Monday, May 20, 2019

Birds for Monday

Hi everyone. Happy new week.
I finally unloaded my camera photos onto my computer yesterday.
I had it out because I heard the song and then saw this visiter trying to feed off the hummingbird feeder. 

 I haven't seen a Baltimore Oriole at my feeder in several years.
 So I tempted him to stay awhile by putting out an orange.
He really enjoyed it! I had to put a new one out this morning.
And the other day I had another visiter that I haven't had for a few years either.
 This is the rose breasted grosbeak.
And the hummingbirds are back too.

It's all very exciting.
And all these birds in the air inspired me to share this page for Art Journal Journey and the latest In the Air/In the Sky challenge.
I started with some feather printed tissue paper that I recycled from a package. I gave this a light wash of watered down baby blue acrylic. And a splash of watered down light pink too. Then I added this old check register ripped into some pieces. I stapled some bakers twine, and attached this Studio Light punch out.  I gave her a little bit of pink sparkle glue. Then I stamped the quote and added a few letter stickers, and there you go.
Thanks for visiting.


  1. Lovely visitors to your garden. I have a pair of Grosbeaks. Himself saw a hummingbird check out the honeysuckle vine. I haven't seen a Baltimore Oriole. He is really splendid. I love your happy bird page. Enjoy the weather if it stops raining for 5 minutes!

  2. What a delightful posting for me Erika! I LOVE LOVE LOVE to see your guests at the bird feeder! WOW !!! We have a similar bird here in our Region called Pirol quite similar to the first one you showed in yellow shades, but I haven't seen it here in my garden yet. The second one is something I am sure we don't have in Europe , but not totally sure about it. And we will definitely never see a hummingbird in nature here - so I always love to see them on photos or videos! You have such a hand for catching them with your camera!!! And to top it all this amazing page for AJJ! WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW!!!!

    Have a fantastic start into the new week my friend!
    You are a flying host - you have Mixed Media wings !!! You fly high!

    Big hugs, Susi

  3. Once again: This page is simply TERRIFIC! I am thrilled about it!

  4. Wonderful visitors, I especially love the oriole, they are so precious. As is your beautiful journal page. Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  5. We love birds so I really loved your Monday post very much.

  6. Oh!!!! I dearly love seeing the birds that visit people's yards :) I've never had the Baltimore Oriole; but we do sometimes get the Rose-breasted Grosbeak, and those are striking birds. It is a magical moment when we get a new-to-us bird or one we don't often see. I love your art celebrating those moments :)

  7. The photos of the birds visiting your garden look lovely Erika. You seem to have more colourful birds stopping by than we do in our garden.
    I can see how you were inspired to created this fantastic journal page as well. I love the background you created as well.
    Yvonne xx

  8. Elizabeth's power is off. She wants you to know that the TSFT post will be up as soon as she is back online. I will try to let rest know. Thank you!

  9. I haven’t seen a Baltimore Oriole in my area in a long time and they are such a beautiful bird. The second is a grosbeak? I have seen them and I love hummingbirds but who doesn’t? We have them since we planted the butterfly bushes. I love the bird you made...really striking with the colours.

  10. Beautiful bird photos! And your artwork is lovely.

  11. Your bird photos are fabulous, Erika. Especially the series of the Baltimore Oriole.

    Great page for AJJ. You made it sound very easy, but I bet it took quite a while. I'm enjoying seeing all the fabulous entries for your theme In the Air/In the Sky this month.

    Eileen XX

  12. What a fabulous collection of photographs, so nice to see the visitors to your garden.

    I like your art piece too, wonderful bird, and such super colours.

    All the best Jan

  13. I love the birds, and it's a fabulous page Erika! xx

  14. Beautiful page you've made, love the feathery background. My hubby loves hummingbirds. We have a hummingbird bush that he pampers. You have a plethora of bird variety coming to visit you! xoxo

  15. The Baltimore Orioles have really been feeding on oranges this year. Everyone I know seems to have had the same experience. At ine point we were putting out fresh oranges twice a day.

  16. Wow! What stunning birds. You are obviously spoiled rotten where you live - that's such a treat :-) Never heard of birds liking oranges, either... not a bit like over here, lol. Love your page - a great celebration of our gorgeous feathered friends.
    Cath x


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