Thursday, March 14, 2019

I'm Late-But not With This Post

Hi everyone. This week is flying. Thursday has arrived and I have a tag for you.
I had this partially completed tag on my work desk and decided it would work  for Tag Tuesday's Rabbit and Hare challenge.  I had already stamped the clock and added some clear drying glue over the face of it. Then I used some watercolor crayons to color the tag background. So the tag was sitting there waiting to be finished. 
When I looked at it I thought Alice in Wonderland. The rabbit should be white if I want to stay true to the story, but white didn't show up really well so I colored him brown. I guess that's called artistic license. Grin. He is stamped on acetate and then glued down over the clock face.
My tag background was inspired by a gorgeous sunset I saw when I was in Florida a couple of weeks ago. (I had had a different idea for the tag for my Florida journal originally.) These photos have not been touched up at all.

This is a short post for not much else is happening here. Wish I could say I was sailing off into the sunset, but I'm just off to work.
 Hope everyone is having a great week.


  1. A fabulous tag and amazing sunset photos!!
    Weekend not too long off now, - there are some advantages to time passing quickly...
    Happy Thursday.

  2. Your Florida sunset shots are splendid indeed.

  3. Wonderful photos, such lovely colours. And the tag is fabulous, love the white rabbit in brown! I woke up late today, too, at least a lot later than usual after being awake half the night! Thanks for joining us again at TT! Hugs, Valerie

  4. Fun tag whether white rabbit or brown. And you captured the sunset from your photos beautifully. I'd like to sail off into the sunset, too, but have to prepare for my class today. Enjoy the sunshine!

  5. Beautiful skies - I LOVE skies! We so often take them for granted but they can be amazing...
    Great tag. Love the rabbit but you're so right - white wouldn't have shown up very well and artistic licence is something we all need to use a little more, I think, he, he. Never thought of using glue to seal an image - duh! Great idea.
    Hope your week is going well and the weather is warming up a little. It certainly isn't here :-( It's so WINDY!
    Cath x

  6. That Florida sky! What gorgeous color! I like the brown for the rabbit. That white rabbit can't have been the only one running late ;)

  7. A wonderful tag and amazing photos of the sunset! Gorgeous inspiration Erika!
    Big hugs, Susi
    Have a great start of the weekend my friend!

  8. I love your fantastic Rabbit and Wonderland tag and I like how you coloured the rabbit, he looks great beside the light clock face.
    The sunset photos are beautiful, the sky looks amazing, They would make lovely wall pictures should you frame them.
    Yvonne xx

  9. Love your tag, and those Florida sunsets are simply amazing.

    All the best Jan

  10. This might be one of my faves of your tags because it's a rabbit and I adore rabbits! Love the colors, words, the whole lot! Happy weekend!

  11. A fabulous tag Erika, and WOW those photos look amazing, such beautiful colours of the sky.

  12. the rabbit in the watch -- perfect! and such beautiful photos! xo

  13. What a wonderful tag!! Great real sunsets too! Chrisxx


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