Friday, June 21, 2019

Words to Live By-Maybe?

Hi everyone. I'll start off my post with this journal page. I am hoping it works for Halle's WORDS TO LIVE BY challenge at Art Journal Journey. I don't know if "flutter on by" is really words to live by or not, but I am going for it anyhow. Sometimes in life it is good to just flutter on by certain situations.
I began with a piece of watercolor paper that I had cleaned some black paint off my brush onto. I then made my page by stenciling with clear molding paste and then rubbing a pink ink pad over the page. Add a bit of bright green blobs for leaves, and then these flowers which I hand drew and painted.  They look black here because I painted some of the petals black but then I rubbed  colored crayons over them. In the light of the photo you really can't see that.

But you can see it  a bit better here when I mute the background a bit.
Then I added the vellum butterfly and the words.
And I am going to try something new also. I am linking up to Country View Challenge. This month the theme is It's a Bug's Life. I think my butterfly works for that.
So it's a wet and dark morning here. Good for me since I am still in work mode and this weather forces me to slow down a bit into vacation mode. I started a new mystery and read for quite awhile before I rolled out of bed, and I also made some bread dough.
I am trying to make hot dog rolls for a weekend dinner treat, New England style where we slice them along the top.  For those of you unfamiliar, most hot dog rolls are sliced along the side, but here in new England,  where it seems we have to do everything different, they are sliced down the top. Maybe they are like that other places too but I don't often eat hot dogs so I am not sure about that.
I will let you know how they come out. But good or bad, it is fun to have good weather to play in the kitchen.
And after I finish my tea, I am off to the studio for a few hours of play too.
Life is going well here right now. Hope yours is going well also. 


  1. Great idea to use the crayons that way - shame they don't show up too well. I love your flowers :-)
    They sell hot dog rolls like that over here, but usually brioche style or from Costco, thus American style. I think you're very brave to attempt them by hand. The ones we get here are very light, fluffy, white bread - which is why I don't eat them, lol.
    It must be fun to feel so free...reading in bed, huh? Now that's what I call being on holiday!
    Cath x

  2. Flutter on by is a perfect phrase for Summer living. I've made hot dog and hamburger rolls using a recipe from King Arthur flour. Your kitchen is going to smell heavenly. And I laughed about New Englanders having to do things differently from everyone else. Elizabeth commented on my Tues. blog that it's because we are afraid the British are coming back. :-D Happy Solstice!

  3. Beautiful page. Especially like the background and lovely pink colour 🌸
    Happy weekend 😘

  4. I am not good in cooking, Erika. Hope your dog rolls will be delicious!
    Your pages are always inspiring, my friend. This is a beauty!!!! Hugs!!!

  5. Gorgeous page dear Erika!! Thank you very much for joining us over at Art Journal Journey again my freind! ! Much appreciated ! Wow-- you make your owm hot dog bread! Superb!!!
    Happy weekend!

  6. A lovely post Erika. The journal page is really bright and happy to look at and the butterfly was a lovely addition. I love the fabulous darker shades you used for the flowers they pop from the background.
    The hot dogs will be delicious in your own baked rolls.
    Have a good weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  7. Playing catch-up is a bit difficult, especially when I was gone for two days, only to come home to an extremely unstable internet. This is a lovely and well done nature inspired journal page, Erika. I like both versions. Thanks for sharing another entry with us at Art Journal Journey using Halle's theme.

    I've never seen buns cut from the top, but I don't eat white bread, so I may not be the right person to ask! Great that you are making your own, though.

  8. Love the hot pink and the lime - both so perfect for those black flowers to sit against. One could be forgiven for thinking those flowers were stamped and not hand drawn - they are beautiful.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  9. I bet your kitchen smells good with that dough rising. I love it when Rick has dough in the bowl! He's made burger buns but never dog buns. I've had dogs both ways. As long as the bun is toasted, either works for me!

  10. I like "flutter on by" as an alternative to getting mired down in other people's drama ;) so I like them as words to live by :) I've never heard of clear molding paste but will be googling for more information. I like this piece.

  11. Love the bold black flowers on top of the colorful background. I saw the words then had to look again for the butterfly that I knew must be there. :)
    Another great piece for Words to live by!

  12. Amazing page! The modelling paste with the watercolour looks amazing, I may have to give that a try thanks for the inspiration 😁. Your bread is looking fabulous too, our hot dog rolls aren't normally pre-cut and we them cut along the top and we usually serve them with sausages rather than hots dogs with fried onions on the top - so yummy! Wishing you a wonderful week and I hope you enjoyed your hot dogs over the weekend! Jo x

  13. Wow, those black flower petals are so dramatic against the vivid colours of the background. Looks as though you've been pretty busy... and I hope you enjoyed the hotdogs!
    Alison x

  14. Stunning page, Erika. The black against pink is terrific. I bet your homemade hot dog buns were delicious. Eileen xx


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