Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Abstract Garden Page

Hi everyone. So today I have another page for Chris's We're All Going theme over at Art Journal Journey How about a walk into the garden today?
I was inspired to make this page back in June when I actually had some peonies blooming in my garden. (Too bad they don't bloom all summer!)
Yes I know I made my page is purple and my peony is not purple, but there is a little pink on my filter circles.  I was playing around with some filter paper circles and some drops of reinkers. The filter paper circles didn't absorb as much as I thought but I do like the spots and other designs. Then I overlaid the whole page with an ancient flower transparency I had in my stash. The transparency would have gone into the trash when I did some cleaning at school but I could think of lots of uses for it rather than just tossing it out. Like this journal page. (smile)
I finished it off with a bit of flower cloth trim.
That's my page for today!
And since I'm in a flower mode, here's a few prairie wildflower photos I snapped on my Dakota trip.
I've been working through my other photos and have starting working on my travel journal too.
More to come with that.

Thanks for visiting!


  1. Beautiful journal page, peonies are always gorgeous. And I LOVE those prairie wildflowers, I would love to wander around there! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  2. Great art journal page. And beautiful flower photos.

  3. Lovely page. Your peonies are gorgeous and so is the one from your garden. My mother had a pale pink one she gave to me from her garden, but it didn't take. The wild flowers are are so pretty. I really love the close up of the dandelion gone to seed. Enjoy the day and stay cool!

  4. That’s a beautiful journal page with all the colours of purple, blue and pinks but so rich looking. I love the st6le too like the iris focus. Your pictures of the flowers are great and the second last photo..the yellow pretty and looks like it’s made from delicate

  5. What an amazing page Erika! GORGEOUS with all the elements you brought here so masterful together and those prairie wildflower photos are wonderful as well!!!! WOW!
    Thank you for aother stunning entry for Chris' topic! You rock again! Big hugs, Susi xxx

  6. Your journal page is amazing. I have no idea what filter paper is, but I think I need some. Using reinkers made the circles pop. I'm in love with the peony blooms. I say that because my neighbor hired someone to cut his grass and the guy cut down the peonies I brought with me from Missouri. They are well over 25 years old, and struck down with a weed wacker this spring. I was sick. Mine were never that pink. Yours are stunning!!!

    I also like your wildflowers and Echinacea. Your whole world is lush right now. Thanks for sharing this awesome journal page using Chris's theme at Art Journal Journey, and for sharing the fabulous flowers, too.

  7. What fantastic flowers. Such a wonderful collection of wildflowers for us all to enjoy. A real treat following your fab journal page in the colours that I enjoy. Whenever I see the mix of colour like your middle circle it reminds me of whinberry (a fruit which grows wild on our moorlands and which I used to pick in jar-fulls with my dad for mum to make into a pie) with cream. The colours used to mix and swirl and the taste was delicious,
    Hugs, and thanks for sharing
    Neet xx

  8. I always enjoy time in a garden, and all of your flowers -both in art and in nature- and lovely :)

  9. Beautiful blossoms and amazing journal page! It’s nice to meet you!

  10. Beautiful flowers.

  11. Beautiful flowers, and I love your page Erika!
    Alison x

  12. Your abstract captures gardens perfectly but my favorites are the gorgeous flowers in your garden. Oh, biggest sigh!

  13. Such a beautiful series of flower photographs, a joy to see :)

    All the best Jan

  14. Oh my! Your page is wonderful, such beautiful colours for your garden! Your flower photos are fabulous, I must say peonies are some of my favourite flowers too! Thank you for the support at AJJ, Hugs, Chrisx


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