Thursday, July 11, 2019

Enchanted Highway, Part 1

 Hi everyone. I am stopping by today with some photos from the North Dakota portion of my trip. Today I will take you down a road called the Enchanted Highway. 
This highway is the brainchild of a teacher/artist who lives at one end of the highway and who was trying to find  way to get people to come to his town. Along with farmers, he constructed these giant sculptures  at different points along the road.
You can read his story here: Enchanted Highway Story.
This first photo is a sculpture called Geese in Flight. It is huge. You can see my husband standing below it. And again maybe you can see him here walking in front of it.
 This sculpture was the first one we saw as it right alongside the main highway  94 where we were traveling (outside of Dickinson, North Dakota). I had read about these sculptures and so we got off the highway and did the trip down  the Enchanted Highway.
A whole flock of geese greet you as you drive up to the base of the main sculpture.
And then we were off to see the other pieces.
 Leaping Deer
 This fun farm family.
You can see these sculptures are basically in farmers fields, but they all had little parking lot pull offs. It was evening when we arrived, but we still met other cars taking the same journey.

And a Teddy Roosevelt and Rough Riders sculpture. Teddy Roosevelt was a US president back in the early 1900's who spent some time in his younger years ranching in western North Dakota. One of the National Parks we visited was Theodore Roosevelt National Park, which is found in the area of western North Dakota's badlands where he ranched.

Here's some non-sculpture views from along the Enchanted Highway.

As you can see, these sculptures are not in a high population area. But what a great way to get attention.
I'll be back with some more photos from the drive another day as I think this post is pretty long.
Hope your day is going well!


  1. These are amazing! thanks so much for sharing these with us. I did get to see the Badlands when I visited Yellowstone two years ago I would have loved to had time to visit this area as well and perhaps see the wild horses

  2. It is an enchanted highway! What a great idea he had. Lovely side trip to take, to see the artwork and views.

  3. Wow, wow, wow, I would LOVE to see those in real life, what a fantastic idea. Thanks so much for sharing the photos. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  4. The sculptures are wonderful, but I think my favorite are the geese. And I'm amaze at how flat the land is and not many trees. So different from our corner of the country. Have a great day!

  5. So cool! I think side-trips can be the best part of a vacation. It's a bit off the beaten track and unexpected :) What a wonderful idea they had to bring some traffic their way :)

  6. Love the sculptures and the farm family.
    Such fun :)

    All the best Jan

  7. What a fascinating and well done installation! I'm so impressed by the artist's vision and skill. Beautiful in every way.

    And what a terrific way to break up the relatively flat landscape. We're pretty flat here and I wish we had that kind of thing in our area!

  8. I was impressed with the beauty of this area, the sculptures, the installations, the imagination, and the tenacity of the man who thought this up. I had to laugh when people were saying how FLAT everything was. These rolling hills are not flat in MY world, where you can see the declination of the earth from the highway. Now that is flat!

    I loved the geese, and the farmers. They were so clever and original. Thank you for taking us there, because this has to be new since I was in the Badlands.

  9. Great photos, those sculptures are amazing!
    Happy Friday,
    Alison xx

  10. Great photos Erika, definitely worth a detour and calling it the Enchanted Highway is a sure way to attract visitors.
    Have a great weekend. Avril xx

  11. What a fabulous community project between the artist and the farmers... a real treat to see these, thank you.
    Alison x

  12. The enchanted highway looks fabulous - I love it! Thanks so much for sharing 😀. Happy hugs and wishes! Jo x

  13. Wow, this is wonderful - glad Stevenson came up with this, other I´d never seen it! Love it all and Teddy reminds me of the movie "Night at the museum", they had that scene there, too :-)

    Gigantic, I hardly spot your Hubby!

  14. Dearest Erika, I'm sure I've said this enough before but I really am fascinated by these prairie states! I know I hve a student who now lives in Minnesota and she time to time visits the Dakota but your pictures from your trips really amazes me! Perfect armchair traveling your blog is! Thank you so much! LOVE the structure with the bird silhouttes!


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