Monday, May 13, 2019

T Stands for My Favorite Sandwich

Happy Tuesday!
 I'm writing this Monday night and they are saying it is going to be chilly, raw and wet on Tuesday. Again. But at least I don't live in the area of the state where snow is predicted.
 But Monday morning was gorgeous and I took  this cool photo off my back deck.
And since this is my Tuesday post it is 
 time for T again over at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog. This is where we share our drink related posts,and lots of time other things too.
If you stop by my blog on occasion you might have read how my daughter and I went to visit my mother this past Saturday. It's a 2+ hour drive each way. After visiting Mom we were hungry, so on the way home we stopped at a New England chain of restaurants that we both like.
They had their summer menu up, and their Mother's Day specials, and they had 3 different versions of my favorite sandwiches. 
This the 99's traditional lobster roll. It's a little different than the restaurants here in my home area serve them, but it is still very good. The 99 adds lettuce, mayo and chopped celery.
You could also get a hot lobster roll with butter instead of mayo, and a lobster BLT.
My daughter also had the same.
And we both had water for our drinks.
Ha-ha-I am making myself hungry.
Happy Tuesday and thanks for visiting my blog.


  1. Your meal looks so delicious! I have never been to a Ninety Nine as we don't have any in the area but I have seen them around on our travels. I will have to remember to keep them in mind when we pass by one.
    We too have experienced a cold front. Last week was beautiful but it has gone down into the 40's the last few days.I am wishing for the spring temperature to come around again.
    Your view from the back deck is stunning. What a lovely way to start the day.
    Happy Tea Day,

  2. Stunning photo, Erika. And the lobster rolls seems really yummy! Kisses, my dear friend.

  3. I join in imagining the wonderful of the trip on the way back and forth to visit your mother ... after that stop for a moment while enjoying a very nice temple.

    In this photo I saw a picture of lobster that was very tasty and I immediately felt hungry too ... ha ha ha :D

  4. Love the photo and the meal looks mmmmm good

  5. The view from your back deck is SPECTACULAR. I want your view!

    As good as your lobster roll looks, I couldn't eat it, because I am allergic to mayonnaise. Something in it makes me sick every time I get it. I have to be careful when I get sandwiches because I don't want to get sick in the restaurant before I finish my meal. Your water with lemon is a smart move, too. Thanks for sharing your view and your visit to 99 (a chain that apparently hasn't made it to the midwest), along with your lobster roll and water for T this Tuesday.

  6. Wonderful photo, hope the weather sounds good. It looks like a great place to stop for a meal, yummy, and a huge portion, it's making me hungry again! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  7. well, here it is breakfast time and you already make me hungry for lunch:)))) happy t-day ♥

  8. Good job I have just had breakfast, the lobster roll looks delicious.
    Its not something I have seen on a menu where we live, but I would for sure order one if I saw it. advertised.
    Happy T day wishes Erika.
    Yvonne xx

  9. Oh what a lovely view!
    Your 99 lobster roll looks very yummy indeed. Is it all meat? A roll in England would mean a bread roll with something in it. My mouth waters (and it’s only 11 a.m.)
    Happy t day,

  10. Fantastic photo. It looks beautiful there. What a great view to have. My trees are mostly all in full leaf now here in CT. (They were about a week behind normal.) It's been rainy and chilly here too. (The northwest corner of our state, sometimes called "the hills" had a forecast for a chance of snow, due to their higher elevation, which is almost unheard of for CT in May, but that's how cold it is/was getting.) Your food looks delicious. I did a search for 99 restaurants and found one nearby which I might have to try now. Happy T-Day!

  11. Wow --this looks amazing!
    Can imagine that it is SOUL FOOD !
    Happy T-DAy dear Erika!

    Susi xxxxxxxxx

  12. Your food looks so delicious, I love the coleslaw in America not too much mayo in it, it's made me hungry just looking at the photo!
    Have a great week
    Jan x

  13. What IS it with the weather?

    I love Ninety-Nine but I must have missed seeing the lobster roll on the menu -- or maybe it isn't on in March. Good reason to go back next year!

  14. I think I would have cried if we got snow. Himself and I went to the 99 a couple of week's ago. They had just put out the Summer menu. I had the Lobster BLT. Fabulous! Either way, they know how to do lobster right.

  15. Beautiful day break photo, Erika! You make me hungry every time you share your lobster rolls or similar East Coast seafood that I miss so much.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

  16. You're making _all_ of us hungry lol! Your woodland photo captures the feel of the day :) We're having a predicted high tomorrow of 83 and -of course- rain. More rain. But at least it's not snow. The mind boggles! Happy T Tuesday :)

  17. That was a great view off your back deck, Erika. yes, I also heard about the forecast of snow and some higher elevations did get some overnight according to news reports. Mother Nature is surely very confused about the month! We have a 99 restaurant here in Nashua and your post reminded me that we haven't been in one for awhile. We always enjoy the bowls of popcorn on the table. I've never had a lobster roll there, but maybe one day in the future will try it.

  18. That's an amazing photo, the colours and sunlight coming through the trees is so beautiful! Oh my, your lobster roll looks so yummy and now I'm very hungry, as usual 😉. I hope you are having a lovely week and wishing you a very happy T Day! J 😊 x

  19. You are killing me with these lobster roll posts! I want to go back to Maine! One of our favorite things about our Maine trip besides seeing our son! LOL
    Happy T Day!

  20. That's a very nice photograph taken from your back deck.
    Food looks good.

    All the best Jan

  21. Pretty view from your deck. Nice that you and your daughter were able to stop driving and have a meal. It looks so good.

  22. What a beautiful photo! Your food does look so tasty! Belated Happy T Day! Chrisx

  23. Your lobster roll looks very good. We were in Cape Cod a few years ago and ate lobster rolls twice - one was excellent, the other not so much. And EXPENSIVE!!


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