Saturday, March 30, 2019

Spring Might Have Actually Arrived

Hi everyone. 
Keeping this short but I wanted to add one more post for Jo's Hello Spring Challenge over at Art Journal Journey. Here's another one of my found fabric book pages full of spring flowers, and from all the spray, I bet a little spring rain too.
Some flowers are painted on this page and some are die cut. There's a little addition of sparkles, and some stamped words. The bottom one which is hard to read says bloom. The cloth is ironed onto some stiff backing and then stitched along the edges.
And thanks Elizabeth for mentioning these fit AJJ rules. I wasn't sure since they are a cloth journal.
And big thanks Jo for such a fun challenge this month, especially since spring here in New Hampshire hasn't been very quick to arrive this year.
We have clouds in my world today but it is day 3 of real spring weather, so the snow is melting away at a good rate. Hurrah! 
Happy Saturday everyone.


  1. Amazing and artistic! Hugs, Erika.

  2. We had rain yesterday and grey skies and fog so far. Not exactly the Spring weather I was hoping for. Your bright flowers are a welcome sight. Hopefully, the weather will improve today.

  3. Gorgeous page Erika, wonderful colours and glad spread is really springing for you at last. Hugs, Valerie

  4. I am in LOVE with this creation! OH wow - and yes - if this one wouldn't qualify for AJJ we would be very poor there! Perfect for the AJJ topic and simply AMAZING - You have stored a whole range of stunning treasures with these pages - they are amazing in my eyes - at least I can tell that all I have seen yet amazed me!
    Have a great weekend - enjoy the better, more springlike weather ( here it is really nice again as well - what is a pleasure for us and hubby could do some needed work on the fence .... finally!)
    Thank you for your wonderful support of the March collection! I appreciate dthis so much!
    Big hugs, Susi

    Maybe I will not be around the next few days as I visit my Dad for a few days and don't know if I will
    have time to get online much at my stay with him.

  5. I need to pick up some fabric scraps. I love how this looks :) We're having overcast/rain today but highs in the upper 60s, so yes Spring has definitely come here. Happy Spring!

  6. I really love your fabric page Erika - thats so different and so clever and of course beautiful!
    oh you've had snow again..I'm never sure when your seasons are - is spring late? I found some notes I made last year and my garden flowers this year seem to be 4-5 weeks earlier - strange.
    Sorry I'm behind commenting (again) - not sure where March has gone..hope all ok with you and that you are have a nice weekend.
    Gill xx

  7. Glad spring is on its way in your part of the world! Your fabric page is beautiful, I'm in awe of these creations and I love the bright colours and pretty flowers ๐Ÿ˜. Thanks so much for joining us again at Art Journal Journey and Happy Weekend! J ๐Ÿ˜Š x

  8. Its a gorgeous fabric page, super bright happy colours and the flowers look awesome.
    I'm glad that spring is coming to your part of the world and I hope the snows goes quickly.
    Have a good weekend erika.
    Yvonne xx

  9. I LOVE this. It is SO colorful. Looks like flowers are blooming everywhere on your journal page, Erika. I love it. I'm really glad to see you working in fabric, too. YES, AJJ allows fabric as long as the size is larger than 4.1 x 5.8 inches (US measurements) and meets the host's challenge requirements, which your page does. Thanks for sharing this with us at Art Journal Journey, and I'll also thank Jo for her hosting time at AJJ, too.

  10. Wonderful texture here, Erika! Very pretty and certainly spring.

    We're having a bit of a winter relapse -- not a bad one, in fact, I can't even see the snow predicted so either it didn't happen, came and went or is yet to come. But it won't stay. Mostly rain and cold. But I can work with that!

  11. I LOVE these flowers and colors - so happy and bright, this pink is just gorgeous!
    And it's so wonderful that you have a cloth journal, very original and unique!
    Wish you a happy new week, dear Erika!
    Big Hugs, Rike

  12. What a fabulous page! It cheered me up as we are having an April Showers day! Hugs, Chrisx


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