Sunday, July 7, 2019

Happy Sunday

Hi everyone. Hope everyone is having a good weekend. We've been having  hot and humid weather, and I'm not sure if it will be as humid today as yesterday, but I do know it is supposed to be sunny. Yesterday we had some storms blow through in the afternoon which took the wind right out of my sails, but that was actually a really nice thing. Sometimes a low key afternoon is just the thing.
So today I have a few more random photos to share from my recent trip to the Dakotas and a few other places in the heartland of the US.
 These photos are from Custer State Park in western South Dakota. This is an amazing park with a couple of really beautiful scenic drives as well as lots of wildlife. 
Anyhow, way back in 2003 (when my daughter was 11) we took a family vacation and spent a couple of Days in the Black Hills before heading out to Yellowstone National Park. One animal you find in Custer State Park are burros. They are the descendents of when burros were used to bring tourists around the park. Some of these guys are stand offish and some are very friendly.

 Back when my daughter was with us, one of these guys approached the car and she screamed and shut the window really fast. She was petrified. We had a good laugh about it after the fact (actually her Dad and I had a good laugh about during the fact), so when we drove through and came across the burros during this trip I was quite excited.
 First one came to visit.
Then his friend decided to visit also.

We saw some other wildlife on that evening drive also.
 Some pronghorns.
 And more deer than you could count on both hands.
And we saw some shaggy mountain goats.
 And lots of bison too.
 In fact we saw tons of bison in many parks. And I will share more of those photos with you another day.

 Enjoy the rest of your weekend.


  1. Wow, what a wonderful trip you had. Fun story about the burros, too. My faves today are the bison and the shaggy mountain goats. Have a fun Sunday, hugs, Valerie

  2. waue, stunning photos and great way of having an awsome holiday..

  3. The burros looks so cute. What a way to be greeted or were they just looking for treats? :-D Look like beautiful scenery and other wildlife as well. Looks like another gorgeous day. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

  4. What great shots of areas similar to where I live, dear Erika. No burros, bison, or even deer where I live, but still wonderful photos of your trip. The Black Hills are incredible, and I hope you had a chance to drive through them this trip, too. A wonderful vacation that reminds me of one I took in my late teens. What a way to enjoy your post today by remembering a trip I took years ago. Thanks for the memories and the great photos, dear.

  5. More beautiful wide open spaces - stunning sight and lots of friends to keep you company. It must be wonderful to see a bison close up...gorgeous animals!
    Cath x

  6. Great photos of the animals. I'm glad Bison are making a comeback. The burros walking right up to the car windows was funny. Probably looking for hand outs of food. :-) I see you've had the same hot humid weather as me here in CT. We had thunderstorms roll through, but luckily they were all quick passing and not too bad, the way they were last week. I think today (Sunday) is supposed to be a lot less humid, but it looks like it's a brief reprieve, then it heats up again by Wednesday. (I don't like hot weather.)

  7. I'm enjoying the photos. I feel like I'm taking a virtual trip, perfect except I wish I could actually pet the burros ;)

  8. I would have screamed too if a burro (single of burros?) had pushed his head into my car.
    None of these animals are in our country, so how good to see your photos.
    The bison look cuddly but I think maybe they are not.

  9. This looks a fabulous place and being able to get close up to the wildlife is wonderful. The photos are great.
    Avril xx

  10. Your photos are fabulous! How lovely and fun to have them come right up to the car! This is a place I've never been and I'm looking forward to loads more photos!


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