Sunday, April 28, 2019

Another Mermaid

Hi everyone.  Hope you had a nice weekend.
Our weather has clouded back in and some rain is on its way.  But I am back to work tomorrow so I guess the dark skies will keep the kids in more of a school frame of mind. 
April school vacation is now over, 
and I had a great week off too. No complaints about home time, seeing a couple of friends, getting in my morning walks and even seeing the new Avengers film.
And today I finished cleaning up the books in my daughter's room.
Good thing as she is home tomorrow night.
And my husband hung the bat box I got for Christmas today.
And he's a happy guy today since he brought his boat home.
It's a good sign that summer isn't that many weeks away. (Only seven weeks only until my summer break. This year we get out a whole week earlier than usual since we only have 1 snow day to make up.)
Time to share my last post for Wendy's Have Fun challenge at Art Journal Journey. Thanks so much Wendy, it was a fun challenge!
 Today I have another mermaid page. I used a baby wipe and a Dylusions fish scale stencil on some wet Infusions. Then I added the stamped, colored and cut out mermaid and also some Studio Light punch out images. I painted the seagrass, stamped a couple of tiny fish as well as the quote, and added some red  sequins.
Here's the quote which is a Hero Arts stamp.
That's all for me.
Hope everyone has a great new week!


  1. Wow, you were busy to get that room cleaned. Good for you! Your mermaid page is sweet and I love the quote. Tomorrow is supposed to be the pick of the week. Enjoy the sunshine while it lasts.

  2. Happy new week dear Erika! Seems you made the best out of the Easter brake! Thank you for showing exactly the things I was curious about, lol!Happy with you for having sorted the books and with your boy about his beloved boat is ready to start the nearby water season! I am sure the lovely feminine mermaid is already awaiting you for a Having Fun water season! A dreamy,fancy page that makes my grey morning bright and happy! Thank you for joining Art Journal Journey with so many amazing entries this month again my friend!
    Hugs, Susi

  3. Goodness Erika, you really HAVE been busy. I am truly impressed. Washing the bedding and making the bed may be the most dull chore after all you have organized in that room over the course of this week. So glad it was a fun one. And I'm totally impressed you got tickets to see that show you wanted to see yesterday.

    I promise not to ask how your hubby got that bat box so high in the tree. Most impressive. Looks like he created his own reward by getting his boat out of dry dock, too.

    I'm laughing at your mermaid. She isn't the typical ones we associate with the tiny waists and flat tummies. I loved the sentiment and enjoyed the entire page. It was very, very charming and colorful, too. Thanks for sharing it with us at Art Journal Journey, too.

  4. Glad you got all those books back in the shelves. Love the bat box, and the mermaid looks happy in her watery world. Have a great week back at school, hugs, Valerie

  5. Beautiful colours, Erika and your mermaid looks quite at home ;-) Your colouring looks the addition of the little creatures and the gems make perfect air bubbles. Haven't seen that quote before, but I like it.
    Have a wonderful week and I hope the sun shines on you! Not long to go... the boat looks like fun!
    We've been back to wintry conditions here, though it's a lot better today. I just walked to the shops and enjoyed the spring atmosphere. It's amazing how even the sounds of the roads and traffic are different in Spring, don't you think?
    Bonne semaine !
    Cath x

  6. Love that cute mermaid, wonderful page Erika! xx

  7. I LOVE your mermaid to bits!

    And good job on the book sorting and shelving. That's a hard job and a messy one and I say bravo for sticking with it!

  8. Great job with the books. I like how much natural light that room has. It sounds like y'all are getting ready for the change of season. I'll be interested in hearing about any bats that come.

    I'm excited about Endgame. There's so much hype, and I've gotten into the spirit :)

  9. Love this fun page, I think the mermaid needs to swim a bit faster to loose some weight. Thank you for joining us on AJJ again, much appreciated.

  10. It sounds like you had a good break and got many things done in the week. You must be looking forward to your daughter getting home.
    The journal page I am still smiling at. She is a beautiful mermaid, curvy and cuddly as we would say here.
    Have a great week.
    Yvonne xx

  11. Your daughters room looks lovely. What a nice surprise for her to come home to everything tidy.
    Everybody was happy at your house no doubt, you with your bat box and your husband with his boat (what a fabulous boat) as well as one happy daughter with her room.
    Great page for the challenge, I love the idea you had of using the stencil echoing the scales on a fish, love your mermaid and the background. A happy page is a fun page and this certainly is.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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