Saturday, June 1, 2019

The World Had become Green

 Happy Saturday everyone. It is rather grey today, or at least it has been all morning. But I went out for my walk and besides all the mosquitoes, I also noticed how green it had become. 
Green is IN right now.

I never noticed this lilac tree in the entrance to our town forest. It only caught my eye because it was in bloom. Now this makes me think there was a farm/house here once, before the forest grew in. 
Ah ha, a question to try sleuth out the answer .

I love it!
 The sugar shack is all closed for the season. We still had snowy ground so I never made it down this year while they were open. 

 Not sure why some of these dandelion fluffs has a blue tinge. Even before I lightened up the photo. That's a stream running behind (above) them.

 And first garden picks of the year. These came up over the past week. I think we're about 2-3 weeks behind normal asparagus season.  And the black blob is Pete's note as he's trying to smell out what I had.
 And I am excited about Halle's new challenge at Art Journal Journey
Here's some words to live by.
Thanks for visiting. 


  1. Oh, my! That green is so rich! It's interesting what we notice that must've been there all along. It finally draws our attention. Sweet :)

  2. There's nothing lovelier than the first green of spring! And asparagus, too - yummy! Love your journal page. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  3. These greens are beguilingly and I love to find this green in your wonderful vintage page with a fantastic quote! You are a WOWSER to have a page to share on the first day of the challenge! Thank you my friend! You are number one of AJJ!!! ♥♥♥
    And asparagus ... wow you have it in your garden??? That's cool! - I love it and had green one these days - but bought...
    GREEN is really in here at your posting and I LOVE GREEN and I love your page and the fantastic impressions of your area! Finally the weather gets more summery . here as well...but I think way too late this year. We will see what we get in the course of the year!
    HAPPY JUNE and happy weekend!
    Big hugs, Susi

  4. The photos from your walk are lovely and the greens look so vibrant, The lilac tree could be quite old, ours is more than 50 years old we brought it from my grandparents garden., the birds look beautiful and it is a super framed vintage photo.
    Have a good weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  5. Great photos. Everything has burst into green for you now. It is beautiful. I chuckled at Pete's nose getting into the photo. Lovely artwork.

  6. Wow! Your world is so green! And the past couple of days the weather has been so nice (for a change!) Your comment about the black blob in the asparagus photo being Pete's nose made me laugh. Is he a dog that likes eating veggies? When Ink was very little, he used to eat broccoli if we weren't looking. He seemed to enjoy it, but it did not like him. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. School must be getting out soon?

  7. Wonderful photos! The asparagus looks so good. I bought some purple asparagus today at the farmers market.
    Love your AJJ page. The word are perfect as well as the imagery.
    Thanks for joining in on the fun!

  8. Wow, your surroundings are even greener than ours, and after coming back from Australia we keep saying how green it is here in Scotland... Fabulous photos (I remember that sugar shack from last year). Love your art piece, great use of that Tim Holtz collage paper! Happy Sunday!

  9. The vivid greens of early summer are really amazing aren't they. Lovely to see the photos from your walk... and I can see how those greens have made their way onto your wonderful journal page too. I hope you enjoy that delicious looking asparagus!
    Alison x

  10. Green is certainly IN in your world right now. The lilacs are beautiful. I wish mine I brought with me when I moved to Wichita had lived, but I planted it in a spot that was too shady. You certainly have a wonderful spot to walk and enjoy nature.

    Speaking of nature, your Art Journal Journey entry is amazing. I am so impressed and this feels SO romantic and vintage, too. Thanks for sharing this first entry with us at Art Journal Journey using Halle's theme.

  11. You grow asparagus? We've never done that -- I thought it would be very hard. Yours looks so beautiful.

    It's as though the world woke up to green one day, isn't it? Here, too. It's lovely. Cold. But lovely!

  12. Beautiful nature shots, Erika. I used to grow asparagus but never got big fat ones like yours. Gorgeous page for AJJ! Eileen xx

  13. Yes, I am enjoying all the green around us.. Much better than brown lol!
    Love all the birds and green indeed!
    Happy creating and yum to asparagus!

  14. So nice to see all your photos, its such a lovely time of year when everything goes green 😀. Your words to live by page is amazing, I love that collage paper from TH and the sequins add a magical quality to the design - beautiful! I hope you had a lovely weekend and wishing you a happy new week! Jo x

  15. just wonderful to see the world turning green for Spring in my part of the world.
    :) Karen

  16. I thought I'd commented on this post!
    Anyway I will comment now!

    It's a lovely green post and pictures, especially the asparagus :)

    All the best Jan

  17. Hi Erika! I absolutely LOVE your beautiful photos! Every single one of them is totally amazing and definitely reflects the green around us. And I think your words to live by are so perfect as is your gorgeous work of art! Thanks so much for sharing it with all of us. WOW! Hugs to you, Sharon


Thanks for visiting. Your comments are always appreciated!