Saturday, April 27, 2019

Garden Love

Hi everyone. Happy Saturday.  We've had  a day of some heavy rain and a little more coming our way this morning.  Then a  very short break before the next round of wet weather arrives. There's a saying we have that goes, "April showers bring May flowers", and that's what I hope is going to happen. Once we see a few sunny warm days everything is going to explode into green. Which will be great in my book!
But at least rain is not snow, and it is good for doing inside things like art and reading and taking naps. Smile.
As well as trying to finish up my book cleaning project as my daughter informed me she will be home Monday night. That means she needs her bed. Oh the pressure, Smile. Dark weather sure doesn't lead you to a lot of ambition.
So today I have another journal page for Wendy's HAVE FUN challenge at Art Journal Journey. This is a page for my garden cloth journal.
It might be just a little early for sunflowers to bloom in New Hampshire, but it is never too early for sunflowers, especially on a cloudy wet day.
Hope you have a good weekend!
An thanks for visiting.


  1. Hope the May flowers will become reality! Cold and wet here, too, got soaked on my walk, but who cares? It was still enjoyable. LOVE, love, love that cloth page with the beaded sunflower, fantastic! Have a great weekend, have fun, hugs, Valerie

  2. Your sunflower page brightened up this chilly morning with thoughts of warm weather. The sun is trying to peek through but it's still Brrrr in the sun room. As you said, a good day to get things done. Enjoy your day!

  3. Its a wonderful cloth journal page. I like how you added the words to the petals. Lets hope the flowers will all be showing their beauty soon.
    Have a happy weekend Erika.
    Yvonne xx

  4. I think sunflowers bring a certain joy. The brighten a room. I associate them with happiness. Have a lovely weekend.

  5. What a wonderful sunflower! That'll provide encouragement as you get the space ready for your daughter :)

  6. This is an extraordinary beautiful Mixed Media art ERIKA!!! Awesome!I am impressed with this sunflower!
    I have sawn a lot of sunflower seeds this year as they always came so beautifully just without doing anything just as they fall from the birdfeeder every year and now I have sawn the seeds all around the hedge but have seen that some clever birds pick up my seeds already even though they have them in their feeder! But I am o.k. with it and will bring up some more seeds during the next weeks.
    Happy weekend and good luck that you can get all like you want it before you need the bed for your daughter!

    Happy weekend and thank you for this AMAZING page linked to AJJ- We had rain today as well...but very good as April was a very dry month and I think nature needs water it is good!
    Big hugs my friend!


  7. I confess, I live in the sunflower state, and that is the most unique and unusual sunflower I have ever seen. It is totally different, very artsy, and I love it. Fabric/cloth makes it even better!!! It's also great that you shared it with us at Art Journal Journey using Wendy's theme.

    I hope you got to see that film you want to see. I saw on one of the morning shows on Thursday that the movie houses in D.C., Virginia, and NY were all sold out even before the film was released. They said it could top a BILLION in sales. One of the moderators tried to get the last seat, which was at 5 am on Friday, but it was gone by the time he entered his info. He said since the film was 3 hours long, it would practically be hard to follow it with work on Friday. I just hope NH theaters aren't as booked and you got to see it. And I hope you get to sleep in on Sunday morning!!

  8. I love your beautiful sunflower Erika! We have dandelions everywhere here at the moment, which in spite of being weeds, look so cheery and pretty. My tortoises and guinea pig love them too! :-) xxx

  9. A lovely cheerful sunflower, and it looks great on your cloth page. Have a great week, and thank you for joining us on Art journal journey.

  10. I hope your weather wasn't as bad as expected. We were expecting four inches of snow and it didn't materialize at all -- so sometimes (quite often) they are wrong! Love the sunflower!

  11. Another fab page, Erika. We get lots of rain here, but you're so right, it does usually lead to beautiful floral displays and makes it all worthwhile! Glad you got lots done as well as taking the odd nap - rest is good and especially for teachers - it's a crazy job!
    Enjoy your daughter being home ;-)
    Cath x

  12. That's a very nice sunflower.

    All the best Jan

  13. There is nothing better for cheering one up than a sunflower, or two. I remember driving in France a long time ago and seeing fields of sunflowers that seemed to go on for miles. How happy they made me feel.
    Yours is no exception. What a lovely idea you had to use the petals to journal words on and the seed bead centre is beautiful.
    Thanks for cheering me up
    Hugs, Neet xx


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