Monday, July 8, 2019

T Stands for Strawberries

Hi everyone. Tuesday is here again. Time to stop by Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog for T. Today I am taking you strawberry picking.
My husband and I got up last Saturday morning with no power.  I don't know why we lost our electricity as it was a beautiful, although a bit warm, morning. But since we had no power, we decided to head off to a local farm and go pick some strawberries before it got too crowded.
Usually by early July strawberry season is over, but this year, with the cold and wet spring, the season got a late start, which was good for us because we were able to pick.

I don't know about you, but  to me there is no strawberry better than those fresh picked ones. Picking was actually quite good, as you can see from my photo.
Once we finished picking, I checked my email to see if the power had been restored. And no, it wasn't. But I was craving some strawberry pancakes at this point so we  headed over to our little hole in the wall breakfast restaurant for something to eat as we headed out before we'd headed out with having anything to eat.
For drinks, the hubby and I both had diet Pepsies.
 The hubby ordered eggs, and I had pancakes with strawberries.
 By the time we got home, our electricity was back on.
Later that day, after thunderstorms went through, I used some of those strawberries and made a pie.
I added a few sour cherries which I had which made a nice tart addition to the sweetness of the strawberries.
Would you like a piece?
Hope everyone has a wonderful T day.
Thanks for visiting. 


  1. Oh Yum I am hungry now for sure-we love fresh berries. Yes our 4th was awesome, and doctor visit went well-in two weeks we meet the head surgeon and they thinking will set the surgery date

  2. Oh yes, I would love to have a pice of it Erika. *** Strawberry fields FOREVER ****yeah.Happy T-Day, Susi xxx

  3. How lovely to go strawberry picking. I used to do this a lot, but can't these days because of my artificial knee. But I do eat a lot of strawberries. Your pancakes and pie look fabulous, and I'll gladly eat a slice. I had strawberries with red gooseberries yesterday, also a good combination. Glad you have electricity again. Have a happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  4. WOW, Erika. It's good to read I'm not the only person to lose power for no apparent reason. You certainly found a great way to take your mind off the fact you had no power. You got a LOT of great strawberries. We don't have any of those in my area, or I would have taken the youngsters. It sounds very family friendly. And your pie looks amazing. I'm sure it's all gone now, though.

    What a great breakfast. Strawberry pancakes and diet Pepsi. Now I'm really hungry. Thanks for sharing your trip to the strawberry farm, your strawberry pie (with the great stars) and your diet Pepsi with us for T this Tuesday. LOVE this.

  5. i definitely would like a piece!! looks so yummy... the strawberry season is over here, and actually this year i only had a few. after a rainy may they decayed rapidly. well, the cherries are on the table now:)
    have a great week!

  6. Luscious strawberries :-) I have to admit I've never seen strawberry pie before, though we do have strawberry tarts... which I love if the pastry is very short. You picked some crackers there, Erika. I picked strawberries and raspberries with my friend in France one year, so we could make the petits fours for her son's first wedding reception. That was so much fun!
    The strawberry field looks's nice to see you enjoying everyday things and having fun in your hols.
    Cath x

  7. Mmm, fresh strawberries. Looks like you picked a bumper crop. And your strawberry pie would make a delicious breakfast along with my tea. Happy T Day!

  8. Love your header with the grazing horses. And truly, there is nothing like such fresh picked strawberries- yum! Glad your power wasn't out for too long but then you did get to enjoy a lovely breakfast out. If there is any pie left I'll have a taste:) Happy T day!

  9. Wow, that strawberry pie looks delicious. The box of them that you picked looked perfect. Fresh picked is the best. I also like the look of the pancakes you got. Losing electricity is always annoying: I take it for granted until it goes out. We've both been having the same hot humid weather here in the Northeast. (I don't have AC, so I had a tower fan blowing air around while I watched all of those movies this past long weekend.) And as an FYI: yes, the University of Bridgeport is still in existence, but it is a shell of what it once was. I think it lost its accreditation when the Moonies took it over, but I think later in time it got that back. Their great Law School left them and went to another college/university. Happy T-Day!

  10. The tart looks to die for! I think I missed fresh berry season. I haven't seen any! Hopefully there are late ones at the market Wednesday but I'm not optimistic. I wonder if the weird weather made an impact.

  11. I agree with you. You can't get any food better than fresh from the field. They really do taste different. Just for the fun of it, I grew potatoes in a barrel one year. We were all surprised how wonderful simple spuds could taste. The berries are beautiful!

    Yum. Yes please, I'd love a piece.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

  12. Strawberries this time of year are my favourite and pick your own is even better, yum! It looked like a lovely day for strawberry picking too ๐Ÿ˜. I always eat too many as I'm picking, luckily they have a donation box at ours so I can pay for them ๐Ÿ˜‰. Your pie looks yummy too! Wishing you a very Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

  13. Yes, I'd love a piece of that tart. I love the idea of adding some sour cherries to your strawberries. (Must remember that tip for future use)
    I love your header with the horses. I did read your previous blog with the horses, but I don't comment on each of your posts (but i do read them)
    Happy T-Day,

  14. Um, Yes please! I'll take two! Your pie looks and sounds delicious. I am drooling. And your crust is fancy. Good for you for making the best of your power outage. Those strawberries are beautiful.
    Happy Tea Day,

  15. I'm glad your electricity came back on.

    I like strawberries however they come lol That pie looks delicious! Happy T Tuesday

  16. We had a small power outage last night...if I hadn't been awake late reading I'd have never know...until morning that is when the microwave and stove were b;inking at me.
    I miss strawberries. I've become allergic to them. I get hives all over my face. So sad. At least I'm allergic to bananas too so all those strawberry banana treats are completely off the table with no regret. :)
    Happy T day!

  17. Fresh strawberries are one of the real joys of this time of the year, although I have to say that this year's local crop is not as sweet as in years past.

  18. That is a lovely lot of strawberries … very delicious.

    All the best Jan


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