Saturday, June 15, 2019

Weekend Chatter

Happy weekend everyone.
The weekend has arrived after an eventful week for me. The kids wrapped up classes Friday, and a nice sense of decompression has set in. Even though I still have a couple of work days left there isn't a
schedule so now I can truly say I am in wrap up and ready to finish mode for the summer. Year 36 is just about in the books.
Today I THINK I am going to work on painting the floor of my screen porch, which really needs it. It really isn't a huge job especially if I paint half today and half tomorrow because then I won't have to move everything out of the porch but just move things off to one side.
 Let me show you the other half of my ATC journal page in my summer journal.
(The other half is in yesterday's post.)
I am linking up to Halle's challenge at Art Journal Journey. This month it is Words to Live By.
And I snapped these garden photos this morning when I got home from my walk.
I am going to have lots of roses very soon.
One of my azaleas is in full bloom.
 The other one isn't as happy and only has a few blooms.

It is time to go do some separating and weeding I think. This cool and wet spring has really made the plants very happy and they are growing like crazy.
My mountain bluets have started to bloom.
 And still only buds on my peony.
This year I tried leaving the fall leaf clutter in my veggie garden. Everything is growing well but I have to admit I am having a hard time with the looks of it. The big plants in the background are some wild milkweed which seeded themselves a few years ago and which I left for the butterflies.
That's all for me today. Have a great weekend!


  1. You have a beautiful garden, Erika. Beautiful flowers! Oh, I love roses!
    And your page is awesome! Like it was the other half! I love the idea of using ATCs. Hugs, my friend.

  2. You are figuratively flying away in your journal for May. This is wonderful. I love it. I love the grids (ATCs) and the butterflies. You have put nature front and center in this entry, Erika. Thanks for sharing it with us at Art Journal Journey using Halle's theme.

    I LOVE your landscaped garden of awesome flowers. I am very impressed. My neighbor to the north (the one with the "mole hills") hired a guy who cut down my peony bush. I was devastated and almost cried when I found it. An apology is not the same as a new peony bush. I'm considering buying a new one and charging him for it. Yours almost brought tears to my eyes.

  3. I hope you're enjoying this glorious day. Your garden looks magnificent. That azalea is stunning. Love your butterfly theme ATCs. They look like they'll fly off the page and enjoy the milkweeds.

  4. Wonderful journal page and your garden is looking fabulous. Have a fun weekend, and enjoy your painting job, it will look great when you are done. I've been out all day with a girl-friend and we had fun. Hugs, Valerie

  5. I always enjoy garden photos. Yours are very beautiful! I hope you can enjoy your time off even though you still have a couple days to work. But as you said, they are not on a fixed schedule.

  6. I love your other wonderful ATC designed journal page with all those pretty butterflies.
    Your garden looks flourishing with blooms and colour. I was drawn to the peony bud you shared. Mine had been in full bloom and all the petals dropped in the rain.
    Have a good weekend Erika.
    Yvonne xx

  7. Enjoyed your mini arts in your journal. Thank you for sharing your lovely garden photos.

  8. Another set of super cool ATCs, I think you have just inspired me to make some myself. They look great on your page.
    Amazing garden photos too!

    I always forget how look summer breaks are in the US... here term is still in full swing. Enjoy that break when it comes!!

  9. Wonderful idea to make an ATC journal page, these are beautiful butterflies! They are ready to fly into your gorgeous garden!
    Wish you a nice Sunday and a happy new week! Hugs-Rike

  10. I'm inspired by your ATCs :) and your sun porch, too, of course, especially as it overlooks such a lovely space. I'd have azaleas if I could, and am particularly impressed by the size and color of yours. I grew up with them, and they make me smile. Our common areas have them, and that's something. I've tried milkweed and butterfly bush without success, so I'd definitely let volunteers move in if they would. What a wonderful garden space you have!

  11. Thank you for the comment on my blog and sharing beautiful garden photos here.
    You asked about Moomin (it has several English language translations I noticed) is in Swedish Mumin and in Finnish Muumit.
    Finland is a bilangual country, so all must study both languages at school. Tuve Jansson's motherlanguage was Sweedis but of course she spoke Finnish as well.
    I have studied six different languages at school, by the way.
    Have a nice day 🌼

  12. I love your garden and I ADORE your page !
    Simply BEAUTIFUL and brilliant created as always dear Erika!
    Thank you for joining AJJ again!
    Happy start of the new week ahead!
    Susi xxx

  13. My, the garden is looking magnificent. A glorious page too - love the collection of smaller pieces and they work together beautifully, full of great words to live by.
    Alison x

  14. What beautiful garden flowers you have, such lovely colours.

    All the best Jan

  15. Congratulations on vacation! AND on your gorgeous garden! Life's looking good once summer is on the rise!


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