Saturday, May 4, 2019

Garden Day

Hi there. I hope everyone is having a nice weekend. 
Today we had clouds and moments of sun and it was a bit warmer with no rain. I decided it was a good day to work in the gardens, especially since the spring bugs weren't too bad.
 The hubby put a new wheel on the wheel barrow for me.
And I bought a "yard" (about 3/4 of a cubic meter) of bark mulch at the local garden center. Time for me to get a nice little work out.  (The hubby fertilized the lawn and then cleaned out the garage while I spread bark mulch. We both had a productive day.)
I need another yard of mulch but that will wait until another day.
Maddie enjoyed the damp mulch very much. Good thing my flowers are just popping out of the ground since she decided the garden was a great place to relax.

And Maddie is smiling since her tail is feeling better. The vet said she had swimmer's tail or cold tail, something I have never heard of even though I've had dogs most of  my life.  It causes really severe muscle aches and it is hard for the dog to even lift their tail. After 2 days of rest she got up today and her tail was wagging happily.
The garden is starting to show signs of life. With all the below normal temperatures and the wet,dark weather we are having, the gardens are definitely behind.  I took this photo last evening when I got home from work.
Photos I took today.

 The roses are getting their leaves. And soon the daffodils will flower.
 I love the colors on these hyacinths.
 And this is in the woods by the house.
 And Al, my weeping cherry tree, is just starting to flower. The tree is called Al after my dad, ad the tree was  gift from my coworkers when he passed away 15 years ago.
I think we just need some sun.
Since nature isn't supplying it, I will.
The background is scraps of printed tissue paper and strips from a Japanese book page. I painted the sun and added some silver and gold sequins so it would shine. Then I added the quote which I cut out of an old FLOW magazine.

And I am linking up to Art Journal Journey and my theme In the Air/In the Sky.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


  1. Looks like you all had big fun and lots of exercise in the garden while Maddie enjoyed watching all that was going on. Good that things are starting to bloom now. We had cold and windy weather yesterday with hailstones, snow and rain, ugh! Enjoy your Sunday, hugs, Valerie

  2. Love the beautiful journal page, too!

  3. You certainly worked hard Erika, glad to see your garden is starting to bloom. Lovely photos of Maddie too, glad she's feeling better.
    I love your beautiful, sunny page too!
    Alison xxx

  4. Firstly this "WONDERFUL" page that speaks from LOVE and sun makes me happy and brightens my cold and windy Sunday here! Thank you Erika for so many fantastic ideas - I just, while cooking, got an idea for one of this month's TIOT themes and "In the Air/In the Sky" to combine. Hopefully I can put it into practice properly soon.
    Hubby looks so well and happy and it seems he had lost some weight too - very fit looking man ! And your garden looks absolutely fantastic - maybe all is a bit behind, but who cares?! Therefore you will have spring much longer than many others!!! The red mulch looks fabulous and Maddie is very clever to enjoy it - I am sure it is good for healing even more as it's like a healthy forest treatment for her skin and body - smart girl! She looks so beautiful. Is Pete with your daughter again now? I miss him.

    Have a great Sunday and good start for tomorrow into the new work week!
    I am sure we will meet up in real life once ....
    it's written in the sky already --lol!

    Big hugs,

  5. So glad Maddie is feeling much better. She must have been as she is out there helping with the gardening (she is tamping the mulch down isn't she?).
    Love all the photos of your signs of Spring which no doubt helped you with your inspiration for the art journal page
    I like the idea of the sequins attached to the centre of the sun - makes it really shine.
    Hugs, Neet xx.

  6. Now that, my friend, is SERIOUS mulch! You had to be having a world of hurt in your back after moving all that around but it looks terrific on the beds. Nice work!

  7. Glad Maddie is doing better. She sure looks comfy as your garden supervisor. I've never seen two-tone hyacinths. Very cool. I've seen those same shoots sprouting in my woods, too. I have no idea what they are. The cherry tree is beautiful. What a thoughtful gift. Your sun made me smile. I think you might see the sun today, but I'm in for more rain. Enjoy your day!

  8. Ah, it's great to see Maddie is doing better. I was SO worried about her.

    You and I had the same thing in mind yesterday. I'm late visiting because yesterday was herb day at the extension office/Farmer's Market. After walking about five miles are the outdoor market, I bought and planted all the herbs I purchase. I was WIPED out when I got finished and I didn't even buy mulch (grin). I LOVE your garden. My hyacinths have been gone for weeks, my tulips are gone, and even my irises are on their last legs (or petals). Your garden is just starting and I'm so impressed and look forward to seeing it in full bloom.

    I am so impressed with your sun. It is glorious and shines beautifully. I have nothing but gray, dull, and no sun here. Your sunshine truly brightened my day, dear friend. It's a great addition to your theme at Art Journal Journey, too.

  9. I love how you did the sun, and the quote is perfect! I'm happy for Maddie. I know she's ready for some dry, warm weather :) Your garden is looking great, and I enjoy seeing the flowers coming on there that are long past here in Memphis. It's like I get to experience a rolling Spring :)

  10. It seems like you have had a busy weekend. The photos of your garden look lovely it was good to see your spring flowers starting to shoe and bloom.
    I loved the burst of sunshine on your super journal page, the sequins really sparkle.
    I'm pleased that Maddie is wagging her tail and is getting well. We had dogs for years and I'd never heard of the problem she had with her tail. I'm just glad she is getting over it, she looks very happy in the garden.
    Yvonne xx

  11. Congratulations on all your hard work and the results achieved. We have lots of growth in the garden now, but a lot of our mulch has disappeared too. We may be faced with doing exactly what you have just done.

  12. Well done on your garden work. Love the colours on the hyacinths.
    Pleased to read that Maddie is feeling better.

    Really like your art here, such great colour.

    All the best Jan

  13. You have a lovely, big garden, Erika. Most of ours are so small and I don't even have one - I have a yard (a paved/concreted area)! Lots of work but I'm sure it will be worthwhile. Love your page and the quote from the poem is wonderful. Really like that ;-)
    Happy Monday!
    Cath x

  14. Fine Erika, I´m so happy that Maddie is feeling better now, I adore Maddie and her beautiful smile !! You may be very busy in your garden, but the result will be great, the roses and daffodils are lovely.
    Your Art page is just Amazing, I love this big an bright sun over the gorgeous background. Fantastic quote!
    I wish you a very nice Tuesday, and send big hugs,

  15. It's so nice to see a garden starting. While it does bring back memories of when we would be working outdoors, we don't miss the yard work. But I will admire yours instead, Erika.

  16. Your garden looks lovely - isn't it great to see new growth, even if you were working so hard! Hugs,Chrisx

  17. Wonderful quote for your happy sun page!
    Wow, you did much hard work in the garden!
    I enjoyed your beautiful photos, the colors on these hyacinths are fantastic!
    Big Hugs, Rike


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