Sunday, June 2, 2019

Second Look and T too

Hi everyone. It's  a grey, damp and also a lazy Sunday morning for me. But all that won't last so today's post is going to be a combination of both my Second on the Second and my T Day post.
For Second on the Second, please stop by Bleubeard and Elizabeth's post here.

Here's my page from June of 2016. The original post can be read at 
Charting Their Courses.
I picked this page because even though we have yet to get onto the water in our boat, I am ready to get onto the water. Hopefully next weekend. Everything is so behind this spring.
And I also picked this page because  this week at school is Senior Week, culminating with graduation on Friday evening. All those seniors have been been charting their next course in life, or at least by this point, have been thinking about it.
Leaving school and essentially childhood behind is both an exciting and scary time of life, isn't it?
So Senior Week starts off with the seniors (and sometimes some juniors) taking their final exams or tests. Tomorrow I give mine in microbiology, as well as collect their lab finals. Everyone besides seniors still have 8 more days of classes (this week and then 3 next week) before they get their finals.
Since my next couple of days will be busy with getting senior grades wrapped up, going to assemblies for the seniors and continuing on with all my non-senior students, I am going to post my T Day post a little early. (Elizabeth I will add the link tomorrow night or Tuesday morning).

And Tuesday means it is time to share our drink related posts over at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog.
This week for T I have another Friday date night to share.
This time the hubby and I went to the movies.
We went to see new the Elton John movie since the hubby and I are both fans. (It was very good by the way!)
Before the movie we decided to hit another of those vintage summer restaurants we seem to have a lot of around here to get something for dinner. (The next 2 photos are from my archives)

When we arrived, we wondered why the traffic outside of the restaurant was so crazy.
Turns out that Lynyrd Skynyrd was performing at the outdoor venue about a half a mile away.
We also arrived just before the line got really long. I think it was a mixture of concert goers (you could tell by their T shirts) and other folk, including summer people up at their cottages on the nearby lakes .
These summer restaurants specialize in burgers, hot dogs and local seafood.
I had a scallop roll that comes with fries. The hubby had fish and chips.The prices are a little bit cheaper than my favorite place (Pop's) but the servings are a little smaller also. But I certainly got enough food. and it was yummy.
But the best thing Sawyers' sells is ice cream. They make their own right on the premises.
The hubby and I are fans of  frappes, which here in northern New England is  ice cream with some milk and syrup blended together. I know many places that would be called a milkshake, but here a milkshake is just flavored milk that is whipped up a bit.
You can also make your own flavor frappe at Sawyers, as well as get them in small, medium and large sizes. Most other places serve one size which is pretty big, especially with a meal.
So we each had small frappes with our dinner.
Good thing Saturday was a 19,000+ step day as I walked and did lots of yard work. Hee-hee. But even if I didn't, the frappe was so worth it.
And one other fun thing that happened that night. When we got out of the movie, you could clearly hear Lynyrd Skynyrd performing from the concert. (Makes sense since the movie theatre is just downwind of the concert venue.)
Happy T day everyone.
And happy first week of June.


  1. Your boat artwork is lovely. It's nice that school is almost done for the year. It is an exciting time, when you're a senior in High School. The preview for Elton John looked good, so I'm glad to hear it is. I like the look of those places you have to eat at. Nice that you got to hear sounds from the concert. Happy T-Day!

  2. Time flies, and exams and graduation are a part of growing up. Love the page you have re-shown, I can imagine how much you are looking forward to being out in your boat. Well done on your steps, you deserved that nice food and frappe. Happy T Day and happy 2nd on the 2nd, hugs, Valerie

  3. I like your original artwork. I hope you get some time on the water soon. Sounds like you are very busy this time of year.

  4. A wonderful page for your Senior students. IT is an exciting, scary, and busy time. School must be close to finishing for you. How are you charting your course for the Summer?

    Sawyer's looks like a popular place. I've never heard of a scallop roll. What a great idea. Frappe for me is an either or because a frappe is just so filling. Happy T Day. Have a great Senior Week!

  5. Elton John's music brings back fond memories for me. I'm glad to hear that the movie is good. And Lynyrd Skynyrd in the same post? Sweet! lol

    "Local seafood" is a phrase we never hear around here, but what a pleasure that must be. It looks delicious! I didn't realize that "milkshake" meant something different here. I'd be disappointed in any milkshake that didn't have ice cream ;) Whenever I hear the word "frappé" here there's coffee involved.

    Happy T Day!

  6. I'm going straight to the T post first, dear Erika. I can't resist it. Elton John (ish) and Lynyrd Skynyrd in one night. How lucky can you get? Classic rock HEAVEN!! My kind of music.

    If those frappes were small, I'd hate to see the LARGE ones. Goodness. As much as I LOVE coffee, I think I would have the chocolate, too (I am sure that was your choice). However, I think I'd rather have fish and fries, rather than the scallop roll. I'm actually not a big fan of scallops, after I had some that didn't taste right one time. It's hard to appreciate something once you've had bad food. Thanks for sharing your classic rock experience, frappes, and food with us for T this week. I hope the tests (and grading) go smoothly.

    I remember that second look, too, Erika. Those boats were perfect for the maps challenge. Wonderful and unique way to display the maps. This was a GREAT second look on the 2nd, dear.

  7. Hi Erika, sounds like you have a very busy couple weeks ahead with the seniors and the juniors.
    We don't go out to the movies any more but I am anxious to see this movie-looks really good-so am glad to hear that you liked the movie.
    Always fun to grab a bite to eat too on movie night-I would love some of that homemade ice cream-whipped into a milkshake.
    I love your second look-first for me-we just got back from working at the lake house-we sat outdoors for awhile eating watermelon and watching the boats go by-I am going to enjoy that for sure
    Happy first week of June, Second on the 2nd, and T day-hugs Kathy

  8. Erika it sounds like you are going to have a very busy few days at school.
    I have heard a few reviews about the film you saw, all say, that like yourselves they enjoyed it.
    The scallops look very tasty and the portion still looks large to me, the shake sounded delicious.
    Have a good week and I send you my T day wishes.
    Yvonne xx

  9. Whoa, Lynyrd Skynyrd and Elton John in one day? Lucky you.

    Good luck this week with all the Senior Week stuff. I love your "Chart Your Course" piece. Perfect for this important "coming of age" event.

    Happy 2nd and Happy T-day!Eileen xx

  10. Oh Erika, I'm so glad you are almost done with school! What a relief it will be to get on with summer and enjoy that water and all summer brings! And I just love this piece. The sailboats are wonderful -- love the map-sails!

  11. Oh yes - everthing is so behinf d this spring - but we will see--maybe we get a long long summer as compensation ?! I loved and love these boots in Mixed Media - you made them in a fabulous way!
    You will enjoy boating soon Erika!
    Well done on the 19000+ steps - so a good filling meal is well deserved!
    Oh you give me the idea! I will make me a banana milk shake with soymilk just now! Thank you!
    It's hot today and that is a super good idea!

    Big hugs,


  12. Love your boat art Erika! Eventually we will see the Elton John movie too. I used to love Lynyrd Skynyrd! And that coffee frappe- yes, I would def. indulge in one of those:) Happy T day!

  13. Do you want to be included in the ATC swap this year when TSFT turns six?

  14. Happy T Day again! Hugs, Valerie

  15. your post was really worth a second look, love these sailing boats!
    and the elton john movie really has positive critics, will go there too!
    happy t-day! xox

  16. Fabulous post! I love your boats, I guess you'll be back on the water in your boat with the nicer weather you've been having of late 😀. Sawyers looks like a great place to eat, make mine a chocolate frappé please 😉. Wishing you a very happy T Day! Jo x

  17. I'm late in commenting, so by now I hope your Senior stuff is mostly out of the way. I do hope they did will in their finals. Yes, it is a scary but exciting time for them.
    Wow! You went to see the Elton John movie! I wish I could see it too. We are both fans too.(I will have to buy the DVD as soon as it comes out)
    Local sea food sounds so nice, and then they hide it in batter. An american habit that Britain has copied. I don't think I would like to eat seafood that I couldn't see. But you enjoy it so that's fine.
    Your second on the second piece looks lovely. Makes one really long for the summer and the warm weather.
    Happy belated T-Day,

  18. Thanks for the movie recommendation, even though we are movie goers, Grenville said Rocketman looked good🙂 Also thanks for info about frappes vs. milkshakes. As non-native New Englanders, it was good to know because being from NJ we favor milkshakes. Hope all goes well for the end of school, Erika, and then you can enjoy your summer. Maybe we can arrange a meet-up sometime once we return to NH from our current road trip.

  19. Love your art, the colours and boat shapes are amazing together.
    Hope senior week goes well.
    So pleased you enjoyed the movie.

    Take Care.

    All the best Jan

  20. This is a Wonderful canvas Erika !! Love these boats, they are amazing ! Love the colours you have used too. Great !
    Your meals may have been delicious, as the drinks. Happy belated T-day !
    I wish you very good days, enjoy!
    and send big hugs,

  21. It simply blows my mind to see all of those plastic and styrofoam disposable containers. Is no one prepared to take a stand for the environment?


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