Thursday, January 24, 2019

Advice for New Year-My Calendar Page Theme

Hi everyone It's been a warm and wet Thursday here. Lots of rain and melting snow. BUT the bad news about that is the ground is still frozen so there's some water in my basement and for some reason,people have forgotten how to drive in the rain so I had major traffic issues on my way to work and then again on my way home. New classes started today and  one of my classes might be a bit challenging. Time will tell once I get to know them better. Oh what a day!
My calendar page ended up looking a little too busy, but it is what it is. I decided rather than covering it with gesso and starting from scratch I would leave it.
Last week I showed you this week's page because I wanted to use it at Moo Mania before the challenge ended, so now you get to see last week's page. 
Maybe next week I will get back on track. Smile.
You might see some little diamonds in the background and the stars which are all geometric shapes so I am going to link up another page to Alison's challenge at Art Journal Journey
Tomorrow is Friday and this week has flown by and I think my daughter will be home for the weekend. That is good news.
Hope all is well with you!


  1. Well, it's Friday here already, so hope your weekend will be wonderful, - sounds as if you deserve it!
    I love this vibrant page, those little birds are so much fun, maybe a busy week deserves a busy page, to my eyes it looks fabulous!!

  2. I love your page, so bright and lots to see. Hope your class doesn't turn out to be too bad! And drive carefully! Hugs, Valerie

  3. I think it's a fantastic calendar spread Erika! I love the birds and stars, and that gorgeous background. Thanks for linking it to my theme at AJJ.
    Happy Friday,
    Alison xox

  4. I love the vibrancy and the lovely birds and all those wise advices! A super page and fits Alison's theme perfectly ! Thank you for switching the calendar pages to fit the different challenges! I appreciate this so much - thank you Erika!
    Enjoy the weekend with your daughter!
    I am sure you will manage the difficult class! You are a pro! Best thoughts for the weather.
    We are on a funeral this afternoon and it snows again and is freezingly cold. Not my cup of tea to be honest!

    Happy Friday, hope you are in the weekend mood already when you read my comment!
    Hugs, Susi

  5. Love your calendar page Erika and it doesn't look too busy to me - nice quotes as well :)
    Sorry to hear about the problems the weather brings - especially with the bad drivers arghh :( and hope your basement isn't too bad - roll on spring and some warmer weather!
    Hope you have a good weekend.
    Gill xx

  6. I like the page! The colors are cheery and not white. I'm not liking white these days!

  7. Hello! I actually love the page with so much to see and love the sayings. The images with the bold colours makes the page really come alive. As for people driving...they are nuts and many need to go back and learn. Mu hubby and I were talking about how fast people drive and that they do not stop in time and take the proper measures. What happened? 15 minutes later, after my hubby dropped me off from work, he was stopped because of traffic and an elderly woman did not stop in time and rammed into him. He found out that she did not have her license renewed so we had to call insurance and we have damage to our car. People need to slow down...I doubt this lady will get her license least I hope so and I hope she has insurance!

  8. Wow, what a stunning spread! I love the background that you created, you really layered it all together beautifully 😁. I'm so glad that you didn't gesso it as I really like how busy it is, and the little birds are adorable with that glorious coloured background - perfect! Sounds like you had a busy week so I hope that you get some rest and relaxation this weekend 😉. Happy Friday and weekend! J 😊 x

  9. Love the page. Reminds me of magicians or chemists which are magicians with a degree I suppose. Very uplifting quote that ordinary people can do extraordinary things.

    I hope your basement didn't flood. We got water in our basement. The sump pump just couldn't keep up with all the rain and ground water melting. At least seeing your daughter this weekend will bring a smile.

  10. Wow I love how you created this weeks page Erika, so many interesting images in the background and fabulous words and super bird additions.
    I hope things will go smoothly with your new classes and the one giving concern I hope will settle down soon.
    have a good weekend with your daughter.
    Yvonne xx

  11. Sounds to me as though your page is an excellent reflection of your busy, slightly fraught week! And it's a great page, full of fretful energy. I love all the words travelling across the page. The birds hovering around the figure in the background remind me of some of the Hitchcock scenes in The Birds - just adding to the stress you've been feeling in the traffic, and with the meltwater, and with your possibly troublesome new class. Hope it all settles down for you very soon!
    Alison x

  12. The snow in Nashua is also a thing of the past thanks to a day of 50 degree temps followed by one of all-day downpours. Driving can indeed be challenging in nasty weather. You page is colorful, Erika.

  13. I don't think your art piece looks too busy: I think it looks great. And once again, you had the same weather as me on Thursday. Except here the ground did thaw out, so the rain eventually got absorbed in. And I laughed at your comment about people forgetting how to drive in the rain. That happens here in CT sometimes, too, but I forget when. (It might be in the Spring.) I finally realized with my "Book of Days" that every year I've started in on a Sunday even though every weekly planner I ever bought starts on Monday. (It happened that way because of the challenge site I originally based it on.) So next year, I'm going to switch to starting on Monday, because my Week06 theme is Super Bowl, yet my image is inside my weekly planner page that starts with Monday Feb 4, so it appears in the week after the actual weekly planner page that shows Sunday Feb 3. Ugh. (I assume you're rooting for the Patriots? I'm a Jets / Giants fan, but since they aren't in it, I'll be rooting for the Patriots. Go Tom Brady!)

  14. Oh, this is such a colorful page - I love these warm colors, we need so much in that cold winter time! And the texture and details are fantastic! Forget the gesso!!
    Big Hugs - Rike

  15. What a wonderful page, Erika. Love your colours and the collaged elements - fab! Great colours, too :-)

    Hope your class isn't TOO challenging.

    Cath x

  16. You are a STAR, dear Erika. I love, love, love this bright and charming caledar page. Brilliant and a great addition to Alison's theme at Art Journal Journey, too.


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