Sunday, April 7, 2019

Happy Sunday

Hi everyone. 

Today I have another link up for Wendy's challenge "HAVE FUN" over at Art Journal Journey.
The photo came in a Yetti Cooler "magazine" that arrived in the mail, (the several page ad showed all kinds of cool things you might want a Yetti cooler for) so rather than just tossing it out when I was done looking at it, I recycled it . This is one page out of many that I have used. 
I added some die cuts which were in brown or black paper and that I then used a bit of the opposite colored ink pad on. I added a couple of threads pulled off of a piece of burlap (which are actually in the Dina Wakely journal I am using), which were snipped and crossed. Then I added these little metal screw heads and stamped the quote. Finally I added a piece of ribbon down the right hand side.

I will say though this isn't something I do, but it was the perfect photo for my Western Journal. 
I have literally only ridden a horse once, and that was when I went to Costa Rica 6 years ago on a Cultural Exchange program through school, but it was my favorite part of the trip.  Maybe one of these years I will splurge and take riding lessons. It would be a great retirement thing to do.

Anyhow, that is all for me today.
Hope everyone is having a great weekend!


  1. Wonderful page, love how you put it together. Riding is a great pastime, I wish I could still afford it. Have a happy Sunday, hugs, Valerie

  2. A super image for your Western Journal - wow! Great images are so often for free - and used in such an artful way they get a new life! I did riding at my teenage but had to stop as it was simply tooo expensive for my family and later as I had my own money it wasn't so important to me and still too expensive.
    My daughter had the same fate with riding - she took western riding lessons but then she wanted so much other things always and unfortunately we don't own a cash-cow. Maybe a super goal for retirement times.
    But I would be a bit afraid of falling from the since I remember I came off a lot of times. Thank you for yet another fabulous fun page for the April collection Erika!
    Have a great start into the new week, hope the weekend is/was a super one for you!
    Susi xxx

  3. What a fabulous way to greet my Sunday, Erika. This is adorable and I LOVE that you recycled so much of this page, too. Talk about a great recycler. You did a fabulous job and was able to link it to Wendy's theme at Art Journal Journey, too!

  4. I like the western theme :) and think riding lessons sound like great fun. When I think of the fabric scraps I threw away long ago I hang my head in shame :( The burlap makes a great addition, doesn't it!

  5. Wow an action filled page Erika. This does look like fun, although perhaps it is quite dangerous as well. Its a great page.
    Now a daft question from me a yetti cooler a beer type drink?
    Yvonne xx

  6. Lovely page, Erika. I haven't seen rodeo, as I live in Greece. Kisses!

  7. Fun page-but not for me either-lol we had a gorgeous Sunday here-sunny and warm

  8. Great use of recycled materials and a very suitable page for a Western Style journal for sure...
    Have a good week. (I am trying to use fewer exclamation marks in my blog comments :o)

  9. I love the rodeo page especially the windmill embellishment. I've only ridden a horse once, a plow horse. And a friend took me to the rodeo when I was visiting in Dallas. Stay dry today.

  10. Absolutely brilliant! I love it Erika!
    Hope you have a great week.
    Alison xx

  11. I like the cool details you added to this wonderful photo! Whwn I was young (long ago) I was riding horses (but not rodeo, haha) and I loved it. But now I have fear for my bones :)
    Wish you a nice week! Hugs-Rike

    I have not so much time (for linking to TIOT and commenting), really sorry!

  12. The picture is perfect for your western journal! It brought back such fabulous memories of the rodeos we have seen in Wyoming, such fun ๐Ÿ˜. We stayed at a horse ranch one near Yellowstone Park and had a wonderful time on the trails there! Thanks for the memories and wishing you a happy new week! J ๐Ÿ˜Š x

  13. Great use of Magazine recycling. I'm a bit scared of horses, they have awful big teeth, and I'm only five foot tall. Thank you for sharing it with us on Art Journal Journey.


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