Monday, May 27, 2019

T Stands for My Weekend Indulgance

Hello there everyone. It is Tuesday again. Time to share our drink related posts over at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog
And the good news is she has power this week so T can go on as scheduled. Hurrah!
So during the week I am a very healthy eater. But I like food, and life is too short to not cheat on occasion,  so most weekends I indulge somehow one day. This past weekend was a long holiday weekend, and my daughter was home for 3 days and her beau was with us for 2, and that called for a big yummy Sunday morning breakfast..
 Sourdough pancakes, mine with blueberries, some delicious sausage as well as some fresh cut melon.  I like my pancakes with blueberries, my daughter likes chocolate chips in hers, my husband likes his plain and my daughter's beau said he would eat whatever, so he had a mix of chocolate chip and plain pancakes.
And for those you not familiar with the dark liquid in the little glass pitcher, it is real maple syrup. I don't think it is from New Hampshire as I got them jug at Costco. I think  is Canadian maple syrup, which is just as good and delicious and as full of antioxidants and healthy minerals  as New Hampshire maple syrup.
I was really surprised to discover all the good things in real maple syrup like potassium, zinc and calcium. Of course it is full of sugar so if you need to watch your sugar it might not be the best choice.
And for my drink you can see I had some water with my breakfast.
We don't have public water in my town. We don't drink our well water as we have lots of issues with iron bacteria and iron in our water, and even though the facts and water testing folks say it is ok to drink, I think being safe is better than being sorry. So we buy water to drink. I know plastic water bottles are not really kosher, but we do recycle them. 
That's all for me today.  I am writing this Monday night as I watch Game one of the Stanley Cup final hockey series. 
Thanks for visiting!


  1. Your pancakes sound and look really delicious-I went off my low carb diet this weekend for sure-back on it again tomorrow. I love maple syrup and we use it for special things like this or belgian waffles. our friends from Wisconsin make their own maple syrup and brought us several quarts of it-very special
    I have the hockey game on too since Missouri is in it-Happy T Hugs Kathy

  2. I do love pancakes. Plain with peanut butter and syrup. Yup...peanut butter. I like my French toast the same way. :)
    Happy T day!

  3. That breakfast looks awesome! And with real maple syrup! Yum! We have the same issue with iron and iron bacteria in our well water. We have an filtration system that takes care of the whole house. Hope you got to enjoy the weather! Happy T Day

  4. I'll eat pancakes any way they come ;) Those look delicious! No public water? I have gotten so used to that I'm not sure how I'd manage without it. Happy T Day :)

  5. Your breakfast is soooooooooo yummy, oh my, I want some NOW! I mostly eat very healthily, too, but a binge here and there is great! My summer binge is bitter choc ice from the ice parlour, but only if I have already walked at least 19000 steps when I get there! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  6. these sourdough pancakes look like something i could get addicted to:)) happy t-day, dear erika!!

  7. Oooh! I can only imagine how yummy this must be! It certainly does look like the kind of breakfast I would love! Happy T Day! Chrisx

  8. Wow --- your breakfast looks sooo amazingly good! And a big YES for marple syrup ♥♥♥ sugar is life!!! We run on carbohydrates - !!!!
    Happy T-Day my friend!
    Big hugs, Susi

  9. I think pancakes are my guilty indulgence, too. Real maple syrup. Why would anyone buy anything less? It all looks so beautiful and the melon would add to the healthy aspect. Thanks for sharing this wonderful breakfast with us for T this Tuesday. LOVED that you shared it with us about your water.

  10. Yummy breakfast-and real maple syrup too:) I'll take the blueberry pancakes! Nice to have a long weekend visit with your daughter and beau. Happy T day!

  11. Your meal looks delicious! I like to eat too and life needs to be enjoyed so cheating every now and then is worth it if it keeps you sane.
    Happy Tea Day,

  12. I've never had sourdough pancakes, but they sure look good, Erika. We can get that Costco Canadian maple syrup here in Mexico too!

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

  13. Those sourdough pancakes look so delicious and you'll be surprised that for once I don't have food envy this T Day ๐Ÿ˜Š. Strawberries are now in our shops here, so we've been having them on homemade American pancakes (we had them everyday over the long weekend but don't tell anyone ๐Ÿ˜‰) - so yummy! Wishing you a very Happy T Day! Jo x

  14. It looks a delicious breakfast, I would pass on the sausages, but the rest looks yummy. We can buy maple syrup here and it adds a sweet addition to breakfast cereal for me.
    Happy T day wishes.
    Yvonne xx

  15. Your pancake breakfast looks delicious. I love blueberry pancakes quite often, but we use a "lite" syrup. I know that sounds terrible. We love real Maple syrup but the calories! Happy T Day!

  16. REAL maple syrup is the best. Makes all the stuff in a bottle taste like junk. We get a huge amount every year when we go to MA, although there are those here to make it too. And it is the best. Your breakfast looks absolutely to die for. Can I come?

  17. Delicious looking food. Happy T-Day!

  18. That is a breakfast and a half! I have tasted american pancakes. But I'm not sure i would want them first thing in the morning (i.e. at breakfast).
    Yes, we have Maple Syrup here too. It is wickedly expensive. But I have a small bottle stashed away somewhere.
    Happy (belated) T-Day,

  19. We buy our maple syrup from the local Mennonite farmers and it is truly delicious. It is our "go to" sweetener for just about anything and nothing else tastes quite like it. When we visit my daughter she makes wonderful thin crepes and with just a drizzle of maple syrup they are heavenly.

  20. I was also going to mention that only about 8% of the plastic you out our for recycling ever gets recycled so your plastic bottle use is a huge issue.


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