Sunday, May 26, 2019

What a Difference a Week Makes

Happy new week everyone.
I spent a good chunk of my Sunday working outside. My daughter and her beau left after brunch, and since it was a gorgeous day, warm but not horribly hot, but  finally summer like, I thought I would spend some time outside and enjoy it. 
Saturday my husband finally opened up the screen porch for me, so I spent a couple of hours with a bucket of watered down bleach and a mop giving the walls and ceiling a good cleaning. I also wiped all the furniture down too. Next step is to get it set up and arranged.
I am glad that job is done as it is not one of my favorites.
And I am excited it won't be long until I can use my screen porch.
And I also planted  a few things including these hosta I picked up Saturday at the garden center and some annuals in my pots on my deck.

I think I need to take some bleach water to my pots here too. They look pretty dirty.
Everything had gotten so green in the past week.
 My  peonies , which I moved last fall, seem to be happy in their new spot. They are getting so many buds which is not something they've ever done.
 And suddenly my grape vine has leaves coming back too. Maybe this year I will get some grapes.
 Flowers in the garden.
 And my azalea is almost ready for flowers.
I love it.
And here's a tag to share over at Tag Tuesday where gardening is their theme. Thought it would be the perfect complement to the garden photos.
And lastly a journal page.
First I want to share this with the big 10 year birthday party over at Try It On Tuesday
You still have a day to join in.
And I am also going to link my page up to Art Journal Journey with the In the air/In the Sky challenge. That challenge runs through Friday.
Happy new week everyone.


  1. Lovely photos and artwork. Everything sure did turn green there! (Isn't it beautiful looking, when it first fully leafs out in green in Spring?) Your porch looks like a great place to spend time during the summer. At least once you did all of that work of cleaning, it should be good for the rest of the season, right, and not need another round of cleaning? The annuals in your pot look lovely. I usually get a hanging basket, but I haven't done so yet. (And now there might not be many left here in CT.) We had a nice summer warm type of day here, too. I hope you have a nice Memorial Day tomorrow.

  2. You had a busy, busy weekend. Your porch will be a great place to sit again in summer, and your garden is looking great. Love the rainbow page, and the tag is gorgeous. Thanks so much for joining us again at TT, much appreciated. Have a good start in the new week, Hugs, Valerie

  3. I look forward to seeing your porch arranged. I know you will spend lots of time there when it's cool enough. So glad your garden is doing so well. Mine is filled with water, unfortunately. It's rained constantly, BUT it's supposed to be dry today (Memorial Day).

    I love that tag, and of course, I also love your latest entry at Art Journal Journey. It's a joy to see that wonderful rainbow among the clouds. I LOVE the texture you achieve. Thanks for being such a great host, dear Erika. Happy Memorial Day, too.

  4. You lucky thing and your hard work was certainly worth it, both the porch and the garden look fantastic!! Here nothing but cool winds and grey skies...:o( Summer seems a very long way off.

    Your art pieces both look lovely too, love the sky piece with the gorgeous rainbow and 3D effect on the clouds and the tag looks great fun too!
    Happy week ahead!

  5. What a lovely post full of the promise of summer. Well done on getting the screen porch all clean - what a great place it must be to sit.

    I love your floral tag, and those fabulous fluffy clouds on your rainbow page - it's so cheerful, and the words are lovely. So happy I managed to squeeze in the time to join in with your theme at AJJ. Sorry I've been so absent - there's a quieter period on the horizon (at least until the next last-minute gig bobs up to spoil it).
    Alison x

  6. Wasn't yesterday glorious? And looks like another nice day today. An enclosed porch is the perfect way to enjoy outdoors. Beautiful scenery and no bugs. Your plants and flowers are lovely. And your tag and page are fun. Love the quotes. Enjoy your day!

  7. I finally got around to cleaning up my deck and arranging the furniture two days not like me to be this late. But right now it is 10am, and my three dogs and cat at sitting out there listening to the birds. Starting to get warm now and I have the box fan on. Two weeks ago temps got in the low 60s but last week we were hitting the high 80's and a couple of 90s. That was too fast of a change for me. With that we only hang out till it gets too hot for me and then I move to the inside. Have a great week.

  8. Your garden looks so lovely. I did enjoy seeing all of your photographs.
    Your peonies do look happy and lovely to see the azalea so well in bud.

    All the best Jan

  9. How nice to have a tour round your garden, Erika. I like the little pink flowers in front of the lime green plant, I'm not sure what these flowers are?
    The lawn and the large trees look great too.
    As I was walking through your garden I was wondering if there would be art too, and yes, you are right, the tag is a perfect addition to the photos.
    Love your rain/clouds/rainbow art too, that is fun.

  10. What a lovely yard! Your tag and AJJ piece are wonderful as well!
    I'm glad I stopped by your blog on a non-T day for a change. :)

  11. What a wonderful screened porch, and I love your green area against those beautiful trees :) You seem to have a good place for plants, no matter how much sun they like. Is that little purple flower thrift? Mother used to have that along our front walkway.

    I love your rainbow art page, especially how you did the layering.

  12. Your garden does look beautiful and you will so enjoying looking at it from your fresh porch! Glad the moved peony likes it's new space!!
    Your tag is brilliant! The journal page is absolutely fabulous - great quote although I am not sure some folk would mind not having rainbows if the rain would stop!!! Hugs, Chrisx

  13. Thanks for sharing your garden photos!! It looks like a lovely yard and porch to enjoy nature.
    Your tag is fabulous; glad you joined us!

  14. How gorgeous and green everything is. It looks so lush! Makes me want to hop on over and visit. Somehow our garden is green but it does not look the same as yours.
    I adore your screen porch. Can just imagine sitting there and painting. What a glorious place to have and to use. Well worth the cleaning you had to do to it. I can now just picture you sat there with your journal or a pad and some watercolours.
    Lovely pictures of the garden and a gorgeous tag honouring it. Lastly I love the clouds on your rainbow page, another beautiful page for your theme over at Art Journal Journey.
    Hugs, Neet x

  15. Lovely photos of your garden, its looking so green , with all the foliage and plants showing through.
    A great tag and fantastic page, I really like the rainbow you painted.
    Yvonne xx

  16. You made a big cleaning job! Cleaning is also not a favorite job of mine :)
    Your garden looks like paradise with wood all around - very beautiful photos!
    Your rainbow page is gorgeous!

  17. Good job cleaning! I dread cleaning the porch up north every summer. Like yours, screened in and everything blows in for several months. I hope to get there soon... much to be done!

  18. your garden looks like pure bliss! and your tag perfectly captures the beauty of the garden! beautifully done. thanks for joining along at tag tuesday! xo


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