Friday, July 19, 2019

The Heat is Here

Hi there! It is almost the weekend and the heat is here! It is supposed to be an unhealthy hot for so many people this weekend. If that is you, please stay smart and try to be cool!
Today I will begin with a tag for Tag Tuesday and their Circle challenge.

I used images from a set of Paper Artsy stamps and I also pulled out my label maker the other day.  It's been gathering dust in its cubby for a few years now. I also played with a bit of acetate and stamping also.
And since the heat is on, let me show you this funny self portrait I did in my summer journal. I made this back in late June when the water was still pretty cold. All is drawn and hand painted except for the little word clouds which I hand cut out and stamped with the brrr phrase.
I am linking up to Chris' challenge at Art Journal Journey because today we are all go swimming. Hope you know how, but if not, you can always just wade in a bit.
Have a great start to your weekend.


  1. Yup, it’s here too. I love Brrrr...and the way it makes me feel!

  2. That's a wonderful tag with circles, thanks so much for joining us again at Tag Tuesday, much appreciated. Love that wonderful portrait of you in the water, just fantastic. We've got hot weather on it's way here, too, and I'm not really looking forward to it- Have a great weekend, keep cool! Hugs, Valerie

  3. I love round and round :) I enjoy the hot and humid summertime and don't appreciate cold water for swimming no matter how hot it is. Brrrr indeed! lol

  4. Your circle tag looks great. I'm enjoying that theme and might try to make another tag for it. I liked your brrr swimming art piece. Oh, for those cool waters right now. The overcast skies this morning kept the temperature from skyrocketing too fast, but then the sun came out. Try to stay cool. You'll probably get hotter in NH than I do in CT, but a large swath of us will bake during this heat wave.

  5. Hope you enjoyed your swim in the water. What a fun spread in your journal. I love how you cut all the little word clouds out and put "Brr" on them.
    A real fun spread.
    Hugs, Neet (in the rain, absolute downpours today - no sunshine in the north of England) xx

  6. It is rally too hot here as well-high 90's f actual temperatures. we are staying in the woods home today as we both are just feeling the heat too much. I love your tag and your summer self portrait has me smiling
    Stay cool Hugs Kathy

  7. Yes, I can swim. But I don't like cold water and hardly ever swim in the sea as it is invariably too cold for my liking. So I admire your courage, dipping in the cold water.
    The tag is wonderful and perfect for the circle challenge.
    Have a lovely weekend,

  8. Your tag reminds me of passport stamps. And a dip in the lake will be perfect for this weekend. Stay cool!

  9. That's a really awesome tag. I've also been thinking about digging out my label maker. Sometimes old things need to be dusted off and used. You proved that with this great tag.

    Before I get to your journal entry, I wanted to tell you I forgot to mention yesterday that I have been to every state capitol in the lower 48. It was one of my "bucket list" (before bucket lists existed) requirements I set for myself. I thought Bismarck's capitol building was the most unusual and un-capitol-ish (sorry if that's not a word) of all the capitol buildings.

    Your swim may have been BRRR in June, but today it would be a welcome reprieve. I love how you drew yourself in the pool. It was a great image and very well done, too. Thanks for sharing it with us using Chris's theme at Art Journal Journey, dear Erika.

  10. Ooh! lovely tag! I've been using those stamps too! I love you collage although I will just wade thank you....I'm not a great swimmer! Thank you so much for sharing your fun collage at Art Journal Journey! Chrisx

  11. I love both of these. The circles have wonderful movement and the self-portrait is WONDERUL!

  12. Fabulous tag and journal page and journal page, thank you for joining us on Tag Tuesday.
    Hugs Wendy

  13. Simply adore your fun page Erika, and your tag is fab too!
    Happy Sunday,
    Alison xx

  14. A really super page Erika, it may have been cool in the water, but I'm sure it must be very welcome on the hot summer days that we seem to be getting this month.
    Yvonne xx

  15. A fantastic tag and I adore this amazing portrait of you in the water...superb! A fantastic entry for AJJ!
    Thank you for another fantastic entry for AJJ!

    Big hugs,Susi

  16. Such a happy post, thanks for the smiles! I'm loving your fun portrait 😉. Happy wishes! Hugs, Jo x


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