Monday, April 1, 2019

T Stands for Second Visits

Hi everyone. It is T Day once again and quite a busy one. It is not only time for T Stands for Tuesday but also Second on the Second, both over at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog.
And the good news with me is that the snow has really been melting this past week. No flowers yet though.
 The snow on the ground was causing fog Saturday morning.

And Saturday after I took the fog photos, the hubby and I went out to run some errands.
It  looks like you are seeing double here.
The errands took us much of the day so on the way home we stopped for a meal at a place I've taken to you before, The Puritan Restaurant in Manchester, New Hampshire.
You can see our drinks. Both of us were having unsweetened ice tea. Just like last time we came.
It was my second visit to the restaurant this year, in fact we were there back in early February. Here's the original post: T Stands for a Revisit.
Back on February 11, I showed a similar dinner.

 Greek salad.
There chicken tenders (which are amazing) and sweet potato fries.
I had the same meal this past Saturday except I substituted mashed potatoes for the fries.
But this Saturday I was having a sweet craving after dinner and I decided to not worry about calories (since I can never eat even half of the meal) and order one my favorite pieces of pie.
 Oh boy. This was definitely a homemade pie and I was in sweet tooth heaven! My husband and I split a slice of chocolate cream pie.
I don't think I've ever showed you inside the restaurant.
Or at least the part we were sitting in.
And now I am eating yogurt, oranges and a protein bars for the week. (smile)
Wishing you a fantastic week!
And as always, thanks for visiting.


  1. Lovely photos, Erika. I love how you captured the fog. Happy April, my friend.

  2. Lucky I just had toast, the salad looks so yummy. I am going out for lunch with a friend so i shall take photos of lunch for next week.
    Bridget x 11

  3. I love the photos of your woods! we are beginning to green up here although still cold.
    this restaurant looks like a really nice place, and the food always looks so delicious too.
    Happy T wishes Kathy

  4. oh what great atmospheric shots of the snow and fog- love it! Always nice to revisit a good eatery, and oh my that chocolate pie would have been devoured by my hubby, and yes, def. worth a treat on occasion. Hope before long that snow is all gone. Happy T day!

  5. Oh no, I just got up and after seeing all that delicious food and drink I'm hungry. I swear I can smell those chicken tender and fries! And that pie! Happy T Day and 2nd on the 2nd, hugs, Valerie

  6. What a fun post, Erika. I loved the double take, both for T and for your second look, which of course, I remembered. Goodness, dear, I am really hungry now. I want the salad, the fries, the mashed potatoes, and the pie. You can have the tea and I'll drink coffee. Sounds like the perfect day, both on Saturday and back in February. This is a totally unique and unusual post, both for T this Tuesday and your Second on the 2nd revisit to the same restaurant. I found this fascinating. Thanks for sharing both today.

  7. you can keep the snow, but please hand over the sweet potato fries *g*... happy t-day!

  8. Well, hope Spring soon will arrive in your part of the world! Here flowers and blossoms look amazing, the cherry trees are almost as good as Japan's.

    A quick word of explanation re lack of visits lately. For some strange reason notifications from your blog all landed in my spam box, where I only found them yesterday, strange, this one landed in my inbox again, like they usually do.
    Anyway, happy Tuesday and have a good week.

  9. Beautiful photos of the fog/snow effects, a real misty morning look, would be how we would describe it here in the UK.
    Your meal looked delicious, but I was really drawn in by the look of the yummy chocolate cake, I couldn't have resisted that either.
    Happy T day wishes Erika.
    Yvonne xx

  10. Glad the snow is finally going into a thaw!! The Puritan looks like a great place to visit, although this time it did leave me drooling over that pie!! I don't think I would have dared!!! Happy T day! Chrisx

  11. Great fog photos. And I thought that restaurant looked familiar from a previous post of yours. It looks like a great place to eat. I hope your temperatures are starting to warm up in NH. It's still on the cool side here in CT. Tonight they say a chance of rain and snow, but I'll probably only get rain since I'm near the coast, which keeps things a little warmer than the northern part of the state. Happy T-Day!

  12. Hi Erika, Thanks for your earlier visit, I love your foodie photos, looks tasty, the chocolate cake looks scrummy no wonder you couldn't resist!
    Lovely photos of the trees in the fog and snow, we had fog this morning but now it's hot!
    Happy T day and enjoy the rest of the week
    Jan x

  13. I see GROUND! Yay -- snow is on its way out and let's keep it that way.

    Those sweet potato fries look to die for. Period.

  14. Ha, I love how you combined the two posts. Yes, I do remember the first time you wrote about the Puritan. So it is nice to see what it looks like inside.
    Wow! That cake is huge! No wonder you had to share it! Scrummy-yum-yummy!
    Happy T-Day,

  15. You captured the fog beautifully on your photos! I hope spring is with you soon 😁. I remember you blogging about this restaurant before, glad you a fun time after running all your errands. Happy T Day! J 😊 x

  16. Snow! I think last night was the last of the cold weather here. I'm ready for these warm weather forecasts to come true.

    That looks delicious, and now I'm hungry lol Happy T Tuesday

  17. I love how you have captured this fog - awesome! What a fab restaurant and the plates look just tempting!
    Good that I had a big Chinese restaurant visit with awell-stocked buffet today ,otherwise my mouth would get watery now!
    Happy T-Day!
    Hugs, Susi

  18. There is something very magical about fog. Beautiful photos!

    Looks like that restaurant has yummy food. That pie sounds and looks delicious but those sweet potato fries would be my weakness. YUM!

    Happy Tea Day,

  19. oh my goodness, the food photos have made me hungry! looks delicious... stunning forest photos, even though I see snow! beautiful in its own way...
    happy belated T day!

  20. I forgot to say 'thank you' for letting me know I had got the date wrong. Of course I corrected it immediately thanks to you.

  21. Sorry for the fly-by comment this week, Erika. I have very limited Internet.

    Your fog photos are beautiful! You should use those in a journal page. Your meal looks scrumptious too.

    Thank you for your comment on my blog.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

  22. Lovely photographs, and I do like the look of the Greek salad.

    All the best Jan


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