Friday, May 3, 2019

Flying Through the Air

Hello everyone. It is the end of the week, and this week flew right by. I can't say we've had much nice weather; in fact yesterday was wet, cold and raw-again. Also yesterday I had to take the dog to the vet and discovered she has an injured tail. Now we need to keep her calm and hopefully it will heal up over the weekend. It seems there's always something going on.
So I have another page for Art Journal Journey to inspire you. This month's theme is In the Air/In the Sky.
And there are always planes in the sky, so that is my take on the challenge today.
I began by glueing down a map onto some watercolor paper. I then stamped and colored a vintage plane image. I used a left over boarding pass from my flight back in February when I went to Florida. as well as a scrap of paper bag from a Hard Rock store. You can see there are all kinds of city names on the back. The sign on the bag is another stamped image. I painted in some clouds and finally added the letter stickers.
That's my post for today. Hoping to see your sky art at Art Journal Journey
And I'm wishing you a fantastic weekend.


  1. Wonderful page. Always planes in the air here, too, as I live near the airport. Hope the dog's tail soon heals. Have agreat weekend, hugs, Valerie

  2. Fantastic artwork. I always like pieces featuring maps. My weather here in CT has been about the same as yours all week. It's been overcast almost every day, with off and on rain. Yesterday the sun came out, which was a nice surprise. Today it's back to gloomy. And the temperatures are lower than normal. But the leaves on the trees seem to be growing despite the lack of sunshine. They should be fully leafed within a few days. I also noticed the bugs are back: one thing I don't like about warmer weather.

  3. Such a wonderful page! Using the flight ticket and the map peeking through those fabulous 3D clouds is amazing - I love it 😁. Happy Friday and Weekend! J 😊 x

  4. This page is amazing! Loved to see that Vienna is a desitination at the paper bag as well... so maybe it's a sign and we will meet up in Vienna!
    Rain here as well and colder temperatures again and windy - but nature needs water -- let's be happy about it! Good luck and fingers crossed for Maddies' tale. Wish some quick healing for her!!!

    Have a great weekend and I can tell you that your theme at AJJ already rocks! I knew it - you are such a wonderful host ! Thank you for all the work you do!
    Happy weekend my friend!
    Did I tell you that I have my brother staying with me for this month?! He is now here for one week already and it's nice but very much work for me... but I will manage it. My stepfather deserves a good holiday and vacation with his girlfriend for sure!
    Hope you don't mind my lack of entries! I try to do my best...♥♥♥

    Susi xxx

  5. Brilliant idea, Erika... love the tickets and the map. Another great memento for you. Poor doggie - hope her tail heals quickly. It's so hard to keep dogs still when they're hurt and you really don't want her to stop wagging it - that's the best part of a dog ;-)
    We're having crappy weather here again - cold and grey - but at least it hasn't rained much today :-)
    Have a great weekend!
    Cath x

  6. Your plane is the absolute highlight of this journal page, Erika. It is so much fun and I love the clouds, the boarding pass and the added embellishments you used to turn this into a head turner. It's a super entry for your theme this month at Art Journal Journey.

    I hope you dog (Maddie?) is better over the weekend, dear. After all, family IS family!!!

  7. You've chosen an intriguing theme this month and I have put on my thinking cap and will shortly put on my painting cap.
    I like this page very much, nice work with adding the boarding pass and painting the clouds and I love the idea of the vintage plane flying over the map to the next adventure.

  8. Its a fabulous page Erika, I've spent ages looking at all the detail in the pieces you added to the page.
    How did your dog injure her tail? I hope it heals well.
    I hope you have a good weekend .
    Yvonne xx

  9. A wonderful page with so much detail Erika!
    I hope your dog's tail heals quickly.
    Alison xxx

  10. May doesn't seem to be any better weather wise than April. I'd like to board that plane and fly to someplace warm and sunny. Hope the pupper's tail is better. Have a good day!

  11. I love maps in art work -- this looks terrific with all the detail.

    I'm so sorry about your dog. Hope all resolves well and soon.

  12. A fabulous page Erika, and a good idea adding the boarding pass. Hope doggy's tail get better soon.
    Avril xx

  13. Don;t know where our supposed heat wave has gone! It's another grey and miserable day here too.
    Love the idea of using some memorabilia in your layout - "travel" is one of my favourite topics and this certainly got my creative juices flowing. I just need to clear my desk and get working. Thanks for the inspiration with your airplane
    Hugs, Neet xx

  14. That looks so good …

    All the best Jan

  15. Fabulous page - I think I have to include a plane as we are so close to the airport! Hugs, Chrisx

  16. This is beautiful how you placed the airplane and the clouds over the maps background!
    I read in your later post that your dog is happily healed now, best wishes for her!
    Hugs Rike

  17. It is a fantastic journal page. I love how you created it.


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