Sunday, May 19, 2019

Spring and Yard Work

Hi everyone.  Yesterday was a gorgeous day with blue skies and comfortable temperatures. Things are really greening up.

As you most likely know, there always seems to be a long list of things to do come spring. Yesterday I got almost all of the bark mulching done, and if I had just 2 more wheelbarrows full I would have finished. Oh well, by that point I was exhausted anyhow and I suppose I can find a couple of bags of bark mulch to complete the job. But even without those last 2 needed wheelbarrows, I am really happy to get the job done.
 This is what I mulched  a couple of Saturdays ago. The plants have really filled in.
 And yesterday I mulched my rose garden. Then I put out my birdbath and my favorite owls. The roses are really greening up too.

The hubby worked on cleaning his boat all day.
And the boat gave the dogs a nice place to get out of the sun.
But even so, we were all wiped out by the end of the day.
Next on the garden list is the fun part. Time to get  what plants I need and put them into the ground!. But those of you who garden know this.
Next weekend is the long Memorial Day holiday weekend here, and in  New Hampshire gardening tradition,  it will be safe from frost to plant then. If I get ambitious, (because I have very little right now), I might run down to a couple of garden centers and so some plant shopping. Or maybe I will just wait until after work one day for that. We have grey skies and rain is suppose to be coming so it might be a better day to relax.
Hmm. I wish life could be full of only decisions like this one.
Happy rest of your weekend and start to the new week.


  1. Oh yes, springtime brings a lot of work in the gardens. I have spend much time with cleaning away all the dried leaves and plant parts. But now I can enjoy a full blooming garden paradise. That was it worth. I can see you have also big trees behind your garden, very good.
    I like your owls and sweet dogs. Let us later see if your garden is full in bloom.
    Big Hugs

  2. I love seeing that scene down by the woodland edge during different seasons. What a peaceful spot!

  3. Hi, Erika! What fun, it looks like all of you had some! Wonderful photos. My neighbor friend across the street hails from NH, and my mom was a high school biology teacher who weilded a mean pastel drawing stick and made all her own clothes, even re-upholstered a wing back chair once with nothing but her Vogue sewing book. Love how so many scientists are talented creative artists, too, including you! Thanks for helping to keep TioT such a treasure! Hugs! xoxo

  4. WWoowww your garden looks wonderful Erika !! You have done a very good job !! I love how the flowers are growing up, and the cat and the owls are beautiful. Love your sweet dogs !!
    I wish you a very nice afternoon,
    Big hugs, Caty

  5. Glad the weather has got better. You have had a busy time in the garden, it all looks great. The poor doggies were exhausted just watching you both work! Love the rusty cat. Been out all day, and now I'm ready for bed! Hugs, Valerie

  6. Lovely photos from around your home Erika, you have been busy and your garden looks so neat and tidy. I loved the owls, but the cat with the fish in its mouth was my favourite photo.
    Have a good relax after your busy day.
    Yvonne xx

  7. Your garden looks great and I love your bird bath. I didn't get the weeding done today. Oh well, there's always tomorrow.

  8. You got far more accomplished this weekend than I. I was lucky to get my front yard mowed before the rains, hail, and tornado warnings came. Your yard is looking lovely and I simply adore your fire pit.

  9. Don't you love that lacy green of spring? It's so short-lived and just my favorite! That mulching looks absolutely fabulous! And that's hard work -- well done, you!

  10. So nice to see your garden photographs, it's looking good.
    We had a blue bird bath a few years back … it somehow ended up at one of our sons, but it still attracts a nice lot of birds which is nice.

    All the best Jan


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