Saturday, June 8, 2019

Back on the Water

Happy weekend everyone!
A gorgeous weekend has arrived for me. To start if off, last night I met my husband after work, and we took the boat out for a little cruise. Our first cruise of the season! Hurrah. We call this our shakedown cruise to be sure everything is running properly.
Which everything was, running properly that is.
Here's some random views, in no particular order. The captions may or maynot mean anything to you, but I decided to add them in.
 The old bridge support and a bit of the new as we cross under the Route 16 bridge (The General Sullivan).
And here's a good span of the bridge, but not quite all of the structure. They have been rebuilding this to accommodate the traffic for over 10 years now.  They keep running out of cash. But finally they opened up a third lane northbound which is now saving me a good 15-30 minutes on my commute home as I am not sitting in traffic any more. Hurrah for that!
 As we passed Portsmouth. the ship was tied up to the commercial docks. 
 Passing through Little Harbor.
 The I95 bridge. On the left is New Hampshire on the right is Maine.
 Far off view of the Isles of Shoals, 6 miles off shore. It was a really clear evening. and I was using my zoom.
 Lobster boat on Sagamore Creek.
 A nice evening to relax on the New Castle jetty.
 Looking back at the old part of Portsmouth.
 Canada geese in flight.
 I believe these are Eider ducks. They were a ways off and I had to crop down the photo.
 The commercial fleet in port.
 A visiter on someone's dock. 
 Some graffiti under a bridge in Portsmouth. I wonder if any of my students had been out spray painting this.

 Smokestacks on a large cable laying ship in port in Portsmouth.
 My favorite harbor birds are the terns. I love watching them dive and soar. They are scrappy little things, rather like me I think.  ( I have a wicked sarcastic side which comes out occasionally, especially when having fun with the kids at school.)
Here's a close up.
 Tugs at the docks.
 A cute little little island house, right off the shore. The old owners used to have this metal hippo statue they put in the water and which you could really see at low tide. But they have moved and the hippo is gone.  I must say we miss it.
 Part of the old Wentworth-Coolidge Mansion, now a state park.  back when we were an English colony one of the British governors lives here.
And a view back towards Portsmouth as we move out of the harbor channel. The tall structure towards the right is the support post from one of the other bridges. We have to pass under a minimum of 4 (depending which direction we go) to reach the actual ocea. 
So today my daughter is heading home and tomorrow we're all going back out in the boat again. Even she is having boating fever this year. 
Hope you're having  a wonderful weekend also.


  1. We are not boating people. I did love going out with our family in Daddy's little fishing boat when I was a child, but that's pretty much the extent of my boating experience. That said, I could get used to that life :) What beautiful and interesting views! I got a kick out of the hippo story. It'd be fun to live in a place where you could offer such a fun sight for the community.

  2. Thank you so much for taking us along on your boat-I really enjoyed everything and the captions as well. I have never been in your state so I enjoy reading the history and about your area.
    enjoy your weekend!! hugs Kathy

  3. great photos i see you love taking photos like me lol lol

  4. Glad you enjoyed your first tour. Thanks for sharing the gorgeous photos, it all looks great. Enjoy your weekend, hugs, Valerie

  5. Thank you for sharing these beautiful photos of your first trip out in the boat, it looked a lovely day. You live in a wonderful area Erika.
    Yvonne xx

  6. Thank you for the boat ride! I really enjoyed it. Loved seeing the birds, especially the geese in flight.
    Funny enough I am partial to a tug boat or two.So thanks for featuring a tug boat. Just love those little workers. Small, strong and versatile. (I grew up in a harbour town)
    Enjoy your cruising weekend,

  7. WOW, I had no idea you were that close to Maine. Graffiti is everywhere, isn't it? Wonderful photos today, dear friend.

  8. Looks like a glorious trip, you live in such a beautiful part of the world!! May there be many more trips to come this summer...
    Happy weekend!

  9. Wasn't it a beautiful day to be out on the water? I've driven across the Piscataqua River Bridge many times. Was so cool to see it from the water. I loved going for a boat ride with you. I wish the hippo was in the water. I would have liked to have seen that. Enjoy another spectacular day.

  10. These are wonderful photos, Erika! How I'd love to be out on that boat with you. Looks like a four-star day for it and lots of wonderful sites to see! Yay for summer!

  11. Fabulous photos! I bet you are so pleased to be back on the water, it's a wonderful place to be 😁. I enjoyed the boat trip too, so relaxing 😁. Happy wishes! Jo x

  12. Catching up on some blog reading, Erika, and enjiyed these sights on the shakedown cruise and the previous one. See your husband and daughter with long sleeves made me suspect it was rather chilly for your outing, but still fun trips.🙂


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