Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Colorful Skies

Here's a quickie page that's full of color and fun and what sounds like a great way to spend an afternoon to me.
I had a little too much blue paint on a page so I pressed this page to that page and that made my blue background, and I didn't waste any paint. Once dry, I drew the clouds and used various paints to color them. And those Studio Light punch outs have sure been a good deal since they were under $5 a book and I have barely used any compared to all of them in the book. They work out perfect for when time is limited like it is right now for me.  Plus they have some fun images. Smile.
The quote is part of a bigger quote stamp that I have had for probably 15 years, but I cut off the first part as the ending seemed to work perfect for the page.
I am linking up to the In the Air/In the Sky challenge at Art Journal Journey. I am so thrilled to see all the gorgeous art linked up so this month. Thank you to all you supportive ladies.
And I also want to remind everyone there is still almost a week to join in at Try It on Tuesday for our 10th year birthday.
Just make it colorful and fun and full of birthday joy. 
Happy middle of the week!


  1. Lovely artwork. Also, I thought I left a comment for you for your T-Day post, but I don't see it. I'll wait a little while, then check to see if it appears. Otherwise I'll leave another one later in the week. :-)

  2. That's a lovely page, so happy and carefree. And I love those die-cuts you've been using, haven't seen them here, yet. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  3. Your page may have been quick for you, but it looks like you put a LOT of time and effort into it. I love it. Yes, you got a good deal on those punch outs, too. Hope your day is as great as your art. Thanks for yet another great entry using your theme at Art Journal Journey, dear.

  4. This is a happy page. Enjoy the sunshine today. Rain coming back tomorrow

  5. A fabulous page, It would be fun if our clouds were brighter coloured, the rain wouldn't seem to bad. I agree about the pop outs being useful, they are going to last for ages.
    have a great day.
    Yvonne xx

  6. What a spectacular art page Erika !! It's really gorgeous, I really like the background you've created, with the planets, the clouds of colours and the winged hearts. Amazing !!
    I hope all is well for you, and wish a very nice afternoon,
    Big hugs, Caty

  7. I got a kick out of the fun clouds :)

  8. Hi Erika, well I am finally back from Australia with more time to blog and visit... Sorry for lack of comments in the last weeks...

    This looks like a fun page for a fun challenge at AJJ, - you are a busy lady!

  9. Such a fun page Erika! I love those colourful clouds! Xxx

  10. I always since childhood love to watch the clouds at play! What a LOVELY page and I love that it came up on a not wasted paint sheet!

    Awesome! I can imagine that those studio light punch outs come very handy at times where art time is limited - clever to have them on hand! Another wonderful entry for your fantastic topic Erika!
    Big hugs, Susi

  11. Hi Erika! Really love the fabulous theme you have chosen for AJJ.
    Great pages!
    Mar xx

  12. This one is definitely happy!

  13. This is wonderful. Makes me think of le Petit Prince, one of my favourite books and I know it's one of my Swiss friend's much wisdom in it.
    Lovely, quirky page.
    Cath x

  14. I love your rainbow coloured clouds. It would be great if they were like this instead of so often grey! Nothing better than cloud gazing when they're all white and fluffy against a blue sky, of course, but maybe rainbow coloured would be even lovelier!
    Alison x

  15. What fun! Wouldn't it make a rainy day much nicer to have clouds like that? Hugs, Chrisx


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