Sunday, June 16, 2019

Words For Today

One Thing Leads to Another!
You may think this is a very strange journal page. 
 It's been wet and rainy here today and not a good day to finish painting my screen porch floor, which I started yesterday.
But I couldn't anyhow because yesterday when I painted I noticed one board felt rather soggy when I stepped on it. 
"Oh we have some of the flooring left so we'll just cut it out and replace it." Says the husband.
And then he says "Oh no, we have a problem."

We had some rot. Not just in the floor boards themselves but in the plywood underneath. 
Luckily not a lot, but a bit. My screen porch is almost 20 years old now (yikes!) and being an outdoor structure it occasionally, if the rain and the wind are just right,  gets puddles right in this spot.
Luckily the husband is a very talented and handy guy.
He managed to removed flooring and then he realized he needed his circular saw which he had left at his mother's house yesterday. (He had been there with his brother-in-law rebuilding her dock, which had a few issues itself). So that meant we had to take a trip up to her house and back before he could continue.
Luckily we didn't need any plywood or flooring as he had some stashed in his workshop.
Sometimes there are benefits to have slight packrat tendencies.

Maddie was quite curious about the project, but Pete vanished as he didn't like the sounds of the power tools.
Plywood in.
Floor boards in place. Yes, I now have a patch, but  at least I don't have to worry about falling through. One of these years we should replace the whole floor as it has also very  slightly cupped a bit, nothing you notice except when you go to wash the floor, (although  the salesman told us bamboo would be the perfect choice), but then again it's been on for almost 20 years and it is an outdoor porch. 
I can live with a patch.
Hopefully tomorrow I can get home early enough to finish my painting since it is supposed to be the best day for the next few days.
Afterall, (SMILE), summer break officially starts Tuesday afternoon, and I have lots of lounging plans on my porch.
Happy new week everyone.


  1. Your page made me laugh. Isn't that always the way? You start a project but then have to make a detour to another project? Your Hubby did a great job on the patch. I also had to smile at his supervisor. The weather this week doesn't sound too great, but it should be fine weather for reading a book while swinging in the hammock. Have a great last day of school.

  2. I can relate to that floor. I think your husband patched it quite well. And one thing usually DOES lead to another. Hope your husband had a great Father's Day after all that hard work he put in on the porch.

  3. That was a big project at the weekend, well done to you and your hubby for getting it fixed! Love the photos of Maddie watching him! Great journal page, too. Soon you will have time to enjoy the porch, sooon! Hugs, Valerie

  4. Really exciting project! Hope that it goes well.

    How interesting to hear about your background. Yes, Napes is situated on the west coast of Finland, and there as well as southern coast live most of Swedish-Finnish population, it's now about 5 percent of our 5 million inhabitants. They have been sent to serve King of Sweden to Finland early in history when Finland was under the Swedish regime. All these people who have stayed here have been now for long time citizens of Finland i.e. Finnish.
    Because our own language Finnish is so rare, it's good to learn other languages. At school it's taught (compulsory) Finnish, Swedish, one long foreign language (often pupils take English) and one extra language. I've studied after school more languages. Do not speak them all, but can someway manage.
    Well, now it's better to close this language-political discussion :))
    Have a great day xx

  5. Woww, I love your Art page Erika !! It ´s wonderful and interesting. Your husband has made a very good work, no doubt. Love your dog, she is so adorable.
    I looove your atc´ s pages! they are very beautiful, and that´s a so great idea to put them together for the spring theme.
    Your vintage page is awesome, the background just fantastic, love the vintage flowers, the butterflies and the lovely image. Your man´s world is also wonderful, just amazing Artworks I´ve admired today!!
    I wish you a very nice new week, and send big hugs,

  6. Have a great day.

  7. Ohhh ... slight packrat tendencies you did make me laugh..such a great husband to have. and very nice work ;O))

  8. How nice to be able to manage these repairs yourselves. It's always important to have a solid floor after all, and -even with a patch- a screened porch is a delight.

  9. Oh no! Great work on getting the job done, even though it was bigger than expected. I know exactly what you mean about one thing leading to another. (In fact I've just written those very words in a blogpost, but the project's not due on the blog for another ten days or so... you'll see what I mean when we get there.)

    I think it's great that you've captured the day's events in your journal too!
    Alison x

  10. Great bit of DIY! And I love your page Erika. Xx

  11. Good job your husband is good at these kind of jobs and has the tools and wood to hand. It looks like Maddie was pleased with his work. It really does sound like you have both had a busy few days.
    I love the journal page as well.
    Yvonne xx

  12. I really enjoyed your commentary and your photographs.
    Your Husband did a good job on the patch.

    All the best Jan

  13. Oh heck! That looks like what we call a conservatory over here, though we don't have screens, unfortunately. That's one of the things that fascinated me when I went to visit my aunty in Long Island when 12... that was before most of the world looked and did the same things and there was so much 'new' to discover! Great way to document your day. You are so blessed to have a useful hubby, lol.
    Cath x

  14. My hubby is also talented like this but I could see my hubby tear the whole floor up and find even more issues which didn't need looking at for another 10 yrs. Your hubby did a great job and nothing a nice runner won't hide:)

  15. I'm glad you could fix your porch yourself. I live in fear these days of how much it will cost to put my basement back together and keep it safe from future rains.

    LOVE your journal page. As soon as I saw it, I loved it. It says summer and all the things we do to have a good one!

  16. Why does one job turn into several so many times? Strange but true. The new floor looks great and I could live with it whilst I enjoyed my summer holiday sitting in it. Thank goodness for a handy hubby.
    Great page to remind you of the day.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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