piece into a abstract award as it reminded me of an unusual red ribbon trophy, and then I stamped the quote.
Since there are lots of shapes on this page, I am going to link up to Alison's fun Geometric Shape challenge at Art Journal Journey.
Time has gotten away from me so it's time for me to post and get rolling off to work.
Thanks for visiting!


  1. I LOVE this one, it is really special, great colours, too. Have a fun day at school, time is really flying by! We got a lot of snow yesterday - well, a lot for here, anyway, and it's still cold and frosty. Take care of yourself, hugs, Valerie

  2. This is a terrific vintage page! You put all together in a fantastic way! Hope your second half of the school year flies by as well for you! I can't believe that the half of the year at school is over - here as well - unbelievable how this time since September passed so quickly. Thanks for another fabulous entry for AJJ dear Erika!
    Big hugs,

  3. Great images to work with, Erika and I love what you did with the rosette. Fab vintage theme.

    Hope it IS warmer today. We're just above freezing here, a big change to recent days, so it seems really cold to me!

    Enjoy your day!

    Cath x

  4. A great page Erika and that TH gent does look as if he's part of the whole image.
    Enjoy your day.
    Avril xx

  5. Your page is Best in Show. The first half of a school year always seemed to drag (from a student POV) but the last half always seemed to go by so quickly. Glad we're having some warmer weather hope a lot of the snow melts, but doesn't refreeze as ice. Enjoy your day without students.

  6. Super nice journal page, I do love the vintage look. Yes, the man looks like he belongs with the horse, in fact I thought he was already part of it until I read your description.
    Have a great day, and thanks for visiting my blog!

  7. Hope you had a great day at work
    I love vintage-and this piece is just really nice-love the colors and the textures-and that bit of silver is perfect

  8. Fabulous masculine vintage page, Erika!!!!!!!!!! Kisses!!!!!!!!!!

  9. It chills my bones to hear you talk about your temps! Brrrrr! I tend to be a literalist in interpreting these challenge prompts, and it's helpful to me to see where other people go with them :) Thx!

  10. What a well done Vintage Collage. All elements are in harmony. I like that much.
    The trophy fits it perfect.
    Dear Greetings

  11. Your vintage page looks fabulous, its a wonderful group of images that you gathered to use together.
    It sounds like it is a busy time for you at work, so I hope your weather doesn't get to icy for you when you are travelling.
    Have a good rest of the week.
    Yvonne xx

  12. faboulous page,love the vintage look,this one is so wonderful,loving this!
    happy day,dear erika.

    hugs jenny

  13. Another fabulous vintage page Erika and I am so happy you could make use of those little pieces!
    That paper doll fits the horse to perfection!

    Amazing to think you are half-way through the school year already, - time flies....
    Hope the weather stays kind, we are still escaping any real wintry weather though it was a little frosty overnight...

  14. It's a fabulous page Erika! Thanks for linking it to my theme at AJJ.
    Glad to hear it's a bit warmer, have a good day,
    Alison xox

  15. I thought I commented on this last night because I remember the part about your studio being the coldest room in the house. Must have been in the Twinkie Zone. Anyway, it's a lovely piece and I love the vintage look!

  16. I would never have thought that the guy was a separate piece to the horse - they do go so well together. In fact everything you have used in your collage goes well together. I love the rosette and I do like the words used. A truly inspired page for your journal - love it!
    Hugs, Neet xx

  17. This looks lovely and Old-Time . I love how the colours look aged too. As well as all else I like the rosette (won for the horse?). The man looks very proud standing beside the horse so I think that's right.
    A vintage journal! - that's a new idea to me. You have such great ideas.

  18. A beautiful page! I love the vintage look and feel, how exciting to be starting a vintage journal this year too 😁. I hope you had a wonderful week and your new classes go well. Have a great day! Creative wishes!j 😊 x

  19. Love how you've put the Paper Doll together with this wonderful horse - great image combining for a delicious vintage page.
    Alison x

  20. Looks like this is where I left town. I am SO sorry I'm so far behind visiting. I tried to catch up with people as I could. You have no idea how far behind I am. I sometimes spend an hour reading one blogger's blog to catch up.

    Your vintage horse and dog look like they are perfect when paired with the TH doll. It's a gem of a page and great for AJJ, too.

    Nice to read you survived the last semester and had a work day to prepare for the new semester. I know it will go quickly, especially now that you have TioT to look forward to each fortnight.


Thanks for visiting. Your comments are always appreciated!