Thursday, May 23, 2019

A Little of a Lot

Hi everyone. Hope your week is going well. It is already Thursday. Time seems to go especially fast when the weather gets nice, doesn't it? ( Or maybe it's just me being in the land where spring has taken forever to really get here.)
Today I have a little of a lot of things to share. I'll start with a journal page for Art Journal Journey and the In the Air/In the Sky challenge.  It's hard to believe that in just about another week the month will be over. So if you want to join in, you still have another week to do that but don't wait too long or June will arrive and this challenge will be over.
Of course I bet there will be a fantastic June challenge too.
Here's my page.
I decided  I wanted to try painting some spring trees. They came out ok, but I thought the view was kind of boring, so I decided to add this little dog running and then leaping to catch the red ball in the air. 
This stamped puppy is a riot.
And the other night we had the coolest colored sky. I didn't even touch this photo with photoshop.

And I have been reading up a storm lately, and since I haven't done a book post in a long time, thought I would share some of my favorites  ( not science though)  from the last 2 months.
(This helps me remember what I read and what I  liked when I look back, and I know some of you enjoy book reviews as much as me.)
You'll see my taste has been all over the place.
 I buzzed through the first 3 of these murder mysteries and have the 4th in the series ready to go. I like the main character, Dr. Ruth Galloway, who is a forensic archaeologist in Norfolk, England. I also like that these books have enough details to keep your brain happy but are not too much to plod through. The stories are good and I've learned some archeology too.
The school library has had the free book cart out a lot lately, and I've picked up some books, (Ok quite a few) including some Amy Tan books, all of which I read many years ago. I know I read this but I didn't remember much about it. Tan  is really good at mother -daughter relationships with Mom holding on to the Chinese traditions and the daughter being a modern American woman. I liked it the second time around, and now I remember what it was about too.

 An Easy Death is an alternative history thriller, and I believe it is the first in a trilogy. I wasn't sure I would like it as I hadn't read any alternative history stories, and the reviews said there was a bit of violence, but I did really enjoy it, even with the violence. I think it was just that the characters were that good.

My goal is to reread (well relisten) to all seven books in the Harry Potter series, and I just finished book 4. I love having the stories read to me! 
And here's another mystery series I really enjoy. Anne Hillerman picked up with  the Leaphorn, Chee, Manuelito characters that her Dad (Tony Hillerman) wrote about for many years. This is her 5th installment, and a really good continuation. These mysteries are set in the Southwest US and are fascinating how they get into Navajo culture.

Sofia Segovia is a Mexican author who has been translated into English. I liked this story set back in the early years of the 20th century Mexico. Her writing is really poetic. I listened to the book and enjoyed the poetry of her words and the way she used a lot of sounds in the story, as well as her great characters.

And this is my current read. Somehow I missed reading the Little House on the Prairie stories of Laura Ingalls Wilder as a kid, but I do remember the old TV show with Michael Landon. This book though is excellent and certainly does not make pioneer life seem romantic in any form. 

We have a long holiday weekend coming up and my daughter is coming home tonight for a couple of days. So have a great start to your weekend and I hope to be by again soon.


  1. What fun. Those dogs are hilarious and I like how they were catching the ball in the air. I ave to admit, that's definitely a unique take on your challenge at Art Journal Journey, dear Erika. LOVED the trees, too.

    Your photo is lovely of the sunset.

    Sounds like some great reads. I'd love to find the Hillerman book. I've looked for both hers and her dad's but have never found any in my library.

  2. Your artwork is lovely and I like the little dogs you added. That night sky was cool colored. The books you've been reading sound interesting. I used to read a lot of books when I was younger, and enjoyed doing so, but for some reason as I got older, I stopped reading. I don't know why, though. I really should start doing it again.

  3. Love your painting - just perfect for a sunny day and the addition of the little dog springing (no pun intended) makes it a fun page as well. Such gorgeous bright colours to match the day for both of us, yes it is lovely here in the UK at the moment too.
    Love your photograph - what a beautiful sky!
    Must spend more time looking at your book reviews, I think I have read the Amy Tam one but the others intrigue me, especially the first one.
    Have a wonderful day
    Hugs, Neet xx

  4. I like the story you created with the little dog. Such a cute stamp. As to books, I can't keep up with you. More rain, but it doesn't sound like the weekend will be a washout.

  5. What a fun journal page, those jumping puppies are fantastic. Love the sky photo, and you have been reading some great books. I have been out all morning so off to put my feet up now for a coffee and reading hour. Hugs, Valerie

  6. Those trees are in no way boring, but the adorable dog does add flair. Your view of the sky beyond those trees is gorgeous!

    I need to try Griffiths' series, and I'll check for it at the library as soon as I make it though my current stack. I've read a few by Tan and always enjoy her. It helps me get a sense of another culture. Alternative history is one genre I don't read, but that author is a good writer. I've read the HP series, but I haven't re-read any but the first. I haven't read any of Anne Hillerman's books, but I loved the original Leaphorn/Chee series. I'm putting Segovia on my buy-me-a-present list for my husband. She sounds like somebody I'd enjoy. Thx for the recommendation.

    Enjoy your long weekend! :)

  7. What a fantastic page -- I love those fun trees by their own but how super clever to add this hilarious dogs!!!! You rock the month at AJJ! THANK YOU SO MUCH ERIKA!!! And yes I agreee with all you wrote about time : Specially limited art time for me again this month and in general time just flies by...unbelievable that in one week May is already over again!
    I am amazed how much you manage to read always! I bought two books new at AMAZON as I wanted the topics ( normally I just buy books at fleamarkets or at the thrift store and needed a whole month to get through only those! Too much time online I fear. But I hear a lot of audiobooks when I drive or do housework.

    Thank you for the reviews - you have a very good taste in terms of selecting books!

    Susi xxx

  8. Your Art journal page is Amazing Erika !! I love love it, these trees are absolutely wonderful, and, of course, I love the so seet dog jumping after its ball, super-cute!
    The photograph is really Beautiful, the red of the sky is incredible. And you have got good readings, enjoy them!
    I wish you a very nice Friday,
    Big hugs, Caty

  9. Love your Spring trees and the little dog certainly livens it up! An amazing sky, I could imagine that in watercolour! I always find your book reviews interesting, will have to bookmark this one:o)

  10. First of all, LOVE your trees. It's so happy. Really nice painting!

    Good books. I have the Galloway series on my Amazon wish list. I feel compelled to plow through some of what I already have first but this is my kind of mystery series. And I also want to read Prairie Fires. Do you follow Laura at She's a direct descendant of Laura Ingalls Wilder and often writes about her. She has a "Little House" tab on her menu bar -- you might be interested!

  11. What a fun page! I loved that you painted the trees in the air and then I saw the adorable puppy jumping for the ball - perfect 😁. Wishing you a happy Friday and Weekend! Jo x

  12. Erika, the painting was not "boring" at all. We'll see if I ever get confident enough about my painting to put it on my blog! Baked something a little different this week (and am doing a fab tea giveaway).

  13. Gorgeous springtime trees, and I love the addition of the little dog chasing his ball. The skyscape is pure magic - more inspiration for your lovely theme over at AJJ!
    Alison x

  14. Very cute page, Erika. The jumping dog is darling 😃. Thank you for the book reviews. The Hillerman ones good. Happy Memorial Day! Eileen xx

  15. I do like your art, it's so nice and colourful.
    Fabulous photograph of the sunset.

    Thanks for sharing details of all the books.

    All the best Jan

  16. Wow! What a fabulous post! I love that page with the dog jumping for the ball - what fun!!
    Your sunset photo is a real gem!
    As for the books - i think I will be looking out for Elly Griffiths and Sofia Segovia!

    Hugs, Chrisx

  17. A super book selection Erika, I'm never without a book close by to read.
    Your painted journal page is brilliant, the trees look great. I am smiling at the dogs playing its a great stamp to use.
    Yvonne xx


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