Friday, April 19, 2019

It's Fun Friday

Hi everyone.
It's Friday. Hurrah. I am ready for it to be the weekend and even more so, I am ready for a few days off from work. 
And I am wishing you  a Happy Easter if you celebrate and a Happy start to Passover to those of you who celebrate that holiday for the next several days.

And look what I found in my garden when I did a bit of raking after work one day earlier this week.
 The first flower of the year. There was some green hiding under all the wind blown leaves.
Spring is coming to my world. Smile.

And today I have another page for Wendy's Have Fun challenge at Art Journal Journey
How about some silly monkeys?

This is my calendar journal page this week. These monkeys look like they are all jumping around in their monkey ways or maybe they are dancing for joy with all these bananas to eat.
Either way they are having a lot of fun.

Hope your weekend is a lot of fun too.
Thanks for visiting.


  1. Love your monkeys and bananas, what a fun page. Thank you for doing us Art Journal Journey

  2. Love your monkey business! Beautiful crocus, too. Hugs, Valerie

  3. Love this monkey business! Happy Easter to you and enjoy your break! Chrisx

  4. Glad Spring has finally arrived in your corner. Monkey business made me smile. Made me think of the kids in your school bouncing off the walls anxious for their Spring break. Or is that the teachers? =^,.^= Have a wonderful weekend and the start of your break!

    The page - the photos - your free week to come!

    ENJOY everything! Happy Easter dear Erika and thank you so much for yet another fancy and fun page for our April topic at AJJ!

    Big hugs, Susi

  6. Happy Spring! The first flower is such a joy to see :) Those monkeys do look like they're having great fun :)

  7. That's definitely a wonderful bloom and a great sign of things to come!

    Happy Easter!

  8. The first blooms are the most special of all.

  9. I love Snoopy and his basket of Easter eggs. Cute. Have a lovely Easter yourself, dear.

    Love that you finally have some green in your yard. What a great way to celebrate the Easter weekend, too.

    Of course, I simply adore your Monkey Business. It's clever, whimsical, and fun It's the perfect journal entry using Wendy's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    Enjoy your time off, dear Erika.

  10. Slowly spring is coming to your world :)
    This is a lovely funny page with the happy jumping monkeys and the bananas!
    Happy Easter with full of sunshine! Big Hugs, Rike

  11. Love that happy crocus -- I'm waiting! I'm sure they're around, just haven't found one yet (though daffs are here and crocus is usually first!) Loved the Snoopy and your page too. I hope you have lots of fun monkey business this weekend!

  12. How lovely to find spring peeking through in the form of that beautiful flower. Love your monkeys getting up to mischief... you'd have thought all those bananas would distract them from making trouble!
    Alison x

  13. That's such a lovely colour flower, so pleased that Spring is coming to your part of the world.

    Happy Easter Wishes.

    All the best Jan

  14. To find that flower must have given you a real lift. More and more colour is starting to appear here and it feels great. Buds on the trees look like they are about to pop too. Yippee!

  15. What fabulous monkeys, such great expressions on their little faces and how cool they look against that background which, to me, says 'Jungle'. Love the bananas too that you used to frame the page and the words are so appropriate for a "Fun" page. Good thinking!
    Hugs, Neet xx


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