Wednesday, March 13, 2019

More Sunshine Please

Hello everyone. We changed the clocks by moving them an hour ahead this past weekend,  and as much as I love the longer evenings, I find the mornings pretty tough.  I will adjust, as always happens, and this time change is just a rite of spring.
So here's my page today for Jo's Spring challenge at Art Journal Journey. I welcome longer evenings and having more sunshine when I get home from work.
I most love my sun on this page. I painted with yellow paint and then sprinkled some yellow glitter on it while it was wet.  Once dry, I made the sunglasses and smile on some watercolor paper with a Sharpie and added them. The clocks are stamped on acetate and glued down as well as the Time images. And then I stamped some other quotes, and did a bit of my messy writing. 
And there you go. 
It's Wednesday already. I can't believe it.
Thanks for visiting me.


  1. Yes, time flies! I am not a fan of the changing time system, and here in Europe they are planning to abolish it sooner or later. Our clocks don't go forward till the end of March. Lovely journal page, love the speckled background. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  2. Your sunshine page is so cheery. As is the weather we've been having the past few days. I can put up with dark, early mornings for sun and warmer temps during the day. Have a good one!

  3. What a fun page! I love your sun too, the glitter and sunglasses look so cool 😎. The touches of blue look beautiful in the background and the clocks link to springtime perfectly! Your spring words made me smile too 😁. Thanks so much for joining us at Art Journal Journey again! Enjoy your week! Hugs, J 😊 x

  4. What a great fun page. With a meaning behind it!
    Love your bright shiny/glittery sunshine - I know he is not wearing one but it made me start singing "The Sun has got His Hat On" in my head - really nice and cheerful this bleak windy morning
    Hugs, Neet xx

  5. I am sure this wonderful page will help spring to come soon! This is simply amazing! Sunny , bright, happy and uplifting. All we can wish for! Your art always makes me happy! Thank you and thank you for yet another fabulous entry linked to the March theme at AJJ!
    Big hugs, Susi

  6. I wish they'd leave it alone and let the changing of the clocks be a relic of a by-gone era to tell the future generations about. I'm on board with discontinuing it. That said, it doesn't make much difference to my daily doings. I love your bright, shiny sun!

  7. A beautiful page Erika! I love the sparkly sun! xx

  8. Ahh the time change and I love the sun-a good way to look at this. I am one who would like an earlier sun and the evenings can be shorter...that doesn't bother me. The whole page is great to showcase this time change.

  9. Oh I do wish the sun would look as bright as the one on your fabulous page Erika. Our clocks will be going forward at the end of the month, it seems to take me days to adjust when this happens, but more light in the evenings is good.
    Yvonne xx

  10. Great page, Erika. And I love your technique for making the sun. Kisses, my friend.

  11. It seems to me that the arguments for Daylight Savings Time are oretty much things of the past so it's time for permanent standard time.

  12. Just love your cheerful sunshine page, that sun is great :)

    All the best Jan

  13. This is a happy page. I adore Daylight Saving Time! My favorite! Don't worry -- you'll adjust in no time!

  14. That terrific sun really caught my eye too, Erika. Great page. We're still on standard time down here. I always feel out of sync this time of year. Then when we "spring forward" April 7, my system gets another jolt with the loss of an hour's sleep - lol. Eileen xx

  15. Love this - great sun shining there! Chrisxx

  16. OMGosh. I knew I was behind, but had NO idea I was THIS far behind. Your sun that was so bright it had to wear shades is fabulous. I love the bling. I also LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the clocks and the idea of the acetate. Thank you also for sharing this with us at Art Journal Journey, but most of all, thanks for being so supportive of me while I had no internet. That was sweet of you.


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