Thursday, April 18, 2019

The Rest of My Travel Journal Views

Hi there everyone. We're not quite at Friday yet but I am getting excited to wrap this week up.  I  think it is time to show you  the rest of my Florida travel journal. I start a new vacation after work tomorrow and it is time to move forward and put this journal to rest.
No vacation travels next week for me, although I do have a few fun days out planned. I am ready to have some home time and am hoping the weather will cooperate so I can get some yard work done, now that the snow is finally gone.
So my Florida travel journal has lots of collaged style pages, including the one above made with tape, a couple of playing cards and a camera sticker. And of course I have to include a few postcards.
Here I created a tag using some doodling and part of a die cut, as well as the back of one of a kid's learn about the 50 states cards. And  below  I used the do not disturb sign from a hotel room, as well as a few art supplies to switch it up just a little bit.
The mile 0 sticker is because we reached the southernmost point of US Route 1, which runs north to south along the eastern seaboard. I got a kick out of this as my school is located on route 1, so I ride a short section of this highway every work day,

And a couple of little paintings I did also.
I painted this age for our visit to Big Cypress Swamp. We did some exploring of the swamp along a gravel road and saw more alligators as well as lots of birds.
And finally a last page for our visit to Biscayne National Park and a short boat trip we took out to one of the keys in the park.
I still have some trip photos I might show you sometime, but that's the end of the journal. Time to start making a new one as the hubby and I are heading out to visit a couple of more National Parks this summer.
Hope you have a great day.
And thanks for visiting.


  1. What a fun travel journal wrap-up, Erika. I liked how you included the hotel door tag and the Rte 1 marker as well we the other items. You must have quite fond memories from your journals. Happy Easter wishes and enjoy the break. I’m also glad there’s no mire snow here.

  2. I always love your travel journals, and can picture you having fun, looking back through the journals in years to come. Lovely paintings, too.I hope the weather will be kind to you over the Easter vacation. Hugs, Valerie

  3. Such a fun journal filled with lots of memories. I love the Do Not Disturb sign with the busy getting Vitamin ZZZZ Made me chuckle. How fun to know your commute could take you to FL if you ever decide to skip school and keep on going. Enjoy your day!

  4. I love your travel journals -- they're such fun and make me happy! What a fun way to remember your holiday.

  5. What a wonderful way to remember your trip! You've included such a variety of things -postcards, collage elements, paintings, souvenirs.... I love it!

  6. Great to see your travel journal, Erika, and I just love your two painted pages at the end. The bird is marvellous among the trees and I seriously love these crazy dancing palms and the sweet lighthouse by the blue water.

  7. Its been a treat seeing your travel journal and all the interesting thing you save from your trip to add to the pages.
    The painting looked fantastic.
    Have a good weekend and enjoy your break.
    Yvonne xx

  8. Your travel journal really does look great! How fascinating that there is a route along the coast and that you got to see the beginning of the route that you touch part of up North!! Looking forward to see where you go in the Summer! Hugs, Chrisx

  9. This is simply amazing Erika!
    All so free and so stylish at once ---GORGEOUS!!!

  10. What a fantastic journal full of memorabilia and mementos of your amazing trip - so cool!
    Alison x

  11. Thanks for sharing your travel journals, and lovely paintings too.

    All the best Jan

  12. What a brilliant idea to use all that memorabilia to make a journal with. I did have, hope now that I still have, several envelopes with tickets, programmes etc in from our trips away because you have inspired me to make a journal full of memories like this.
    I am sure you will have many a happy hour spent leafing through these journals and reliving the wonderful times you have had - and more to come.
    Thanks for sharing your vacation and paintings.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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