Monday, April 22, 2019

T Stands for Signs of Spring

Hi everyone. Tuesday has arrived and it is time for T again. 
Every Tuesday it's time to stop by Bleubeard and Elizabeth's  blog and share our drink related posts.
Please note our lovely hostess Elizabeth lost access to her blog lately and the new blog address is
Today for T I am sharing some of the signs of spring that have finally come to New Hampshire where I live.
 I know nature is WAY BEHIND here than where many of you live. 
 Besides the robins, great blue herons  and red winged blackbirds being back, the spring peepers are calling at night. Spring peepers, if you don't know, are tree frogs who chirp all night. It's been warm enough lately to sleep with the windows open and I love listening to them. But it isn't quiet. This is a sure sign of spring when the nights get loud with nature's calls.
And the buds on the trees are getting bigger. These buds (above) are on my weeping cherry tree which means it will be flowering soon.
And last week I had one crocus blooming. And now look at them all. 

 I know that many of you have had daffodils, tulips and even lilacs blooming. My daffodils are just peeking their leaves out of the ground.
 They too shall be coming, one of these days.
I saw a newt on the road today when I walked.

And the bears are back out of their winter denning.
I didn't see any bears, but I did see this when I woke up Saturday morning.
What might look like modern art is actually a pole I had  2 bird feeders hanging from, which was a straight pole. Goes to show you how strong those bears are to be able to bend the pole the so much.
I am just surprised both dogs slept through Mr. Bear's visit. usually they bark up a storm and we can make enough noise to chase the bear away. He had a Thanksgiving feast this time.
 On Easter Sunday morning I went with my husband up to my mother-in-laws home which is about 30 minutes north of us. My mother-in-law is  now living over in Maine with my husband's sister, and her house is closed up for the winter. But my husband keeps his boat there during the winter, and he is antsy to get it and bring it home. He went over to check if the snow was gone and if the road wasn't too muddy to pull it over so he can tow it home next weekend. I decided to hitch along and take the dogs for a walk. 
 At a few spots in the woods  there were bits of snow, but the road was clear and not even muddy.
The little blue tent looking thing in the photo are the tarps over my husband's boat. The black dog is Pete. He was waiting for me the slow poke to catch up.
And last week we had ice out. Most lakes are now ice free, or at least enough you can maneuver a boat on them. The lake the MIL house is on is now back to water.
Another good sign of spring.
Both dogs went in to cool off after their walk (and boy that water must be cold seeing the ice just went out), and then Pete decided to go swimming so I threw him a stick.
And on the way home, we went by the bay to check and see if one of my favorite food places showed any signs of getting ready to open.
 I was excited to see this.

Those of you who have stopped by for T might remember the fantastic lobster rolls they make. I haven't had a lobster roll since they closed last early September.
And you can guess what I am thinking of doing on the weekend of May 4.
My mouth is watering already.
This photo is also my drink related photo for the week. OK, no cups with liquid for me this week but there are several signs for Coco-cola on the building.
Hope you decide to join us for T this week. Hopefully by next week my grass will be green and maybe even I will have daffodils blooming.

Have a happy T day and thanks for visiting my blog.


  1. OK and now my mouth is watering too for a lobster roll Erika! Good to see Spring truly is finally arriving for you. It has been slow here too but suddenly everything is blossoming and blooming. Wish we had peepers to listen to in our back yard...
    love seeing Pete with the stick in the water. I had a black lab growing up (Rex) and he too loved bringing in sticks from the water:) But the bear damage-oh my:(:( That's too close for comfort for me. Happy T day!

  2. Now my mouth is watering for a lobster roll! When my husband and I visited our son in Maine last August, we developed a taste for those wonderful lobster rolls! They weren't what I thought they would be, but much better. A lovely post! I am glad you found your way to my blog today. Thanks for the visit. Have a great week!

  3. I will rejoin Elizabeth’s blog..shame to hear her blog issues. I would love to hear the frogs but I no longer live in the country. Glad you have tha and love your pics as always

  4. It looks like you are all enjoying spring - the first signs are so exciting! Sorry about the bears, they are a bit scary. Have fun walking with your doggies and enjoy your spring drinks and food.Happy T day! Hugs, Valerie

  5. yes, spring has sprung and you obviously enjoy it ♥♥♥ happy t-day!

  6. Glad to see that spring is in the air with the robins, pretty crocus and other spring flowers starting to grow 😁. So nice to get your boat so that you can start getting back on the water too! I bet you can't wait to go to Pop's, I guess the lines will be long on the 4th May but it will be so worth the wait - yum! Happy T Day! J 😊 x

  7. I love to see all these intriguing pics telling from your life and how you spend and enjoy your days!I am in love with your MIL's house and the peacefullake - it could be here in our area as well- just looking like some of our wooden houses in our endless woods at the little fishlakes we have everywhere.
    Pete is the bold ice water hero of the day for me! And I can imagine that you already dream of the lobster rolls the new boat!
    Happy T-Day - we had summery Easter Days and today the weather turned into cold winds again... not so pleasant- but at least all had great Easter Holidays and could search for the nests and had fun outside(Here the Easter school break is the week before Easter and still until tomorrow) - So we are grateful for what we got and won't lament!

    Hugs, Susi

  8. I think we're at about the same speed for Spring. With all the rain we had this week, everything suddenly turned green. Peter looks happy running around and swimming with his stick. Still too chilly for me! O-: on the bird feeder hook! i haven't heard of bear sightings in my town. Last year, we had had a sighting at the church about 2 miles away. Exciting Pop's is opening up soon. Himself and I went to the 99 Restaurant as they brought their lobster rolls back for the season. They have a new one. A BLT Colossal Lobster Roll. Yummy! Hope you're enjoying your Spring break. Happy T Day

  9. Thank you for sharing your lovely spring photos, Erika. Have a great day, my friend.

  10. I remember you going to Pops and thinking I would like to go there if I ever get that way around lobster roll time! Nice to see the open water on the lake and all the pretty blooms. Finally, I think spring is on its way.

  11. Been having a catch up on the posts I missed. I hope you have had a lovely Easter weekend.
    The photos are lovely, pretty spring flowers. The dogs seemed to be enjoying a swim and I'm sure it won't be long until your hubby can get his boat back on the water.
    Happy T day wishes Erika
    Yvonne XX

  12. I love your photos, looks pretty cold there though, dogs really do love the water don’t they although our dog would run and hide if anyone mentioned BATH.

    We’ve had lobster rolls in half moon bay, CA, Sams chowder House is always our favourite for any seafood, I especially love the crab Louis salad, making my mouth water just thinking about it.

    Have a great week
    Jan x

  13. It's been fascinating for me to watch spring roll out across the country. I can feel your excitement :)

  14. So marvelous to see your signs of Spring! the bent bird feeder pole is a bit alarming really...I had no idea they would eat bird seed. Yes, that's a pretty strong bear! beautiful photos...happy T and Spring!

  15. How cool that you got a photo of the newt, Erika. I've only seen then running, which would be a blurry photo indeed. Too bad about your bird feeder. Maybe you could ask Mr. Bear to come back and straighten it for you ;-)

    The lake is lovely. It looks so serene now. I remember your last lobster roll meal visit to Pop's before they closed for the o-season. Just the thought makes my mouth water.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

  16. Spring has truly arrived in your area. You have some wonderful buds and early spring sightings. Never heard of spring peepers, but it could be because I don't live near any water. Sounds like the crickets we get in the summer.

    I've never seen a newt before. It was fun to see what they look like. Isn't that the SECOND feeder pole you have had to replace after a bear attack? Amazing.

    Your MIL lives in a beautiful wooded area. I can't begin to imagine living in trees like that, and would LOVE it if Wichita had that many wonderful trees. I have exactly ONE tree in my yard. Sad, but true.

    Loved your T post this week. I guess they don't serve Pepsi (BIG GRIN AND LAUGH). This was a great photo for T this Tuesday. Really clever.

    I'm sorry for being so late visiting. After being out all day, I came home for the final time very late, expecting to get on the internet and leave comments. However, what happened was I fell asleep and just woke a short time ago. The boys were so good and I laid down with them just for a second. That turned into at least five hours. I appreciate your gift and will share it next Tuesday, dear.

  17. The spring peepers were very loud here in CT a week or two ago. I loved hearing them. Your spring growth is looking good. Crocuses are one of the first signs of Spring's return. I liked the photo of your dog Pete, but I had the same thought seeing him swimming in the water: that must be cold. The area looks very lovely in Maine. Are you near a lake in NH where you take the boat out? Happy T-Day!

  18. Enjoyed all the spring photos, we are pretty much in full bloom here now-soon grass mowing-Enjoyed all the photos very much-loved the house in the woods
    Happy T wishes Kathy

  19. Oh yes, I recognise this restaurant from the last time you were there. I remember because I don't know what a lobster roll is and you explained/showed.
    A bear in your yard! That gives me the shivers. I'm not too keen on that sort of wildlife.
    Happy T-Day,

  20. So many welcome signs of spring. It is happening here too and I think we are at the point where the threat of a late snow fall is past.

  21. I just can't believe it's been such an extended winter where you are, Erika. I thought we were usually the worst, weather wise, yet we've had some amazing, almost summery days...they're gone now, but were nice while it lasted, lol. You live in an amazing part of the world - so much wildness and so much pure nature...I can't imagine having bears in your garden! Not sure how I would feel about that, much as I love nature ;-) The nearest we get is a neighbour's cat or an occasional rodent - yuk! You are so blessed.
    It's a delight to see the spring buds and the lovely creatures. I remember the red winged blackbirds who sound like starlings...I was fascinated by them when in California, a while ago, visiting an old friend.
    Have a great - and warmer - week!
    Cath x

  22. The first signs of summer are looking beautiful! I have never seen a bear but we heard that the previous owners of our house had a bear at the back door more than once. That would be quite a scare, especially since I let our children play in the back yard.
    And I remember you sharing pictures of those lobster rolls last season. I bet opening season is an exciting time for you. Enjoy and I look forward to more pictures of yummy food.
    Happy Tea Day,

  23. Just stopped by to let you know I am back on my original blog. A few days late, but still a very happy birthday gift. Did I thank you properly for YOUR gift? Life has been super crazy and hectic here. I will share it on Tuesday, where the Linky Links will hopefully work.

  24. Wonderful signs of spring in your neighborhood. Thinking about those big bears bending that pole. Determined weren't they?

  25. Oooh! Glad we don't get peepers around here - frogs keeping me awake would be my worst nightmare, except I wouldn't be sleeping knowing there were frogs so close!!! Looks as though you had a lovely walk! Pleased that Spring is on it's way at last for you and that you have your crab rolls to look forward to! Happy T Day! Chrisx

  26. It's always so nice to see signs of Spring - one of my favourite seasons :)

    All the best Jan

  27. You have probably guessed by now I am playing catch up and working backwards through your posts.
    Love the photo of Pops - reminds me of one of my visits to America when we went to The Potato Shack - nothing like your photo but a reminder for me.
    Some lovely photos here Erika, the lake is stunning and I am sure the dogs enjoyed swimming. I do like crocus, they always welcome Spring for me.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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