Monday, April 29, 2019

T Stands for Sourdough Bread

Hi everyone. It is time for T again over at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog. Today I am taking you on a little culinary adventure.

So last Tuesday during my vacation I took a mini-road trip to Vermont.  My destination was the King Arthur Flour Baking School where I had signed up to take a one day Sourdough Bread class.
They have this great building with some outside eating area. The classrooms are on the right, their bakery and restaurant in the center and on the left is their bakers store.
I really like the home baker classes here. The teachers know how to give you just enough technical details so you actually learn a lot but at the same time they keep it fun.  Because home baking is suppose to be fun. But it is also fun to learn some new professional information and techniques.
Plus since I teach microbiology I can get staff development to learn about all those bacteria and yeast in the sourdough starter. It's nice to double dip sometimes.
In class we received 2 ready made doughs to learn how professionals kneed, shape and finish off making loaves. Then we also made our own dough, which we brought home and could practice our learned skills. The class also talked about how to care for a sourdough starter, how to control temperatures and how that affects the rising of dough, and what sourdough actually is. 

 At break you get a free coffee or tea coupon so I went and got myself a cup of tea.
You can't see it here but I had some herbal  hibiscus-pineapple-lychee tea. 
This  is my drink related photo for the post.

And here's what I brought home.

My husband and I each had bread and butter ONLY for supper that night and managed to get through half of a loaf. Maybe not the most well rounded nutrition but it sure tasted good.
I hope you join us for T this week with your drink related post. And I am wishing you all a happy T day. Thanks for visiting my blog today.


  1. That sounds like something my husband and I would do for supper! Or, I have been known to bake chocolate chip cookies, and that is what we have for supper! LOL Happy T Day!

  2. Wow! Your tea sounds fruity and delicious! And that bread... Looks like something out of a bakery. Well done! Not so long ago I would have loved to dine on just a loaf of bread and butter. It is very satisfying to have a delicious bread straight from the oven.
    Happy Tea Day,

  3. How lucky to not be far from the King Arthur Baking School! Oh my, I am so very good about not eating much bread any longer but sometimes- yes-when it is THAT good you must just enjoy it like you and hubby did:) Happy T day!

  4. I've known people who made sourdough bread but have never made it myself. Your loaf looks delicious! And the class does sound like it would be a lot of fun. Happy T Day!

  5. Wow that is so awesome that King Arthur is not that far away from you.The class sounds like so much fun-and learning too. Gorgeous loaf of bread-and your tea sounds so delicious too! Thanks for sharing Happy T Kathy

  6. Sounds like a fabulous day. I love sour dough bread, it's the usual bread here, and it always tastes wonderful. Glad you enjoyed yours, nothing like fresh bread and good butter. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  7. your picture with the loaf of bread you brought home made me drooling! just fresh bread plus butter - isn´t that heaven?!
    happy t-day!!

  8. It must have been a great class to take part in. Your resulting bread looks delicious and eaten,spread with butter sounds good to me.
    My hubby bakes sour dough bread, his starter has been going for about 9 years now. Its fed and cosseted like a member of the family. Rested in the fridge when we are away from home, but on our kitchen bench when we are at home.
    Happy T day wishes Erika.
    Yvonne xx

  9. BREAD is Life! And what is better than freshly baked bread?!!! AWESOME!!!
    Happy T-Day!

  10. WOW, what a great baking class. I am truly impressed. So glad you were able to bring the starter home. I've read the starter can last up to two years or longer. Not sure if it was sour dough or not, but starter dough at least. Lucky you to live so close to King Arthur. I remember you took us there at Christmas last year, too. Not for the school, but for the treats and trees.

    I'm one of those people who goes in spurts. One week I won't eat any bread at all. The next I might have it three days or more. I guess it all depends on my mood. I would NOT have turned down that bread, though.

    Thanks for taking us to the King Arthur Baking School, then sharing your bread and tea with us for T this Tuesday. SO glad you were able to learn so much in that class.

  11. It sounds like you had fun at that class, and the campus looked beautifully green. The bread looked delicious. Happy T-Day!

  12. That was fun, Erika. I mostly make my own bread and we well understand eating half a loaf with butter. I haven't tried the sourdough version but you've encouraged me to check it out. It's also tasty accompanied by a small Scotch whisky.
    Your bread looks terrific with a fabulous crust.

  13. Hello, I just found your blog in the T for tuesday And will add to follow. I love the sound of that tea you had and the bread even more so, i can almost imagine how good it smells.

    Hugs June x

  14. That bread looks amazing.
    One of my nephews has a liking for sourdough bread!

    All the best Jan

  15. Oh my, your sourdough looks amazing, so yummy! Such a great adventure too, Vermont is a lovely place and the cookery school looks wonderful 😉. It looks like you had lots of fun and the bread you made is a work of art in itself, well done you! Wishing you a happy T Day! J 😊 x

  16. Oh Erika, that bread is INCREDIBLE! It's as gorgeous as anything I've seen in any fine bakery. And how fun to go to the class and learn. I'd love that. I did a cake class once at Zingermann's and now you are inspiring me to find another! I can't imagine making anything so lovely!

  17. That loaf looks most scrumptious and I can imagine we would have done just the same for our supper. I hope you also brought home the cup that you had your herbal tea in. I am terrible for saving things like that as souvenirs - a new pencil pot for your desk maybe?
    Sounds as if it was a great day out - learning, fun and productivity all rolled into one.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  18. Oh wow! I've always wanted to do that. But we haven't got classes here. I'm not sure they eat sourdough bread in Spain. I've never seen it. I am reading up on it online as I want to start a starter. It uses the local airborne yeast and as we live in the country it should be possible. I plan to start one when we come back from Italy so I can look after it and keep it going.
    The bread you took home looks fabulous. I think I would have had just bread and butter too. With that sort of bread, you don't need anything else.
    Happy (Belated) T-Day,

  19. Good sourdough bread is a real treat and I can easily understand how you chowed down on bread only. In a similar vein, Miriam and I were in France a few years ago, and we would go to a typical bakery in a small town near to where we were staying, and buy a baguette fresh from the oven. Sometimes, before we got back to the car, we had eaten half of it!

  20. Sounds like a great class Erika, and although I love to bake, I'm not too good with bread - unless I use the breadmaker! Your bread looks fabulous, and I must admit I have a weakness for fresh bread.
    Avril xx

  21. Wow, your loaf is gorgeous, Erika! It's perfectly shaped, beautifully decorated (with the cuts you made) and looks like it's baked to perfection. It sounds like it was a very enjoyable experience AND a delicious dinner.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

  22. I am having to check all my T post comments as they seem to have got lost on my phone! I am sure your day must have been fantastic as hubby and I went on a bread making course a few years ago and love it! Hubby makes a lot of our bread now! Happy,( what is now very belated) T Day!, Chrisx


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