Friday, February 15, 2019

Bright and Warm-I Wish

Welcome to a sunny day at the beach. Nope, I am home on my couch and it is not sunny here, but my art page is sunny and is set at the beach. I guess I want to be at the beach. Oh a girl can dream through her art, can't she?
But I a not at work and I heading off to an art museum today in Boston with a couple of girlfriends.  Smile! And I am happy I didn't have to buzz out again this morning before 7 to get to work since yesterday was one of those long open house days at school. 
So today's page started with yellow paint and a stencil. Then I added a bit of blue sky using watercolor crayons. I sketched and painted the lighthouse, as well as the rocks and ocean wave, and all those seagulls are Hero Arts stamps which I fussy cut once they were stamped and colored.
I am linking up to Art Journal Journey and Rike's challenge of yellow. I am really enjoying using this warm and summery color as winter is still here in New Hampshire.
That's all for me. I would have said more but the phone rang and cut into my post writing time. Errrr.
Enjoy your weekend!


  1. Your page is perfect to dream about sunny, Summer days. Sounds like you'll have great weather in Boston. Mild temps. I hope we get to see what museum you went to visit. Enjoy your day out!

  2. What a beautiful bright and warm painting! Your yellow background with the blue spots for the sky is stunning! Oh yes, we can dream through our art, it's true! The lighthouse is gorgeous and the seagulls are funny, especially the one with the hat!
    Thank you for linking another page to my theme at AJJ, it is a fantastic entry!
    Wish you a happy weekend! Big Hugs-Rike

  3. You have at least created a sunny and beautiful page! I don't know if I should tell you this but it's warm and sunny, just great! Sorry! Hugs, Valerie

  4. Oooo, an art museum! I'm hoping you post photos of your outing :) Have a fun day!

  5. This is so cheery dear Erika - I'm absolutely delighted with this gorgeous project! The colors are right up my alley and all those details amaze me.
    Hope you had a fine day with the girlfriends!
    Thank you for yet another fabulous page for Rike's yellow theme! Happy start of the weekend and do not be sad about the wintery weather. We had unbelievable
    62,6 °F today and amazing sunshine and I had to clean the windows finally what meant a lot of work and so I have sent Miss Sun in your direction straight away our line of latitude! She will arrive soon, clean the windows beforehand so you can enjoy Miss Sun better then!


  6. I love your sunny day at the beach! The bright yellow and blue looks wonderful with the lighthouse and fun seagulls 😉. It's been warmer here the last few days and we have had some lovely sunshine too, maybe not as warm as your page though and I haven't seen any seagulls with hats on either 😉. Happy Friday and Weekend! J 😊 x

  7. This is sunny and bright which is so nice to see. I love the yellow and blue together and love those seagulls

  8. I love this happy page Erika and the seagulls are great! Have a nice weekend!

  9. Happy cheerful scene Erika - great lighthouse.
    The gulls were enjoying the sunshine - the one in the hat made smile :)
    Hope you had a nice time at the museum and have a wonderful weekend.
    Gill xx

  10. What a lovely sunny page, full of happiness. I too love the ocean and would like to join you at the beach today. (Surprisingly it has been a lovely sunny Spring day here today).
    I love your seagulls, especially the one with the bandana on - such a lovely touch.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  11. It is indeed a lovely sunny seaside page.A fantastic background for the Lighthouse and I liked the seagull who was sporting a hat in the foreground.
    I hope you have had a good day with your friends .
    have a good weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  12. This is a bright, cheery, art piece. Yes, a girl can dream. Spring, where are thou? (It's still a little too early for Spring where I am, but I've had enough winter weather. :-)

  13. A lovely sunny page that warms the viewer, something I could really do with this morning (grey here once again after a ,lovely Spring-like day yesterday)
    Yes we can all dream and your seaside scene here is just fabulous!!
    Enjoy the rest of the weekend and I hope you had a great trip to Boston!

  14. Love this one, Erika! Love the whole yellow concept. This one gets my happy mojo going on a gloomy winter morning!

  15. LOVE your seagulls, Erika - and your beautiful, summery page. Blue and yellow always go so well together, don't they? Great lighthouse and a lovely thought of being at the beach, by the sea... though that sea may look a little choppy, despite the bright sun!
    Hope you enjoyed your day at the Art Museum.
    Cath x

  16. ooohh my,what a georgus beach page,love the yellow and the lighthouse you skeched,your beach page looks so happy and friendly,the little seagulls fly away in a happy world,love it!

    iam glad you had fun with your girlfriends,the weather here its sunny and warm.
    the spring is coming and we all had fun with the friends.
    wishing you a nice weekend,dear erika.

    hugs jenny

  17. L-O-V-e this page!!!!
    Thanks for the T-day visit, I'm very slow in responding this week.

  18. "Welcome to a sunny day at the beach." I like that. Great page, Erika. Eileen xx

  19. I love the lighthouse. You draw so well. I am so impressed. Although I live in a land locked state, I want to join you at the beach. This is fabulous, and a great start to playing hooky. Hope the parents night went well.

    Thanks so much for your support this (and every) month at Art Journal Journey, dear Erika.


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