Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Ladies Having Fun

Hello all. Today I am back today with another page from my Florida travel journal. 
I began by adding some various scraps to a journal page and then colored the page with some blue ink.
 I had this image of these floating vintage ladies , and they made me smile, so I added them to the page. I added the salty but sweet  sticker because I thought this described these gals also. They are having fun, as you can tell by the smiles on their faces, so I am going to link up to Wendy's Have Fun challenge at Art Journal Journey 
I found the square sticker on the bottom right of the page and thought it was also appropriate, as though these 2 groups of women were having a little chat about what fun is all about. This Victorian ladies I am sure wouldn't approve of the girls in their skimpy bathing suits. Boy what a difference in bathing suit styles. I can't image what Victorian women would think of bathing suits today. 
Finally I added the business card from the hotel we stayed at, some ribbon, a die cut tropical leaf and the wild at heart sticker. Then I added my memory details by stamping the month and using some stickers to title the page.
And here's a few random "beachy" kind of photos.

Thanks for visiting my blog.


  1. Beautiful vintage ladies!!!!!!! Sure they are having fun! Lovely page, Erika. Kisses!

  2. Love your HUNKY hubby playing Poseidon.

    Your journal page is wonderful, I was so impressed by the two different styles of bathing suits. They were both so different and the women in the water looked like they were having fun. It's a great entry for Wendy's theme at Art Journal Journey, LOVED that colorful background, too. It's always fun to use items you received on vacation.

  3. Lovely and fun page. Yes, fashions were different in the old days. As a kid back in the early 50s I had a scratchy, woolen swimsuit, yuck! And the Victorian ones were even worse. our Florida album will be a wow! And I just love Neptune! Hugs, Valerie

  4. I LOVE that page - gorgeous and I like your beachy kind of photos so much! Your King Neptune is unique!
    Happy Day arty soul!
    Thank you for yet another amazing page linked to AJJ.. you are the supportive artistic-creative star of AJJ again!
    You are sent as an arty angel for the challenge blog♥♥♥!
    Hugs, Susi

  5. A fun page for what sounds like a fun challenge :o) Great photos too!

  6. It really does look as if your ladies are having lots of fun, Erika. Great image! Love how you've pulled it all together and woven in your little story. Wonderful. Not so sure I'd feel safe at that bar/restaurant, though...although it does look idyllic. Great to see how you're cataloguing your memories of your holiday. That's the way to make the experience a lasting one. Almost weekend! Have a great day!
    Cath x

  7. I love seeing your FL pix and this journal page is delightful. Great image and of course I love the colors. And I CAN imagine what Victorian ladies would say about the swimsuits of today -- and it wouldn't be pretty (though probably stated in a rather genteel way!)

  8. The Victorian ladies would be having the vapors if they saw what passed for bathing suits today. The salty but sweet girls look like they are having lots of fun. Chilly today so I'm loving the drinks in the sea gazebo. Enjoy the sunshine today, but hold onto your hat!

  9. Your ladies are certainly having fun and the Victorian ladies are probably having fun being shocked at the other ladies. I like that this page is part of your Florida journal.
    Beach photos look good too. Who is that lovely boy with the trident, haha!

  10. The bathing beauties look like they are all having fun. Its a fantastic page for your travel memories journal.
    I think my mother would have frowned at the swimming costumes of today, never mind what earlier generations might have thought about our fashions.
    They were super photos as well Erika.
    Yvonne xx

  11. Wooww Erika !! Your Art journal page is GORGEOUS !! so so wonderful and funny these ladies... with new experiences! Love the design, the colours used, and all the details. So funny momments !
    Thank you very much for sharing those so lovely photographs with us, they are fabulous !
    I wish you a very nice Friday
    Big hugs, Caty

  12. Thanks for sharing your vacation photos that go along with your page for the Art Journal Journey theme this month.
    Your page certainly sums up people having fun - as you say, you can tell by the smiles on their faces that these ladies are enjoying the beach. Had to smile at your comment re the Victorian ladies thoughts on the choice of swimwear then compared to today. I can imagine them having "an attack of the vapours" and the smelling salts having to be wafted beneath their noses.
    Thanks for another fun page.
    hugs, Neet x

  13. Your ladies are having a great time by the look of it. A fabulous page to add to your travel journey and to share with us on Art Journal journey,

  14. Great photos and I love your page Erika!
    Have a great weekend,
    Alison xx

  15. What a lovely, fun page.
    Enjoyed seeing all of your photographs too.

    All the best Jan

  16. Fabulous page! I love the theme and the ladies look wonderful in their swimming costumes, they must have been so heavy when wet though 😉. Such fun photos too, it looks like a great vacation! Sorry I'm so late visiting, it was my birthday on Wednesday and I've been celebrating with family and/or friends every day since so I haven't had much time, just need to catch up with everything in blogland now 😉. Creative wishes! J 😊 x


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