Thursday, February 14, 2019

Happy Valentine's Day

Hi everyone. Happy Valentine's Day! And it is already Thursday. I knew this week would fly since it's been very busy with appointments, snowstorms and tonight is our second (and final) parent's open house at school . And tomorrow I am being naughty and taking one of my personal days and doing something fun with some girlfriends. More about that another day.
It's the day of hearts today so I splashed a few on my calendar journal page for this week. The background was grey and I left it this color, but added scraps of pink and orange paper to create some pops of color. I like the way it works.
And even though these photos are horrible, the buzz at school the other day was this one snow goose within a flock of Canadian geese. We rarely get snow geese here in New Hampshire.
 I didn't have my camera with me so I had to use my phone and I took these  from my classroom window which is on the third floor. But can you just make out the white goose on the left? That's as good as my photos of it gets.
OK, the photo doesn't really show you much but it isn't everyday that a bird is the talk of the school. For me it made a great spontaneous lesson with the kids.
 You maybe can see the white bird on the right here.
The next day I brought my camera in hopes that the snow goose would be back, but of course, he wasn't.

I hope everyone has  wonderful Valentine's Day. Thanks for visiting.


  1. Amazing and inspiring page, Erika. Happy Valentine's Day, my friend.

  2. Your valentine page is lovely. The couple illustration reminds me of a pair of Colonial figurines my mother had. The snow goose sounds like something out of a fairy tale. How cool to capture the picture. Enjoy your day out.

  3. How lovely to see the geese at school! Love your journal page, what a fun quote. Have a great day out with your friends. Hugs, Valerie

  4. Great artwork and photos of the Snow Goose. I don't think I've ever seen one of those. And it figures he wasn't there the next day, when you had your better camera. Isn't that always the way things work out? Happy Valentine's Day!

  5. What a lovely Valentine page and sentiment :) I've never seen a snow goose! Cool that it adopted the other geese for the day. I imagine it's back on track now.

  6. Happy Valentine's Day dear Erika!
    I love this page ♥♥♥♥ GORGEOUS!

    And great photos - I bet this was Martin from Nils Holgerson -lol!

    Hugs, Susi

  7. Its a wonderful romantic journal diary page, it was a good quote to add as well.
    The photos looked great, these modern phones with cameras are a bonus, it wouldn't be many years ago that a photo from a phone hadn't even been thought about.
    Yvonne xx

  8. Hope you've had a great Valentine's Day Erika. What a great page for the day, those words work so well with it all, so romantic.
    Thank you for sharing.
    Creative wishes Tracey x
    P.S Have a super day with the girls what ever your plans.

  9. Enjoyed the bird photos, and loved your page
    Happy Valentine's Day Kathy

  10. It's great that you got to talk to your pupils about birds, but may I point out, with great respect, that the bird is a Canada Goose (Branta canadensis) not a Canadian Goose. Happy belated Valentine's Day!

  11. Belated Valentines Day wishes to you Erika. When we lived in VA we would see a lot of snow geese on Chincoteague Island.

  12. Happy VERY belated Valentine's Day, dear friend.

    Want to see snow geese? My neighborhood uses one on our neighborhood newsletter logo. They are EVERYWHERE here. Want to see them stay? Leave food for them and they will never leave!!!


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