Friday, June 7, 2019


Happy Friday! The beautiful weather is back and is supposed to last through the weekend, or at least that's what they say. 
The sunshine may not be the most conducive for art, but it is certainly better than more rain since we've had some heavy rain recently. I think all the plants in the gardens will enjoy some sunshine too.
So here is my calendar journal page for this week. 
I covered the page with some Japanese book pages. I don't know what they say as I don't read  Japanese, so if you do, they may be something horrible. But the cover of the book had a happy photo so hopefully not.
I attached 4 pages and then used some very light blue watered down paint to wipe some of the page. Then I stamped the flowers and colored them. I added the TH couple, stamped the quote, and also added this gold paper swan I had in my stash.
So I am linking up to a couple of challenges. First of all I am linking up to the Things With Wings challenge at Moo Mania since the gold swan may not be flying but does have wings. 
And then I am also linking up to Halle's Word's to Live By at Art Journal Journey.
Last night I planned on some art time, but it was such  nice evening when I got home that I decided to enjoy my screen porch. I finally got that set up the other day. It took me long enough this year.
The hammock was so comfortable that before I knew it it was almost 7 pm. This photo is not the most flattering for my legs, is it? (smile)
Happy almost weekend!


  1. LOVE yous beautiful journal page, so pretty and delicate today. And your hammock looks like a wonderful idea, nothing like lazing in a hammock on a sunny day. Have a great day, I'm off out now, hugs, Valerie

  2. Hopefully, 3 days of sunshine will help the flowers pop as on your lovely page. Looks like we're in for nice porch weather. Cute shoes! Enjoy your day.

  3. I enjoy this page so much - so pretty with the couple, the happy flowers and the little golden swan! I saw so many swans here recently and I decided to take them as my poweranimal in the future!!
    The best you can do is realxing and enjoying this fabulous screen porch. There are enough not so nice days in the year to fill with art time! Can imagine that the hammock is most comfortable - lol! This photo would be suitable for a FLOW magazine... your slippers and the green toenails and the green of the hammock! Perfect relaxing and looking trendy!
    You know how happy you make me this Friday with supporting Moo Mania & More as well as Art Journal Journey with this beautiful page!!!!Thank you very much dear Erika!
    A wonderful quote about what freindship is!!!
    Will notice this for me!

    Happy start of the weekend for you !

    Big hugs, Susi

  4. Well, I love the hammock photo -- and your art today. AND the fact that we both have good weather in our forecast for the weekend. Finally! Have a good one!

  5. What a clever idea to use those Japanese pages as a background. That is a beautiful page and nicely composed. I especially like the flowers in the corners. Great job and a lovely quote. Thanks for sharing it with us at Art Journal Journey.

    I really like those leggings. I'm looking for some like them, only shorter.

  6. Lovely artwork. And I'm envious of your screened in porch. The weather forecast is still holding with the next few days being beautiful here in the Northeast. Yay!

  7. Ive done leg shots of my self ๐Ÿ˜„and caused some smiles. Nice journal page


  8. Relaxing in a hammock seems just about perfect to me,

  9. That hammock is the perfect addition to the screened porch :) Livin' the life! :)

  10. Beautiful page! I love that background paper with the flowers and the happy couple looks so romantic ๐Ÿ˜€. The quote is fab too, now I'm wondering if you used your type writer for this? You look very comfy on you hammock and I bet you're pleased it's Friday and the weather is getting warmer ๐Ÿ˜€. We have rain forecast for the rest of today and tomorrow, so it looks like I'll have time for some art journalling - yay! Happy Friday and Weekend! Jo x

  11. I love the pink flowers against the Japanese book text. I always worry about using foreign text as well. What if it is offensive or a little naughty? I guess we just have to hope for the best right?!?
    Thanks for linking up for Words to live by for AJJ.

  12. A wonderful journal page and quote Erika. The decorative flower corners look beautiful.
    You look really comfy in the hammock enjoying relaxing in the evening..
    Yvonne xx

  13. You do know that the appearance of your legs is due to perspective, right? Next time, have someone shoot the photo from the feet up. You'll look like a skinny mini ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I love your page despite the fact that the Japanese text is pornographic - just kidding.

    Eileen xx

  14. Oh you are so lucky with your weather..., nothing but grey skies and rain showers here, feels more like Autumn than nearly summer.
    Your page is just lovely, love that Japanese book paper, the flower (sakura?) stamps are just perfect additions and the couple and quote, plus swan finish it all beautifully!
    Happy weekend!!

  15. A wonderful page, Erika

    Thank you for joining us at MOO MANIA & MORE

  16. Beautiful collage on a Japanese book page, I like these pink flowers and the quote!
    But most of all I like your gorgeous photo - it is very relaxing and the hammock looks very comfortable! This perspective is great!!
    Wish you a happy new week!
    Big Hugs, Rike

  17. Love your shoes! They are fabulous and look so comfortable. A great relax after a hard day at school - you deserve it.
    Such a pretty journal page - I had to smile at you saying the words could be something horrid, I never thought of that when in the past I have used Chinese newspaper that something I bought was wrapped in it from the Chinese supermarket in LA. There's more chance mine were horrid than yours I think LOL. I love the addition of the pink flowers, makes it all seem so summery.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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