Monday, February 11, 2019

T Stands for a Revisit

Happy T Day everyone. It isn't snowing here right now (as it is Monday night) but by Tuesday afternoon the snow will be beginning. Sounds like we are suppose to be getting some significant snow with this storm. Oh my!
But cold wintery weather means it is a good time to sit back with some T. Stop by Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog where we share our drink related posts every Tuesday.
Today I am taking you back to a restaurant I have taken you  before, but it has been quite awhile. Welcome to The Puritan Backroom.
This past Saturday my husband and I were out running errands. We ended up in Manchester, New Hampshire, about an hour away from home, and we decided to have a very late lunch or what became very early dinner.
It was just before 3 (15:00) in the afternoon when we stopped by, thinking we would have missed the lunch crowd and beat the dinner crowd. But when we walked in we found out there was still a fifteen minute wait. But 15 minutes isn't very long so we waited.
That was still a much smaller crowd than when we left at about 90 minutes later.
 The Puritan has been in Manchester in some form for 102 years. They are a family style place with a big menu, but they are locally famous for their chicken tenders.
My husband and I each had their chicken tenders. The meal comes with either a Greek salad or soup. I went for the salad. And my drink is an unsweetened ice tea with lemon.

 Their servings are huge. But that chicken is so yummy.  For my other side I had sweet potato fries. 
And I had enough to take home for 2 more meals. I love leftovers.
And since it is almost Valentine's Day, I have a little virtual gift for all of you.
Flowers anyone?
This is my latest page for Art Journal Journey and Rike's color yellow challenge. Who doesn't need a little spring in their lives at this point of the winter?
Have a great day everyone and big thanks for visiting my blog today.


  1. Hi, I just watched the weather forecast and I see both the east and west coast are getting hit with another winter storm-stay safe and warm.
    that restaurant sounds really nice and worth the wait-I especially love the look of that salad-looks delicious.
    I love your journal page-perfect use of the color yellow and I love the flowers
    Happy T Hugs Kathy

  2. A beautiful bright and cheery journal page. Perfect page despite the impending snow storm. In Pa we are getting that snow right now. It is supposed to have a lot of ice as well. Staying inside with a cuppa and book sounds quite nice right now.
    Your meal at looks delicious and yes, quite a large portion.

    Stay Warm and Happy Tea Day,

  3. Oh how I love your breath of spring page at the end- so energizing and joyous!! We too are preparing for a winter storm but our concern here is going to be the ice factor more than the amount of snow. Only time will tell...hope it doesn't get too bad for you, or better yet, that you get a snow day from school!
    I do love a place that not only serves great food but gives you enough for another meal:) Stay warm, and happy T day!

  4. That's a fab place you visited, and the gorgeous food really looks worth the wait! So yummy. Love the very beautiful journal page, so sunny and colourful. Have a happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  5. the servings here seldom are of a size a normal person can´t eat. but good you take the leftovers with you so they are not wasted!
    wonderful cheery page of flowers - happy valentine, but first: happy t-day:)

  6. The meal looks fantastic and great to be able to take some home for another meal as well. I have never had iced tea but with the cold and frosty weather at the moment I will wait until it gets a bit warmer before I try it.

    The journal page is very beautiful and the yellow stands out so well

    Have a great T Day

    Thank you for the visits to my blogs x

    Love Chrissie xx

  7. My sincere apologies for the late visit. I would have been here sooner, but I decided to eat, which included downing about a gallon of chocolate ice cream, then promptly fell asleep. Just woke in time to make coffee and join you at the Backroom. I want a Greek salad, now. It looks SO good. I also want those fries (chips). My weakness, I assure you. Your tea looks good, but it also looks ccccold, too!

    What a fabulous bouquet. I like how you created it, and it's absolutely perfect for Rike's theme at Art Journal Journey. Susi and I appreciate your dedication to sharing your art there.

    Thanks for joining T this Tuesday with your visit to the Backroom, your tea and water, and your lovely bouquet of flowers.

  8. You made me smile - you told us about cold wintery weather with coming snow and storm - and at the restaurant you drank icetea :)
    So your beautiful flower page with much yellow is warming us up and let us think about springtime!
    Thank you very much for linking another great page to my theme at AJJ!
    Wish you a happy day!
    Big Hugs-Rike

  9. Thank you for the little spring sent to my life from your fantastic AJJ page dear Erika! You brighten my cold mornign, it snowed a bit again this morning, but stopped now and I hope nothing fro the white stuff will remain--- as the much snow already melted so nice away, what looked much better in my mind .
    Fingers crossed that you get not too bad snow and storm! Wow these are big plates ---- I wouldn't like the chicken, but the fried sweet potatoes and the salad would make me happy on their own.
    Happy T-Day dear Erika!
    Thank you for yet another fantastic page linked to the AJJ collection!
    Big , big hugs


  10. That looks a lovely place to revisit for a meal and your dinner does look very delicious, even better with the bonus of having some to take home for another meal . The wait was well worth the delay in eating.
    Your journal page is so pretty, a beautiful posy of flowers.
    Stay safe in the bad weather that seems to be on its way in your part of the world.
    Happy T day wishes Erika.
    Yvonne xx

  11. Looks like a great place to eat and your meal looks so yummy! That's a huge portion, I can see why you had leftovers 😉. Thanks for the flowers, I'm loving your page design with all those pretty flowers - perfect! 13% ABV is very high for a beer, we had one at the festival this year which was 10.4% so we only sold in half pints - I always think they taste more like wine than beer when the ABV is so high 😉. Wishing you a happy T Day! J 😊 x

  12. The chicken tenders and fries looks so yummy. I love sweet potato fries. Your bouquet is so pretty and festive for T Day. No Spring flowers today as the weather goes downhill. Most of the schools around the state are dismissing early. I hope you get out ahead of the storm. Stay safe!

  13. That looks like a fun restaurant to eat at. And that was nice of you to show virtual flowers for Valentine's Day. You have until early Friday morning to enter the Sunday Postcard Art "Sun" challenge. I hope you're able to complete the art piece you started, to be able to post it. Happy T-Day!

  14. Oh flowers for me? Oh thank you, Erika. They are gorgeous! Ha ha! I LLLLLLOVE your page, sweetie. The yellow squares are perfect! Kisses!!!

  15. This looks like a very fun place! And your piece does indeed evoke thoughts of spring!

  16. Chicken tenders and sweet potato fries would make a real hit with my hubby. The restaurant looks worth the wait, and leftovers can be the best part ;)

    Happy T Tuesday

  17. Wow - those portion sizes of delicious looking food! I love leftovers. Unfortunately, hubby doesn't. That means more for me, right? But then, what will he eat? lol

    Beautiful sunny page. Yes, I'd like some pretty flowers please.

    Happy Valentine's and Happy T-day! Eileen xx

  18. Boy, those servings are huge! I don't know what chicken tenders are. It looks like wings to me.But no, I looked it up and now I know what they are. Yummy, I like that.
    And you got so much to take home! Great! By the way, I think the glasses are beautiful.
    I really appreciate your virtual gift of flowers. It has yellow in it which is sunny and bright. Just what we need. Thank you.
    Happy T-Day,

  19. YUM! I like leftovers now that I'm working...always nice to have something ready to go before school without having to give it much thought. :)
    Great AJJ piece as well.
    Happy T day!

  20. Love your flowers, Erika. Wonderful page :-) Cath x

  21. Your meal looks delicious although I do not know what chicken tenders are! Great to take the leftovers home too! I love your bouquet page - Thank you!!!! I hope the snow doesn't cause too many problems for you!! Belated Happy T Day! Chrisx

  22. Now that's a meal worth sharing!!! I love have great left overs too. The art is great too and reminds me of Spring ♥ WHICH IS ONLY 34 DAYS AND 21 HOURS AWAY!!!!!
    You are not the only one late getting around to folks this week.
    Thanks for stopping by and Happy Very Late T DAy!

  23. I can see why a standard meal there is enough for lunch and dinner - or enough for two.


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