Sunday, April 21, 2019

Hope It Was a Nice Weekend

Hi there. I hope everyone had a nice weekend and if you celebrated Easter or Passover, you had a wonderful holiday.
My weekend was fairly quiet and relaxing. Although we didn't have tropical temperatures the weather sure felt tropical. 

And we had some rain. But in between raindrops I managed to get in a walk and some raking. Plus my husband put my new IKEA bookcase together and I am in the middle of cleaning books and reassembling the room.
Hopefully I'll get this project finished on Monday, unless it is nice and I can finish up my raking. There's a lot of grey and wet weather in the forecast this vacation week, so if it's nice, I should take advantage of that weather. But I am anxious to say this project is done.
And I also have an art journal page that I wrapped up to share with you.
I made my page by using a piece of Gelli printed deli wrap paper (why there is the center fold) that I attached to some white watercolor paper.
I drew and painted the jellyfish and gave them a bit of painted and doodled details. The scuba divers are stamped, and I also added some multicolored sequins. Finally I added the tag and the stamped quote.
I am linking up to Wendy's Have Fun challenge at Art Journal Journey. Thanks Wendy for such an enjoyable challenge. 
And thanks for visiting my blog, and I hope you stop by again sometime soon.


  1. Que tengas un buen día, hoy ha sido muy bueno leerte.

  2. Lovely, colourful journal page. Glad you are getting some tasks done over the weekend and that the weather is a bit better than it was. Just went walking here, I don't celebrate any holidays. Hugs, Valerie

  3. You don't have many books, do you? Guess if I spread mine out like that, I'd have that many, too. Of course, mine are in every corner and bookcase in my house. So glad you will be getting this project completed soon. Books are relatively easy to assemble and organize.

    Your journal page is remarkable. It's so fun and adorable, and I am so impressed with how you drew the jellyfish. You have great skills, dear. Thanks for sharing this beauty with us using Wendy's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    Hope you had a lovely Easter.

  4. WONDERFUL --- I specially LOVE this page ...this is such a happy art page with all the fancy little details - it simply makes me happy! Good we have to not swim all the sevens seas to find our soul mates as we already have found them, am I right?? ♥☻☺
    Whta an interesting book and I adore your always so well designed foot nails.... now as summer comes I should do mine as well with nail polish to cheer me up when I wear sandals or go barefoot. My girlfriend always does one big toe in a contrating color and everybody asks her why --- she always reason just fun !
    Thank you for supporting the FUN-TASTIC AJJ collection again! Happy week!
    See you soon!


  5. Nice to sit outside and soak up the sun with a good book. My yard is still too wet to rake. I hope we don't have any more wet weather this week. Your page makes me think of the giant tank at the New England Aquarium. Enjoy your vacation week!

  6. Wonderful photos and artwork. It was rainy here in CT, too. But then the sun came out in the afternoon Easter Sunday, which was nice.

  7. There's been so much rain, but we're getting a few days of gorgeous Spring sunshine before the next rain moves in. It's hard to do jobs inside when it's pretty outside, but your books project looks like fun to me :)

  8. Oh I want to sit in the garden and read that book too, how lovely and relaxing. Looks like you have a lot of good paperbacks in your room but no matter how I squinted I couldn't read the titles.
    That's such a lovely quote and a great illustration for it. I hope the frogmen find who the person is looking for.

  9. We had a glorious warm weekend here Erika, and lots of happy times with family. Glad you had a lovely weekend too.
    I love your colourful page!
    Alison xx

  10. With such a huge collection of books, you have your work cut out or you, Erika. You think you'll finish that in one day?! Your Having Fun page is terrific. Happy T-day! Eileen xx

  11. Yikes. Your room scares me! That's a huge job and well done, you, for tackling it. I would be overwhelmed. Which is why my art room is such a mess. But won't you feel thrilled when finished?

    Tell me more about the Dr. Ruth Callaway myteries. Where are they set? Do you like them? They sound interesting.

  12. My dear friend,

    I just got home and checked my mailbox. GUESS what? Your package arrived. I only came home to change clothes before attending an Earth Day event, but will open it as soon as I get home the second time. Thank you, thank you, thank you in advance.

  13. wow,loving your swim page,nice words and red waterplants,so adorable.
    your bed room with the white bed looks the same of my white bed.
    reading you all the books?its super.
    wishing you a nice week,dear erika.

    hugs jenny

  14. You looked really comfortable sitting outside with a mystery to read, Erika. It's always nice getting something new and it looks like getting a new bookcase will mean some book sorting is in store.

  15. What a fab colourful page, the jelly fish are great fun Thank you for joining us again on Art Journal Journey again, it is much appreciated.

  16. That's a lovely colourful journal page.

    All the best Jan

  17. Impressive jelly fish - I must remember to try to draw some when I do my next underwater page - hope I can make as good a job as you have done. Lovely and colourful this page shouts out "Fun, Fun, Fun".
    Hugs, Neet xx


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