Thursday, April 25, 2019

A Nice Spring Day

Hi everyone. It is Thursday evening and this is the first day all week we had dry and nice weather the whole day. I took advantage of the weather and met a friend for a walk at the shore.

 We boat down the river on the opposite side of this antique rescue station, so it is always interesting to see it from the land side.

 This old munitions door is really inspiring, isn't it?

It was a little crisp with the breeze, but I'll take a little crisp to have some decent weather.
We met an old fort in Kittery, Maine called Fort Foster where the grounds have lots of trails and lots of people walking.  But it wasn't so crowded that I couldn't manage to keep people out of my photos.
And I have some art for you today.
I have a tag I made which I am linking up to 2 challenges. First of all I am linking up to Tag Tuesday and Michele's challenge of  faces. And with all these spring flowers I am also going to link my tag to Moo Mania where the latest challenge is Spring Fever. Any lady with flowers in her hair  certainly has spring fever.
Hope everyone has great end to your week and saying thanks to you for stopping by my blog.


  1. This is a beautiful tag, Erika. I am SO impressed. It's a gem. I agree that any woman with flowers in her hair has spring fever.

    I fell in love with that munitions door. The peeling paint and the rust were absolutely INCREDIBLE. If only I could create art as good as that photo you shared. I keep looking at it in awe. You foound the perfect photo to push my buttons (grin).

  2. That's a great place you went for your walk, and I love that rusty old door, fantastic. Glad you were able to get out and about. The tag is gorgeous, thanks so much for joining us at TT and Michele's fun theme. Hugs, Valerie

  3. Simply AMAZING --- wow --- what a fantastic tag ! Thank you for linking it to Moo Mania & More! So much appreciated!
    Inspiring photos as well!
    Thank you !
    Happy start of the weekend dear Erika!

  4. That looks like a great wetland. I am sure that a gentle meander through there in a canoe would reveal lots of breeding birds undetected from dry land.

  5. It was really nice to see the sunshine yesterday. What a cool area you chose for your walk and chilly is way better than snow or rain. Wonderful floral tag. I like the way the flowers on the lady's hat spill off the edge. Enjoy your day!

  6. It looked like you had a perfect day for your walk and all the photos looked lovely. The scenery was beautiful, I was however drawn to the photo of the weathered door.
    Your tag is fantastic and its a super image to use.
    We are still away and the weather is still dry, but a storm is forecast for later.
    Yvonne xx

  7. No wonder you're shouting Yippee, after the cold and unreliable weather you've had lately - I bet you feel almost as good as the Finnish do when Spring arrives - I'd love to be there when they celebrate the light, after 9 months of darkness! My friend did it once on a school/teacher exchange - hey, there's an idea for you, lol.
    You live near some amazing countryside - you're very spoiled. You may not always have the good weather, but your scenery certainly makes up for it - gorgeous wild countryside. I live miles from anything like that.
    Have a lovely weekend, Erika.
    Cath x

  8. Looks like such a nice place to walk and enjoy nature and remember some of the history of the place. I want to make a new beginning in that lady's fabulous hat! :)

  9. Beautiful tag! I so enjoyed walking with you today, it looks a beautiful place and the reflections that you captured in your photos are amazing 😁. Happy Friday and Weekend! J 😊 x

  10. Some great pix here. I LOVE the munitions door!

    We're due for 4" of snow -- hope it passes you by!

  11. I like your art and your photographs too - it looks such a lovely place.

    All the best Jan

  12. What a gorgeous tag. Luv the cascade from her hat


  13. A wonderful tag, Erika and beautiful photos

    Thank you for joining us at MOO MANIA & MORE

  14. your face tag is bright and beautiful, gorgeously done! i love the munions door too! thanks for linking to tag tuesday! xo

  15. Great tag Erika. I like how the lady overhangs the edges of the tag creating much more interest in the shape
    Gorgeous photos giving us some idea of what it is like where you live - I must say I fell in love with the munitions door - my kind of thing. I can just imagine using that photo as the basis for a journal page some day.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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