Thursday, June 20, 2019

Beautiful Sunshine

Hi everyone.
I'll start my post today with a page for Moo Mania and their latest challenge which is Here Comes the Sun.
My summer journal had some burlap pages in it and on this one I made this bright sunny page. I used painted to make the background and then once the sun was painted and wet I added a lot of bright yellow glitter. Some of it spilled over onto the sky but I just think of that as sunbeams.
Yesterday was suppose to be cloudy with some scattered showers but instead we saw a lot of sun. I was excited about it and decided to put my screen porch back together, now that my floor is fixed, painted and dry.
I had to get my hammock ready for an afternoon of reading and napping. (smile)
In the process I moved almost all of my inside plants out onto the porch. I have been looking for a little table to put a plant on,
and the other day I found this great little table in the recycle shed at our town recycling center, aka the dump. 
 It wasn't in bad shape but could use a little paint on the legs and around the top. 
But the top itself is looking good. 
And the beauty about the recycle shed is that whatever is there is yours to take for free. (And another beauty is that it saves good things from being thrown into the trash.)
So I bought a can of bronze spray paint and yesterday gave the legs a little refreshing.

And it works great.
Someday I should show you the other treasures my husband has found for me at the recycle shed. 
Thanks so much for visiting!


  1. Your porch looks like a very inviting place. I could spend some serious time relaxing in there!

  2. I love your sunny page. Down here yesterday was mostly cloudy, but the rain held off long enough for the new gutters and downspouts to be installed. Your porch looks great! What a welcoming space and the plant stand is a great find. Have a great day!

  3. You found a great plant table, Erika. When we lived in VA there was a similar area at the recycling center. It was called “Put & Take” but unfortunately a lot of folks left rather unusable items as it wasn’t attended at the time.

  4. Your sunny page is just gorgeous!
    Beautiful photos of your outdoor room - a wonderful place to relax!
    Big Hugs-Rike

  5. Beautiful journal page, enjoy the sun! Your porch is looking fantastic, so comfortable, and I LOVE the little table you picked up and recycled, what a great find. It's cloudy here today and a bit cooler, but the heat will be back soon and even worse, I'm afraid! But we have to take it as it comes. Hugs, Valerie

  6. P.S. I used papers from a flyer - they are not painted but printed patterns.

  7. I love your new table, Erika. And the "new" legs are beautiful!
    As for the page, it is beautiful and really inspiring! Hugs, my dear friend.

  8. Beautiful.

  9. This piece particularly appeals to me. I can't really see the glitter on my computer screen so appreciate you describing your steps. What a bright, cheerful result :)

    I'm glad you rescued that table. We don't have anything like a recycle shed, but it's a wonderful idea. I bet that treasure hadn't been there long when your hubby snagged it :)

  10. Hello Erika, you created a very sunny looking image, so nice. I love your recycled little table, it became a perfect plant table. You painted it so perfect that it looks brandnew now.
    Dear Greetings

  11. Your screen porch looks a super area to relax in . I could pull up a chair and settle for a while.
    The table you picked up at the recycle shed looks lovely with the plant displayed on it, it looks like you went out and bought it specially for your home.
    A fabulous sun on your journal page, it does seem like it is sparkling and sending out warming rays.
    Have a good day Erika.
    Yvonne xx

  12. Love your table, Erika and your porch - porches always look romantic and homely to me - very American, lol. I could almost envy you having one if I was the type to envy..;-)
    Fab painting, too. Great way to start your summer. Enjoy it!
    Cath x

  13. I love thos wonderful painting - Thank you for joining Moo Mania & More dear Erika! And wow your porch looks fantastic and this little found is superb!!!!

    Happy weekend my friend!!!!
    Enjoy it!!!!

    Susi xxx

  14. A wonderful post

    Thank you for joining us at MOO MANIA & MORE

  15. Your sunshiny page is wonderful! The burlap and sparkle from the glitter looks fabulous 😀. Wow, what a beautiful place to read and relax! I love the reds and vibrancy of the greens, so welcoming 😁. Your recycled treasures are perfect too! Enjoy! Jo x


Thanks for visiting. Your comments are always appreciated!