Saturday, April 6, 2019

First Walk This Season

Happy weekend everyone!
So I had hoped that my road, which is gravel, would finally be dry enough to walk the dogs on this morning. 
Not exactly, even though I went out when it was still close to freezing. 
But we slopped on through. The dogs got muddy, but a little mud compared to a little more mud doesn't seem to make a big difference to them.
This is spring in my world right now.
 Lots of running melt off.
 The new beaver pond is still a bit icey and appeared very quiet.
 Some snow if left in the woods.
More melt. The ground is still pretty soggy.

But just before I turned around to head home, look what I spotted in the town forest? I don't think she was too happy to see the dogs, even though they were leashed. She stood frozen until we started to move and then she dashed off into the forest.
It was pretty grey then and the sun was just trying to break through.  
And for just a little pop of color to my post, I thought I would include this cloth collage I found in my attic a couple of weekends ago. It was in my "found" box of fun craft supplies. 
I am waiting for the my world to green up a bit. (oh green, how I love you!)  It is taking its time this year for sure. (But I did see a great blue heron yesterday as well as the eastern phoebe, and when they arrive back from their migration, you know real spring weather can't be too far behind.)
Happy weekend everyone. Thanks for visiting my blog.


  1. I don't think the puppers would care what season it was. I can't believe all the snow you still have. Lovely to the doe. I know we have deer here, but all I see are an occasional footprint. Won't it be lovely in a few more weeks to see the daffs and tulips blooming just like your beautiful cloth collage. Enjoy your day!

  2. Glad to hear that winter is leaving you, I think it has overstayed its welcome. You had a great walk with your dogs, lovely that you saw a deer. The fabric collage is beautiful, love the colours. Have a lovely weekend, hugs, Valerie

  3. Your Spring is a lot different than mine is! I love where you walk :) -beautiful woods, which is always my favorite place for a walk.

  4. Wow. Winter is slow to leave in your area. We got freezes, but no snow or ice. I like your green fabric. It feels much more springlike than the photos of your area. Now I know why you are ready for spring to arrive in your area.

  5. "She stood frozen" … yes, she stands so still, what a lovely photograph - I liked your others too.

    All the best Jan

  6. Great photos of your walk with the dogs today. You must be so pleased that the snow seems to be going at last. The deer looks quite startled, I wonder who was the most surprised, you the dogs or the deer.
    Its a beautiful cloth collage page as well.
    Yvonne xx

  7. I love spring, Erika. And your photos are beautiful. The deer seems posing for you! And what a great fabric collage!!! Hugs, my friend.

  8. Oh gosh Spring certainly is taking its time to arrive properly in your world, but I am sure the dogs are just happy to be out for a run/walk, they don't care, and I have to say, the photos show how beautiful your surroundings are, no matter what the season. Your artwork is stunning with all those gorgeous green hues.
    Happy Sunday!

  9. I always feel like I've been given a special gift when I have a sighting of a deer while walking. Your walk is really beautiful -- love the stream or brook. And most of the snow is gone and I'm keeping fingers crossed that it stays this way! Lovely.

  10. Wonderful photos and art! How lovely to spot the deer.
    Hope it warms up soon Erika!
    Alison xx

  11. Looks like spring is on its way! I enjoyed walking with you and so nice to see your dogs too, I bet they had fun and even enjoyed getting muddy 😉. I hope you had a lovely weekend! J 😊 x

  12. Sorry - I missed this posting!

    I LOVE those photos .....
    and the fantastic fabric collage! WOW!


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