Sunday, May 12, 2019

Happy Mother's Day

Big wishes to those of you who are celebrating today. Happy Mother's Day. And even if you already celebrated Mothering Sunday, I will still wish you a Happy Mother's Day, being a mother is hard work.And this is for you  whether  have people children or fur baby children or both.
I went to visit my mother yesterday with my daughter. 
The exciting news with her is that she has been in rehab for 2 months now as we were figuring out what to do with her. I know that might sound strange that we didn't know what to do with her, but she had some kind of infection and had seemed to go downhill and the opinion was she couldn't handle being back in her apartment and needed a higher care facility.  But then as she recovered she bounced back, pretty good for 89 1/2, and so tomorrow she goes back to her apartment. 
We had a nice visit yesterday with her. And it was nice for me to also spend the day not only with Mom, but with my daughter. And it was a beautiful day too with really blue sky, as you can see from these photo I snapped in the car.
I took it not for the blue skies but how these leaves had the best yellowish color. 
(And thanks CJ for the note about WPI's graduation. It was also Assumption's graduation too, and we go by both since Mom is living on the upper end of Salisbury St. We managed to get around the traffic for both nicely.)
And a bouquet for you today. 
I made by page by first using a stencil and some bits of leftover paint with the stencil. Then I sprayed it with some blue ink. The flowers are some from the Studio Light punch outs and the butterflies are some from a bag of  butterfly stickers I have. The bloom word is also from a Studio Light punch out, but I enhanced it with some glitter glue.
Finally I added the stamped quote.
Since there are butterflies on my page and the beautiful blue sky, I am linking up to Art Journal Journey and the In the Air/In the Sky challenge.
I will also remind you you still have a few days for the things with wings challenge at Try It On Tuesday  Hope to see your art at both of these challenges!

Have (or hope you are having) a wonderful rest of your weekend.
Thanks for visiting.


  1. Yesterday was such a beautiful day and so nice that you got to spend it with your mom and daughter. I'm glad you were also able to negotiate the traffic in the city. Your bouquet page is so pretty and the sunny thought much needed for the weather for the next couple of days. Have a Happy Mother's Day

  2. Gorgeous journal page again! Lovely photo of your mom and glad she is well enough to return to her apartment, that's great. And good that you three girls had a wonderful day together. Hugs, Valerie

  3. She is ADORABLE! So glad to hear she is able to go back to her apartment! What an AMAZING woman and soul! You can be so proud of her! And those wonderful page fits her charming physical appearance dear Erika! A great addition to your collection at AJJ! You rock again! Great you had nice weather to enjoy the three generation girls day! We had just rain rain rain this weekend, but o.k. - good for nature!

    Happy start of the new week!
    Thank you for your wonderful hosting of the fabulous topic and for the lovely photo of your Mom!

    Big hugs, Susi

  4. Happy Mother's Day, Erika. Your mother is a beautiful lady.
    And I llllllllove your page full of flowers! Kisses, my friend.

  5. A lovely photo of your Mom Erika and it is good new that she will be able to return to her apartment. You all must have had a lovely time together.
    It is a beautiful journal page, those blue shades look lovely a great background for the butterflies and flowers.
    Happy Mothers Day to you Erika, I hope you had a good day.
    Yvonne xx

  6. OOh Happy belated day Erika !! Here it was the past 5th. I´m so happy your Mom is recovering now and could go back home, a great notice ! You have got a very beautiful photograph of her. It´s so good to have mom, mine lives alone till now and is in form, hope she will continue this way for years.
    Then I want to say that I love love love your so Gorgeous Art page Erika !! It is really wonderful, love the colours , so bright, the lovely butterflies and the flowers, the word is fabulous too. Great Art !
    I wish you a very nice day and begining of the week,
    Big hugs, Caty

  7. It sounds like a good Mother's Day. I'm so glad your mom has been able to be in rehab because it sounds like a safe place and now a return home, which will be joyful and good too.

  8. Happy Mother's Day to you and yours :) I hope your mom continues to do well.

    Your photo does show a gorgeous spring scene. Spring has its own fresh appeal.

  9. That's really good news about your mother, Erika. How wonderful that she has got better and can go back home.
    The butterflies and flowers really jump out of the turquoise background as a great illustration of nature bursting out of the earth at this time.

  10. Happy belated Mother's Day, dear Erika. Your mother looks good for 89 1/2. You have great genes, I can tell. SO glad she is bouncing back, too.

    OMGosh. Your flowers are gorgeous, and your butterflies are amazing. This is a stunning entry and perfect for Mother's Day as well as your theme at Art Journal Journey.

  11. What a beautiful lady your mom is. Such good news that she is able to return to her own apartment, I am sure she will be more than pleased to still have her independence.
    Thanks for the lovely bright page you have treated us to here. I love how the red stands out against the blue background and the word "Bloom" looks very dimensional .
    Hugs, Neet xx
    ps what a lovely Mothers Day with three generations spending it together.

  12. I'm glad you had a special Mother's Day with your mom and dauhter. Especially glad to hear your mom has bounced back so well! Eileen xx

  13. That is such a lovely photograph of your mom, that is good news that she is well enough to return to her apartment. Pleased that you all had a great day together.

    Belated good wishes for Mother's Day.
    Here in the UK we celebrated on 31 March.

    All the best Jan


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