Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Vintage for Valentine's Day

Happy Wednesday everyone  A short post today since I have a partial tricky ride to work this morning. The schools around my house are cancelled for the day due to snow and ice, and  then as I drive towards work I'll move into ice and finally rain. Another one of these weird winter storms, and me working at the coast and living inland means I get to drive through it all as school is not cancelled nor even delayed. This has been the story all this winter, and I can say I am just plain tired of it!
Thanks for reading through my complaints. Getting it off my chest and I feel better already. Smile.
I have some Valentine's Day art for you today from my vintage journal.  Again no quote, as I haven't been very tuned into quotes I guess.
I am going to link this up to Moo Mania and their Love Is In The Air theme. I also want to remind everyone that Try It On Tuesday's latest theme of Romance is still going on also and we would love to see you there.

Thanks for visiting.


  1. Love your journal page with the fiery, warm hearts. I've been playing with paper hearts, too. Take care on the journey to and from work, that doesn't sound like fun. The sun is shining here today, but it's still very cold. Hugs, Valerie

  2. Ugh, that's the worst driving through this slop. Worcester schools were cancelled yesterday and today. Area schools have a 2 hr delay. I'm hoping temps rise above freezing as I have to teach at the museum tonight. I don't think the evening classes will be cancelled. So glad you shared a happy Valentine with us today.Cheery colors and puppies help brighten the dreary day. Stay safe. Only 128 days until the first day of Summer!

  3. I can imagine how exhausting those drives are for you! Poor girl! But there will be winters very soon for you when this is no more problem--- and this time will come soon for you ♥♥♥♥
    We had bad conditions on the streets yesterday evening but today the sun came out again at afternoon and all is relaxed again. Those lovely dogs enjoy their Valentine's day! A lovely page and I am just happy to see it linked to Moo Mania & More ! Thank you very much dear Erika!
    Hope you had save trips to work and home again!♥


  4. Such a cute image and lots of loverly red!
    Hope your journey was better than expected - doesn't sound like much fun :-(
    Cath x

  5. What a sweet Valentine. I remember those red paper hearts from when I was a child and didn't realize they were still around.

    Your road conditions sound scary to me. I'll be glad for you when Winter comes to an end!

  6. Absolutely gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Love this so Gorgeous Art journal page Erika !! It´s so wonderful with those red hearts !! Love the background with the letter, , the dogs , so tender and the heart, from cupido for sure ! Really love this great page !
    Hope the weather will be better soon, here, today it´s a windy day, but no very cold.
    I wish you a very nice afternoon,
    Big hugs, Caty

  8. Fine Artwork for the challenge of MooMania
    LOVE IS IN THE AIR, I like it!

  9. Beautiful artwork. And your weather in NH sounds like the way it is in CT: just a short distance from the coast line, and there's a dramatic difference in what the winter weather does. They got our forecast wrong, so it was more snow, sleet, and freezing rain, than a change over to rain. Shoveling this morning was like pushing cement. Ugh. I hope you had a safe commute to and from work today.

  10. Its a beautiful Valentines page Erika.
    Your journey to work doesn't sound so good, so complain away. I think you are a brave woman driving in those road conditions.
    Take care.
    Yvonne xx

  11. Well, look at you, a day early for Valentines Day! It’s your lovely post that reminds me of the date, and the special day tomorrow. Thank you for visiting our new puppy post! He has the makings of a good boy, we just need to be patient. It’s only day #2, Lol. I’m just living for the day we feel is right to introduce him to our 2 beloved kitties. I hope all “h-e-double hockey sticks” doesn’t break loose! If you have any tips, please share them. Email is good: barbjmoore18 “at” gmail “dot” com
    Barbara at Stringing Buttons. :)

  12. I am quite sure that people who do not live in areas where snow, ice and freezing rain occur have no idea the havoc that can occur. Stay safe!

  13. Another totally lovely page for your vintage journal Erika. Your drive sounds like a total pain (and scary). Be safe!! Oh and Happy Valentines of course!

  14. A perfect Valentine!

    I bet you'll be glad when you retire not to have to do those winter drives to school anymore. Be careful, my friend, to and from!

  15. Love those red hearts.
    Stay safe and warm in the weather you are experiencing.

    All the best Jan

  16. A very lovely journal page, dear Erika.

    Thank you so much for joining us at MOO MANIA & MORE and at TRY IT ON TUESDAY

  17. What a gorgeous little Valentine art journal page. Yes, that ismaking me smile.
    I'm sorry you are having such a hard time with the weather, especially since you seem to live in a different weather zone than your work. Take heart! Spring is on the way!
    Have a lovely weekend,
    Keep smiling,

  18. Lovely, Erika! I hope you have a fun weekend in the comfort of your warm snug home and the weather calms down soon. It's hard for me to believe your school doesn't call snow and ice days! Eileen xx

  19. Looks like this is where I left off visiting. I love, love, love this vintage Valentine entry. It's a genuine beauty.


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